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Noam Chomsky Has 'Never Seen Anything Like This'

Noam Chomsky Has 'Never Seen Anything Like This'
Noam Chomsky is America’s greatest intellectual. His massive body of work, which includes nearly 100 books, has for decades deflated and exposed the lies of the power elite and the myths they perpetrate. Chomsky has done this despite being blacklisted by the commercial media, turned into a pariah by the academy and, by his own admission, being a pedantic and at times slightly boring speaker. He combines moral autonomy with rigorous scholarship, a remarkable grasp of detail and a searing intellect. He curtly dismisses our two-party system as a mirage orchestrated by the corporate state, excoriates the liberal intelligentsia for being fops and courtiers and describes the drivel of the commercial media as a form of “brainwashing.” “It is very similar to late Weimar Germany,” Chomsky told me when I called him at his office in Cambridge, Mass. “The United States is extremely lucky that no honest, charismatic figure has arisen,” Chomsky went on. “I listen to talk radio,” Chomsky said. Related:  Coté Anarchie

What the Fu*k is Going On with the World? The world just keeps getting crazier. On so many levels and in so many ways, epic alterations are taking place, which reinforces the old wisdom that the only constant is change. Let’s start with the geopolitical and economic instability that is unprecedented in human history. There are not only civil and transnational wars in the Middle East, Africa, Europe and elsewhere, but there is the strong potential for a global conflict to escalate into full-blown nuclear and chemical engagement. As a result of these wars, millions of people are being displaced from their homes and are fleeing to nations that are already struggling economically. There are also currency wars. The fact remains that individuals are listening to their inner voice which is demanding they wake up to the truths of reality. This is further amplified by all the dysfunction that we see in the world today. The outcomes of an increasingly unstable global economy will help drive this home for many more people too. Just.

Impresa, desiderio, ricchezza / L'anima al lavoro — Franco Berardi Bifo — OperaViva Magazine Nella sua accezione rinascimentale e umanistica, con la parola impresa si intende l’attività che si organizza per dare al mondo la sua forma umana. L’impresa dell’artista rinascimentale è il segno e la condizione dell’indipendenza della sfera umana dal fato e dalla volontà divina. Nel pensiero di Machiavelli l’intrapresa è tutt’uno con la politica, che si emancipa dalla fortuna e pone in essere la repubblica, spazio nel quale le volontà umane costruiscono e confrontano la loro astuzia, la loro capacità di creazione. Nella sua accezione capitalistica la parola impresa acquista nuove coloriture, pur non perdendo il senso di azione libera e costruttiva. E le nuove coloriture stanno tutte nella opposizione tra impresa e lavoro. L’impresa (indipendentemente dalla relazione giuridica tra proprietà e lavoro) tende a essere il nucleo intorno a cui si addensa il desiderio, l’oggetto di un investimento non più solo economico ma psichico Cosa vuol dire ricchezza?

The Great Forgetting: It Happened 10,000 Years Ago and It Completely Affects Your Life By Daniel Quinn / (Excerpted from the book, The Story of B) With every audience and every individual, I have to begin by making them see that the cultural self-awareness we inherit from our parents and pass on to our children is squarely and solidly built on a Great Forgetting that occurred in our culture worldwide during the formative millennia of our civilization. What happened was that Neolithic farming communes turned into villages, villages turned into towns, and towns were gathered into kingdoms. We can hardly be surprised that the forgetting took place. By the time anyone was ready to write the human story, the foundation events of our culture were ancient, ancient developments - but this didn’t make them unimaginable. In the absence of any other theory, it seemed reasonable (even inescapable) to suppose that the human race must have begun with a single human couple, an original man and woman. But here is one of the most amazing occurrences in all of human history. Q.

Ossessione identitaria e fertilità della razza — Franco Berardi Bifo — OperaViva Magazine Poco alla volta cominciamo a capire che il capitalismo democratico perde energia e futuro, forse perché alla lunga la democrazia non può convivere con il capitalismo Nei decenni culminanti della modernità considerammo il Nazismo un fenomeno estinto, passato, cancellato dalla storia. Per tranquillità lo definimmo Male Assoluto, e non se ne parla più. Identificando il nazismo con Auschwitz abbiamo finito per accettare Gaza, pensando: quello che accade è terribile, ma non è mica Auschwitz. Stiamo tranquilli. La forma storica del nazional-socialismo hitleriano non si ripresenterà, ovviamente. E aggiunge: «l’orrore del regno che viene supererà di gran lunga quello di ieri che, al confronto, apparirà soltanto come un teatro sperimentale di provincia, una prova generale del totalitarismo agghindato da stupida ideologia» (G. Il primo è quello di cui parla Anders: il primato del funzionale, il primato della perfezione tecnica rispetto alle forme irregolari della vita.

Fukushima: The Extinction-Level Event That No One Is Talking About Source: | Original Post Date: March 30, 2015 – March 11, 2011: A massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan, triggering a devastating tsunami, which left parts of the country in utter shambles. Official reports claim that 15,891 people lost their lives, 6,152 were injured and 2,584 were reported missing. This was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded to have struck Japan, and the fourth most powerful in the world, since modern record keeping began in 1900.[1] This earthquake was so intense in magnitude, that it shifted Honshu, the main island of Japan by an estimated eight feet and actually shifted the Earth’s axis by between four and ten inches![2] Japan is a nation containing many nuclear reactors which produce roughly 30% of the nation’s electricity.[3] The majority of operable nuclear reactors are right along the coast, in one of the most seismically active areas on the entire planet! USA Today headline from Dec, 2013. Notes:

International Errorist What is Errorism Errorism is a practical philosophy. A cultural, scientific, political and spiritual movement, which bases its action in error, erring as a principle and practice in daily life. Errorists from different corners of the planet have been gathered in the Errorist International movement. What is ERRORISTAS.ORG A social network and community to share and enjoy our errors, to err collectively with other errorists around the world. How to participate. How to collaborate. If you would like to join us as a permanent collaborator/ If you are developer and wish to collaborate with our website and help with programming and working out bugs (coding errors)/ If you have ideas which could help to find resources to support this project: NOTE: This is a nonprofit project that seeks to develop and spread the ideas and practices of Errorism. This web site encourages sharing of content under the principles of copy-left and creative commons licenses.

ZNet About 1,600 people have so far signed up on the We Stand Site. We need a great many more for this effort to sustain positive activity.Please Sign. Please take the statement to relatives, friends, schoolmates, and workmates. Please visit the site, read the statement, and join them and others to sign…dfhd An Anarchist Blog Introduction to Parecon: The Basics of Participatory Economics The following are installments for a column run in the Nashville Free Press. Participatory Economics, or Parecon for short, is an economic model developed by Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel as an alternative to capitalism. As I did not come up with this economic model, much was certainly borrowed from Albert and Hahnel for this column (some points and examples come directly from Albert). If you want to find out more about Parecon ahead of my pieces, you can visit the Z PARECON Page for books, articles, and presentations exploring all aspects of Participatory Economics. If you have specific Parecon questions (or challenges) for me, you are welcome to submit them at lonnie (at), and hopefully I can address a good number of these publicly in columns after the conclusion of this series. Installment 1 of 13 Over the next several months, I will be offering pieces introducing readers of the Nashville Free Press to the basics of Participatory Economics. Installment 2 of 13

Quarant'anni dopo, perché vi interessa ancora Radio Alice? di Valerio Minnella Pochi giorni fa è venuto ad intervistarmi un giornalista-scrittore, Luca Rota, che sta lavorando ad un piccolo nuovo libro su Radio Alice, che sarà presto nelle librerie. Luca, fra l’altro, mi ha domandato «Cosa resta oggi di Radio Alice, dopo quasi 40 anni? In tema di retaggio mediatico ma, ancor più, tematico, filosofico, “spirituale”…» Lì per lì gli ho risposto «Questa domanda dovrei sottoporla io a te, non viceversa. In questi giorni con Nino, uno dei compagni di un tempo, abbiamo cominciato la ristrutturazione del sito, che mettemmo in piedi alla fine degli anni ’90 e che dal 2002 era lì abbandonato; Quando sono andato ad integrare la pagina che raccoglie tutti i libri che parlano di Alice, fra quelli specifici sulla Radio, che ne parlano a fondo, e quelli che la citano solo, ne ho contati più di venti e so che qualcuno ancora manca. Allora la domanda di Luca mi è tornata in testa. Sono quarant’anni che è nata Radio Alice. Vm d Febbraio 1976.

An Interview Introducing and Exploring Parecon | Envisioning a Post-Capitalist Order 1. Where did parecon come from? What is its history? Participatory economics, or parecon, came mainly from the cumulative struggles of diverse populations trying to win liberation from capitalism. I once heard about a strike, billed as the first, by Egyptian peasants against a Pharaoh who moved from requiring six days labor on the pyramid a week, to requiring seven days, and from providing food to providing nothing. Parecon meaning classlessness most broadly was born when revolutionaries of various camps began imagining and seeking a classless economy. Parecon itself, the model, came into being more recently, however, with a particular conception of defining institutions, when Robin Hahnel and I thought through our reactions to various schools of anti capitalist activism, and set out our views in a book titled Looking Forward, about sixteen years ago. 2. Both. I think the model is accurate regarding broad defining features. 3. 4. 5. We want two things from a remunerative norm. 6. 7. 8.
