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Universal property of music discovered

Universal property of music discovered
Researchers at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam have discovered a universal property of musical scales. Until now it was assumed that the only thing scales throughout the world have in common is the octave. The many hundreds of scales, however, seem to possess a deeper commonality: if their tones are compared in a two- or three-dimensional way by means of a coordinate system, they form convex or star-convex structures. Convex structures are patterns without indentations or holes, such as a circle, square or oval. Almost all music in the world is based on an underlying scale from which compositions are built. 1000 scales By placing scales in a coordinate system (an 'Euler lattice') they can be studied as multidimensional objects. The research results were recently published in the scientific Journal of New Music Research. Related:  .caissons.caissons

the best thing i learned today – The Mathematics in Music I went to a very interesting performance today: “The Mathematics in Music: a concert-conversation with Elaine Chew”, in Killian Hall at MIT. Elaine is visiting Harvard for the year from USC, where she is a professor. She has an amazingly broad background that is super-pleasing… having studied math, computer science, music performance, and operations research. Elaine performed four piano pieces, three of which were composed just for her, that use playful tricks in math as compositional inspiration. Composing with a meter determined by the numbers in a row (or column) of a completed Sudoku puzzle. Elaine and her colleague, Alexandre Francois, developed a way of visualizing tonality called MuSA.RT, which accompanied her during two of the pieces. No Comments Be the first to comment! Trackback URI

Pearltrees: A Unique Way to Discover & Organize « Zorap Creates Traveling Geeks Virtual Geek Pad for France Blogging Tour | Main | Orange Highlights at LeWeb #leweb » December 07, 2009 Pearltrees: A Unique Way to Discover & Organize on the Web Pearltrees CEO Patrice Lamothe meets us at the door of their offices on rue de charonne in a funky, artsy area of Paris that houses other early stage companies and ad agencies, not unlike San Francisco's SOMA in many ways. Coffee waiting? He's not an unknown personality in Silicon Valley so some of us had heard of, tried, tested and demoed Pearltrees before. "Building an organization on the web touches on how you organize your stuff in the real world. Pause....a nearby church bell rings on the half hour. Pearltrees allows you to get in touch with others who share mutual interests around the way you 'organize yourself on the web.' Visually it looks a bit like the brain......not unlike a mind map, but that's not the point of the app, which is all done in flex btw. Who uses it? TrackBack Comments

"squares" meaning A fine article. But as a resident of Japan who's spent over half his life speaking Japanese, let me take this chance to address one common myth. "Kaizen" in Japanese does NOT mean "continual improvement", or have any mystical managerial significance. It's a mundane, generic word meaning "improvement" - any improvement, continual or not. If you step up to something, make a quick, one-shot improvement, and walk away forever saying "All done! (An aside: Leading Japanese companies like Toyota make continual improvement a core practice. Toyota and some of its contemporaries have indeed developed advanced, powerful methods for continuous operational improvement, within the context of their industries. Of course, if modern management gurus in the US (or wherever) want to latch on to the word "kaizen" as the new name for "continuous improvement", they're welcome to do so; words gain new meanings all the time.

Why Resonant Frequencies Matter to Your Audio Setup - CE Pro Magazine Article from CE Pro You hear resonant frequencies every hour of every day of your life. You may not know it, but you hear them. A resonant frequency is the tone given off when an object resonates -- simple enough. Add more water, the tone gets lower. For integrators, understanding resonant frequencies can help clarify why one set of speakers sounds better than another. Every object in the world has a resonant frequency. A lightweight object will generally have a higher resonant frequency than a heavy object. The density of the object also enters into the equation. The answer, of course, is that they weigh the same. The density of the two materials, however, is substantially different. Speaker manufacturers care about resonant frequencies, as those frequencies can color the sound of the speaker they are trying to build. If a note is played through a speaker, and that note is at the resonant frequency of the speaker, the speaker cabinet will radiate that sound.

Music theory and art aesthetics. Can melody be rated? I'm not exactly sure of the general consensus, but I have often heard the opinion that with music for example: "There can be no final, or definitive judgement" or that "One person's subjective opinion is just as valid as another - and that it's only a matter of personal preference". In other words, many believe that music is only good because our minds are individually (and in different ways) - 'programmed' or 'geared' (for whatever reasons) to enjoy it from their perspective. This is called the "Subjective or Relative Aesthetics View" Well, no doubt people's 'taste' is biased (to varying degrees) due to a number of reasons:- what they're 'used to' hearing, 'cultural trend', simply their quality of taste in music, or even 'nostalgia' (though obviously a tune could still be nostalgic to someone and good). For the sake of argument, I'm going to focus on music with a mini-section on what makes the best graphics/pictures near the end of this article. Maybe. Take chess. Difficult question.

PearlTrees: A Novel Approach To Human Mapping Of The Internet - Posted by Tom Foremski - November 16, 2009 Patrice Lamothe is the CEO of PearlTrees, an unique social bookmarking service that uses the visual metaphor of "pearls" with each containing a web page. And like all visual metaphors it is best to see it rather than read a description. Here is a quick video and a sample image: "PearlTrees is a way for people to map the Internet by collecting related web pages. He says that social bookmarking, through services such as Delicious, has failed. Social bookmarking has failed, he says, because tagging links is not a good way to organize the web. The company has several thousand users in France and will formally announce the service in the US around February. Mr Lamothe says that a high percentage of users are women, and many users aren't geeks. PearlTrees has an excellent user interface and is designed to allow people to learn its features through what Mr Lamothe describes as "social play." Revenue could come from several sources. Try it for yourself.

Christianisme ancien Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ichtus, symbole des premiers chrétiens. Parler de christianisme primitif pose déjà un débat quant aux dates de commencement et de fin de la période selon qu'on adopte : une perspective théologique ;la synthèse historique selon l'école européenne ;la nouvelle analyse historique selon l'école anglo-saxonne. Les visions théologiques ayant été traitées dans divers articles, celui-ci se limite aux propos historiques concernant les christianismes anciens. Il traite donc du milieu culturel qui donne naissance au christianisme, du débat historique entre les deux écoles de part et d'autre de l'Atlantique et du vocabulaire dont il est usuel de nommer les éléments des christianismes anciens. Le milieu de naissance du christianisme[modifier | modifier le code] Cartographie[modifier | modifier le code] Le croquis ci-dessus représente les schémas de filiation des diverses sectes judéo-chrétiennes[5] dans la version du consensus actuel parmi les chercheurs.

Quartz Crystals The following comes from Electron Tubes by John Morecroft, 1933 starting page 334... Fixing Frequency by Piezo-electric Crystal There are certain crystals, notably quartz and Rochelle salts, which show the phenomenon of piezo-electricity, or development of electric charge as a result of pressure. This peculiar action makes it possible to control the frequency of oscillation of a triode by the mechanical vibration of a piece of quartz. The application of the quartz resonators for fixing the frequency of oscillation of a station has been developed mostly by W. In Fig. 12-20 (to be drawn and included) is shown a common arrangement for a standard frequency oscillator. *2 A small disc of quartz, perhaps as big as a dime, is loosely held between two metal plates A and B, forming a minute grid condenser. Characteristics of Piezoelectric Quartz A normal quartz crystal is somewhat hexagonal in form, more or less pointed at one end. Mounting of Oscillating Plates Temperature Effects in Quartz

Grammatika by Troy A Peterson We're making an app, 3 videos and a poster that will help you turn your guitar, bass, piano or ukelele into a musical light saber by connecting it to the Force. Well, the Circle of Fifths and Nashville #'s. You'll still need a music teacher to become a Jedi but the app, vids and poster are guaranteed to raise your musiclorean levels. By backing this Kickstarter you'll help cover the costs for: Video 1 How to Play the Grammatika/Music Theory in Plain English 1. Video 2 Turn plain English into Musical Nomenclature 1. Video 3 1. The app itself combines the Circle of Fifths and Scale Scale Degrees and creates and a fingering chart that will turn your instrument into a light saber.

Review: pearltrees and Evernote | Kip McGrath Professional Tutoring Leeds Here are recommendations for two online services or cloud services I am using at the moment. Under review for about 6 weeks, pearltrees is new to me but I’ve been using Evernote for a couple of years. Both are great for everyday use but there are particular ways they are good for teachers and tutors and for students. pearltrees (Free or Premium is $44 a year) Well Done! Pearltrees showed up on StumbleUpon quite a few times over the last year or so. As a tutor, there are several things I love about pearltrees. Pearltrees is essentially an online bookmarks bar. Collaboration is great too. One last great thing about Pearltrees is that it can show similar subject areas. See me! Premium is $44 a year but that does enable privacy. Evernote (Free or $35 a year/$4 a month) Well done! I think I also found Evernote on StumbleUpon but it has become so embedded in what I do I can’t quite remember! Evernote does do some of what pearltrees does but collects all your personal notes as well. See Me!
