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Research + Tools

Research + Tools
Omeka Designed for cultural institutions, enthusiasts, and educators, Omeka is a platform for publishing online collections and exhibitions. Learn More | Visit the Site Zotero Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. Learn More | Visit the Site PressForward PressForward is pioneering new methods to capture and highlight orphaned or underappreciated scholarship and share it with digital humanists across the web. Learn More | Visit the Site Scripto Scripto is a free, open source tool that enables community transcriptions of document and multimedia files. Learn More | Visit the Site Let host your collections, research, exhibits, and digital projects. Learn More | Visit the Site Anthologize Anthologize is a free, open-source, plugin that transforms WordPress into a platform for publishing electronic texts. Learn More | Visit the Site THATCamp Learn More | Visit the Site Serendip-o-matic One Week One Tool

Bienvenue sur Glinkr HISTOIRE-GEOGRAPHIE EN LP A DIJON Cher(e)s collègues, À l’aube de cette nouvelle année scolaire que je vous souhaite riche et fructueuse, il convient d’évoquer succinctement quelques points marquants relatifs à l’enseignement de nos disciplines. Pour plus d’exhaustivité, vous pouvez vous reporter aux différentes rubriques du site académique que Sylvain PÉROT anime de main de maître, comme la liste de diffusion aux professeurs de lettres-histoire, ce dont je le remercie vivement. Depuis 2011, les nouveaux programmes de baccalauréat professionnel sont intégralement en vigueur, de la Seconde à la Terminale. Tous les diplômes de CAP - BEP sont aujourd’hui rénovés. Les nouvelles modalités d’examen , référées aux programmes de 2009 et 2010 (baccalauréat professionnel et CAP), s’appliquent donc sans aucune exception , tant en français qu’en histoire-géographie - éducation civique. Résultats de l’épreuve d’HGEC du BEP rénové* Résultats de l’épreuve d’HGEC du Baccalauréat professionnel* Bien cordialement, Thierry Falconnet

ICT4D Blog A simple pathway for open enhanced research - ICT4D Blog For the last 10 years I have been developing my own strategy for open enhanced research — you can also call it e-research, research 2.0, science 2.0, or even digital scholarship. What follows is a simplification of the pathway that can be walked since one has an idea for a research topic/project until outcomes come up and end up in conclusions… conclusions that should feed one’s next research idea. And so on. And how can the so-called tools of the web 2.0, social media contribute to open up research, to find kindred souls, to test your thoughts and ideas by sheer exposure, to bridge the ivory tower with citizens’ lives… and to be somewhat accountable to taxpayers if you are in a public institution. It is by no means an exhaustive map of all that can be done in research, the web 2.0 and social media, and the tools and services here presented are just mere suggestions or indications where to begin with. It should be taken as what it is, a simple pathway, not even a roadmap.

Social Media Marketing with Book and Writing Coach Judy Cullins by Dana Lynn Smith Dana Lynn Smith knows online networking like no other guru. She’s taught me a lot and will you too. Thanks for sharing Judy. Roger Boneno Online networking is a wonderful way to meet people who share your interests, develop relationships with peers and potential customers, and ultimately increase book sales. But there’s sometimes a fine line between letting your contacts know about your book and being overly promotional. Here are seven common mistakes that authors make in online networking, along with tips on how to avoid them: Published by Judy Cullins Never Miss a New Post! OK. My own early mistakes included not updating my original LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, and not being set up for big success with my blog articles (creating content is so important for sales later) on writing books, promotions, blogs and social media marketing. Most people want to know what do first, second, third, and the rest… Step One. That means add a WordPress blog to it. 1.

Mapping the Republic of Letters Voltaire's places of publication (1712-1800) Lead: Dan Edelstein Start Date: September 2012 Team: Glauco Mantegari Map data ©2018 Google, INEGI, ORION-ME Terms of Use Statistics on editions Total number: 1973 With stated place: 1370 Without stated place: 604 Stated place true: 1194 Stated place false: 162 With actual place: 1678 Without any place: 280 With fantasy places: 10 About This is an experimental visualization of publication data taken from the BnF catalogue. Related Voltaire's Correspondence View an instance of Ink loaded with Voltaire's correspondence. Voltaire's Publications Mapping Voltaire's publications with data from the BNF. D'Alembert's Correspondence See a demo of D'Alembert's correspondence network using Ink. Humanities+Design Visit the laboratory web site to learn more about the visualizations. We have received generous funding from © 2013, Stanford University.

Enrichir mon cours Moodle avec les outils du Web Take Online Modules - For Teachers On your own for professional development? Earn a certificate of completion by taking the Library's self-paced interactive modules. Each multimedia-rich program delivers approximately one hour of staff development. Introduction to the Library of CongressGet an overview of the digitized materials and K-12 resources from the Library of Congress. Supporting Inquiry with Primary Sources Teachers and students demonstrate how primary sources can be used to support inquiry learning. Copyright and Primary SourcesLearn how to evaluate primary sources from the Library's collections for the best use within copyright. Analyzing Primary Sources: Photographs and PrintsLearn how photographs and prints from the Library's collections can increase student engagement in the classroom. Analyzing Primary Sources: MapsLearn instructional strategies for using maps in the classroom.

Tour Builder Important: As of July 2021, Google Tour Builder is no longer available. On July 15, 2021, Tour Builder was shut down and the following associated data will be deleted: Links to tours that you created or were shared with you Publicly available tours Information in the Tour Builder Gallery If you want to create new 3D maps and stories about places that matter to you, use the expanded functionality of Google Earth’s creation tools. About Tour Builder When Tour Builder launched in 2013, Google wanted to share a web-based tool that made it easy to add and share photos and videos to a sequence of locations on Earth. With Projects, you can turn our digital globe into your own storytelling canvas and collaborate with others through Google Drive. Learn about Google Earth & Google Earth Pro You can learn more with the Google Earth help center articles and frequently asked questions.

How To Easily Download All Facebook Photos You’re Tagged In You can also create Facebook “tag” photos, which means a person’s profile is linked to the specific picture they appear in. This gives you the very useful ability to quickly view pictures of specific people – all without ever having to dig through a photo album. While it’s great having all of these pictures online, you aren’t guaranteed that they will always be available. You can easily lose access to these photos if Facebook removes an album, if the internet is unavailable, or if the friend who uploaded the photos decides to remove them. It is possible to save Facebook pictures individually, but that can be incredibly tedious if you have a large amount of photos you’d like to download. In this guide, I’ll show you how to download all of the Facebook tag photos that you and your friends are in with a great application called PhotoGrabber. Getting Started To begin, simply head over to the PhotoGrabber homepage and download the application for your operating system.

Stanford | Humanities + Design Ecrire avec le web. Prezi Dans la profusion de nouveautés du Web, il y a incontestablement beaucoup d’outils intéressant mais peu qui semblent révolutionnaires. Il y a eu Google pour la recherche, Wikipédia pour l’intelligence collective Netvibes pour l’agrégation, Twitter pour vibrer en temps réel. Et maintenant y a-t-il Prezi ? Prezi, kezaco ? Prezi est un outil de storytelling permettant de « raconter des histoires » et donc pour faire bref construire des présentations. Si a priori, cela peut sembler n’être qu’un effet sans intérêts, il est en réalité bien plus que cela et modifie de façon majeure la construction de sa présentation. Voici à quoi ressemble un Prezi Pour comprendre le principe du storytelling voir l’article d’Olivier Mondet sur le site du Creg Versailles : Pistes pédagogiques Prezi par la richesse visuelle qu’il offre permet de nombreux usages pédagogiques. Support général de présentation Présentation de cours Exposition d’argumentaire Analyse d’image

Lyonel Kaufmann, pour l'enseignement de l'histoire 2.0 Les enseignants d'histoire - géographie figurent en bonne place dans les utilisateurs des outils numériques en classe. En témoignent notamment, en France, les Clionautes, dont on peut voir les réalisations sur plusieurs sites, comme il est précisé cette semaine dans l'entrevue avec Caroline Jouneau-Sion. En Suisse, le concept d'histoire 2.0 est porté bien haut par Lyonel Kaufmann, professeur-formateur de Didactique de l'histoire à Lausanne (Suisse). Il s'agit pour lui d'intégrer les fonctionnalités du Web 2.0 en histoire et dans son enseignement/apprentissage. Faisons un bref retour en arrière : dans son billet « Et si, à la rentrée, nous passions à l'enseignement de l'histoire 2.0 », publié durant l'été 2007, Kaufmann fait le point sur les possibilités de réalisations curriculaires basées sur le Web 2.0, exemplifiées par des pratiques éducatives. Les blogues et wikis en histoire D'emblée quand on parle de Web 2.0, le blogue s'impose comme outil de mise en ligne de contenus.
