17 Apart Living Homegrown — Exploring how to live homegrown, local and fresh from the garden Homemade Ice Cream in a Bag: Summer Crafts for Kids: Easy Homemade Ice Cream Recipes This photo originally appeared in FamilyFun Magazine Prep Time 5 minutes Forget endlessly cranking the handle of an ice-cream maker. After combining the ingredients, each kid can simply shake up his or her own pouch of soft serve -- and it's done in just 5 minutes. For 30+ more treats that give Baskin-Robbins® a run for its money, visit our Best Ice Cream Recipes gallery. What you'll need Ice cubes (enough to fill each gallon-size bag about half full) 1 cup half and half 1/2 cup salt (The bigger the granules, the better. How to make it Combine the sugar, half and half, and vanilla extract in the pint-size bag and seal it tightly.
Which VPN Providers Really Take Anonymity Seriously? | TorrentFreak - Iceweasel As detailed in yesterday’s article, if a VPN provider carries logs of their users’ activities the chances of them being able to live up to their claim of offering an anonymous service begins to decrease rapidly. There are dozens of VPN providers, many of which carry marketing on their web pages which suggests that the anonymity of their subscribers is a top priority. But is it really? Over the past two weeks TorrentFreak contacted some of the leading, most-advertised, and most talked about VPN providers in the file-sharing and anonymity space. 1. 2. This article does not attempt to consider the actual quality of service offered by any listed provider, nor does it consider whether any service is good value for money. P2P Supporting VPN providers NordVPN Response to Q1: As stated in our terms of service, we do not monitor, record or store any VPN user logs. Response to Q2: The registered company name is Tefincom co S.A., and it operates under the jurisdiction of Panama. NordVPN website 1.
Jam Hands Delightful Crumb | by Stacy Ladenburger Food & Drink Infographics | Infographic Journal Which Countries Wine Down The Most? Wine drinking isn’t a contest, at least not a close one. In fact, wine has been a dietary staple since the beginning of recorded human history. It may not surprise you to learn that Italy, France, and Spain produce the most wine in the world, but did you know that Vatican City is the greatest consumer per capita? A Bottle of Red, A Bottle of White: Europe’s Wine Regions Once you’ve made it to Southern Europe you’ll find that there is an incredible variety of wines produced in a wide variety of wine regions. Beginner’s Guide To Homebrewing You might think that brewing your own beer is a big hassle, but once you learn the basic technique, your craft will pay off. 5 Best Herbs for Energy Everyone has those days when they just can’t seem to find enough energy. The Truth About Superfoods This infographic offers an insight into the world of superfoods and questions some of many claims that are made about them. Snack Stash – What Snack Personality Are You?
10 Best Websites To Find Awesome Camping Recipes & Outdoor Cooking Tips Summer is almost upon the northern hemisphere, and official camping season is just around the corner. An important and integral part of any camping trip, be it car camping, backpacking or just a day camp in the woods, is camping food. It never ceases to amaze me how simple ingredients cooked on a fire can become so delicious just by the change of settings. There are lots of websites offering camping recipes and cooking tips, and the variety of recipes that exist is amazing. Scoutorama.com Scoutorama offers a huge list of camping and Dutch oven recipes. To make is easier to find specific recipes, the site also offers an advanced recipe search, where you can search for recipes by keywords, meal type and type of camping. Camp Recipes Camp Recipes includes 741 recipes, divided into 18 different categories. You can search through the recipes only by keywords. KOA – Kampgrounds of America Some recipes are submitted by KOA itself, while others were submitted by readers. About.com BBC GoodFood
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The Girl Who Ate Everything | Quick and Easy Family Recipes Kitchen Konfidence | Seasonal Recipes | San Diego Blog Asian Pickles: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Cured, and Fermented Preserves from Korea, Japan, China, India, and Beyond - Karen Solomon - Food Writer/Cookbook Author Homemade Junk Food: The Cookbook | Good. Food. Stories. We’ve had some fun travels down junk food memory lane over the past few years. Together we’ve chomped on Cheez-Its, gone wild for Cheez Whiz, flirted with Fig Newtons, puckered up to Pinkberry… and now there’s going to be a whole lot more on the plate. Yes, it’s true. I sincerely hope no one plans on counting the calories in these recipes. And there is real American history in each bite, which I’ll share with sidebars and factoids on the history and evolution of our country’s beloved junk food.
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