Gardeners Calendar - Gardening App for Android Phones
Take the Gardeners Calendar everywhere with our Android App. The App gives you a monthly guide to the garden and various gardening guides which we are continuously updating. There is also a daily moon planting guide, and a list of plants with information on soil types, pH, sowing month etc. All this for the bargain price of £1. We are updating the App all the time and once you have bought it you will receive free updates as and when they come out. Download the !
Lunar Planting
What if we told you that mowing your lawn on certain days would mean you could mow less often? Before you roll your eyes, think about it. The moon influences more than the ocean tides. Many scientists insist that the myth that a full moon affects the behavior of humans, animals and plants is a bunch of baloney. Before I go further, let me tease you with a possibility: What if mowing your lawn during certain phases of the moon retarded growth which meant you didn't have to mow as often? According to a National Geographic news article more gardeners today are turning to the moon for sage advice on the best time to plant, prune, weed, and harvest. Gardening by the moon is as old as time. Moon gardening has been passed down through many generations. The moon controls ocean tides, influences the groundwater tables beneath our feet and the movement of fluids in plants. How to garden by moon phases The moon moves through a complete cycle every 29 days.
When to Plant Vegetables
Learning when to plant vegetables is key to a successful garden. Some vegetables will thrive in spring and fall, while others will produce better during midsummer. If you spend the time to understand when to plant your vegetable garden, you can ensure that you will have vegetables maturing throughout the summer. There are four main vegetable garden planting periods: Early spring - as soon as the ground can be worked (soil temp. of ~5°C or 40°F) Midspring - approximately 2 weeks before the last expected frost date Early summer - when the trending weather provides warm sun and soil Midsummer to Fall - late June until two and half months before the first killing frost of Fall Seed or Seedling (Transplant) Planting a vegetable garden outdoors can begin with either a seed or a seedling (transplant). Guidelines: When To Plant Vegetables Knowing when to plant vegetables can be difficult. When To Plant Vegetables Table - Planting Guidelines Planting a Vegetable Garden Indoors
BackYard Chickens
One of the Many Benefits of Raising Chickens: Composting with Chickens Recently delivered 30 yard dumpster of hay, shavings & manure - 8-27-2011 After four months of the chickens working the compost - 12-31-2011 (this picture was taken where those trees are in the first picture) Regardless of whether you would like to start raising chickens or have been raising them for decades, it’s a known fact that chickens love to scratch. That’s how many once green fenced chicken yards become barren brown wastelands. By now, you must be thinking, this article is about the benefits of raising chickens, not their downsides. Because part of the chicken yard is on a slight side hill, the chickens kept on scratching everything downhill, I added boards to "terrace" the compost area. Chickens and compost are “a match made in heaven”, because of their love of digging and scratching. Vermont Composting Company Some people are against chickens working with compost, and they have their “legitimate” reasons.
Kalender plantering trädgårdsväxter
När att plantera plantor. Villkor plantering trädgårdsväxter När du planterar plantorna? Kalender växande plantor Den optimala tiden för plantering - när månen är under horisonten, har som inte redan gått eller borta, undvika särskilt öster och väster av månen. För bästa skörden grädde så frön i marken under växt månaderna - från nymåne till fullmåne, företrädesvis närmare månen. Men i New Moon, den här gången i frö livskraft minst, de kan inte växa. Kalender av planterings plantor av köksväxter Kultur Plantering plantor Plantering (eller sådd) i den öppna marken Anis Basilika Aubergine 5-25,5 (kan behöva täcka) Bönor 10,4-15,5 (kan behöva täcka) Kålrot 20,4-15,6 (vuxit som plantor och bezrozsadnym sätt) Ärtor 15,4 till 5,7 (med förbehåll för mark uppvärmningen än 6 grader) Senap blad Melon 10-30,5 (förutsatt uppvärmning av marken över 15 grader) Strawberry Squash, zucchini 20,5-10,6 (förutsatt uppvärmning av marken över 11 grader) Kål tidigt Kål Kål sent Broccoli 25,4 (kan behöva täcka) -30,6 Kål kålrabbi Cress
Jackie’s tips for hardcore homesteading by Jackie Clay
Many of us have a garden and enjoy fresh vegetables during the summer and fall. Maybe we even have a few chickens for eggs and meat. But many of us may want to extend our homesteading to what I call "hard-core" homesteading. Luckily, most of us with a piece of out-of-the-way land can become nearly "store-bought-free," raising much of what we need in nearly the same way as did our ancestors. There is a vast difference between this type of survival homesteading and stars-in-the-eyes, back-to-nature, recreational homesteading to relieve stress and provide enjoyment. The survival garden It has been said that one can raise enough food for a family of four in a 50- by 50-foot space. When one needs a garden to put up food, not only for the winter but possibly for a year or two, we're talking about at least an acre of intense cropping. And if there are no store shelves to choose from, we will all need to take care of our own needs at home. You can't grow everything, everywhere.
Såkalender på Skillnadens | Skillnadens Trädgård | Sara Bäckmo
Nu har jag listat årets sådder, månad för månad. Vill du ha tips på när var och hur jag sår är det här du ska kolla. Det har gått ett år sedan jag månadsvis började sammanställa sådder i en slags såkalender här på bloggen. Nu när vi står inför ett nytt år passar det bra att tipsa om inläggen eftersom jag vet att många vill ha konkreta tips på när jag sår och var. Det här är ingen exakt sammanställning, se det som ett utkast. Vill du ha en tydligare sammanställning finns den i boken Skillnadens Trädgård – Ett ekologiskt trädgårdsskafferi. JanuariFebruariMarsAprilMajJuniJuliAugustiSeptemberOktoberNovemberDecember Ge gärna tips när, var och hur du sår och justeringar som kan vara bra att göra beroende på odlingszoner.
Survival Garden, Be Prepared For Disaster or Food Shortage Emergency
Growing A Survival Garden May Soon Become A Necessity! Have you considered that... survival gardening may soon be a true matter of survival and not just a choice? With the rapid decline of our financial system and food supply, grocery store produce and other products, may soon be at a crisis level shortage like we have never seen. At that point, gardening would no longer be a "choice" for a more self sufficient lifestyle, it would be a matter of survival for everyone! With the costs of living rising all the time, you can see the practical benefits of growing your own garden... you can save money, increase your family's health, and become more self sufficient all at the same time by growing vegetables in your backyard. Take advantage of whatever garden space you have, even if your garden may not provide all the food that you need, it will have a dramatic effect in reducing your food bill. Consider some of the benefits of growing your own garden... 1. Small Garden Space Larger Garden Space