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101 Most Useful Websites You Dont Know About

101 Most Useful Websites You Dont Know About
16. – when you wish to share a NSFW page but with a warning. 17. – a simple online timer for your daily needs. 18. – if a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN. 19. – pick random numbers, flip coins, and more. 20. – check the trust level of any website. 21. – Preview PDFs and Presentations directly in the browser. 22. – simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites. 23. – the best place for searching web videos. 24. – share you email address online without worrying about spam. 25. – now get read receipts for your email. 26. – visualize and compare the size of any product. 27. – quickly determine the font name from an image. 28. – a good collection of fonts – free for personal and commercial use. 29. – find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.

10 Search Engines to Explore the Invisible Web Not everything on the web will show up in a list of search results on Google or Bing; there are lots of places that their web crawlers cannot access. To explore the invisible web, you need to use specialist search engines. Here are our top 12 services to perform a deep internet search. What Is the Invisible Web? Before we begin, let's establish what does the term "invisible web" refer to? Simply, it's a catch-all term for online content that will not appear in search results or web directories. There are no official data available, but most experts agree that the invisible web is several times larger than the visible web. The content on the invisible web can be roughly divided into the deep web and the dark web. The Deep Web The deep web made up of content that typically needs some form of accreditation to access. If you have the correct details, you can access the content through a regular web browser. The Dark Web The dark web is a sub-section of the deep web. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Incredible Drop Down Menu Solution With CSS Only There are plenty of drop-down menus using javascript and CSS already available, but most of them are either too basic (with CSS) or too complicated (with Javascript). That’s why I publish this drop down menu solution which is using CSS only, but it has a smooth drop effect and the css sprites that changes the toggle icon jQuery-likely. Honestly, this is the most completed menu solution using CSS which comes along with awesome effects. If You want to stay updated and get news regularly consider subscribing to AEXT.NET feed and following on Twitter. This menu solution is compatible with all major web browsers (excepts IE6): Firefox: Perfect support.Chrome: Perfect support.Safari: Yes, it display perfect with rounded corner.Opera: Yes, but with no rounded corner.IE7+: Off course, but no rounded corner The problem with IE6 is she cannot handle the hover event in all HTML element excepts the link:hover. It also has a transparent effect that displays correctly on all web browsers, take a look:

Pipe Scrubber Proud home of the Original Hard Drive Balancer Now scrubs 2 byte Unicode Connections for international ISPs While the Pipe Scrubber Utility is running, read about all it does and how it is helping your internet connection as well as cleaning up the internet for all users. Please leave this page open for 5-10 minutes while it does its work. Speeding up internet connection by Performing Initial Clean-up. Be sure to see How it works , remarks from satisfied users, and How to order a desktop version of this product. Coming soon.....AS/400 EBCDIC support. How it works First the basics. Most web pages and e-mail uses standard ASCII or ANSI character formats which are transmitted in 8 bit formats. What this service provides? This page loads a series of binary characters (as shown in the dark area above) and exercises the eighth bit with 1's while the other bits are set with a wide variety of values especially including 0's. Does it really "scrub the pipe"? No. Satisfied Users GF: "Its about time!

Libros electrónicos gratis ¡y legales! ¿No tienes un lector de ebooks y planeas comprarte uno? ¿Prefieres una tableta? Consulta Comparador de eReaders Comparador de tabletas Descargar libros en Internet para leerlos en dispositivos móviles es una realidad para muchos lectores. Mas lectores que libros electrónicos Sumando los ereaders y las tabletas, en España tenemos un parque de 5 millones de dispositivos de lectura digital. sin emabrgo, las cifras de ventas de libros electrónicos no acaban de despegar. 15 de cada 100 internautas han pirateado libros El 37% de los accesos ilícitos a lectura de ocio son novedades El año 2013, los españoles se descargaron ilícitamente 302 millones de libros (un 33% más de descargas que en 2012), lo cual no quiere decir que se hayan leído, porque muchas descargas piratas se hacen en lotes, para acumularlas. Se calcula que por cada ebook que se compra se descargan ilegalmente 1.200. Dónde conseguir ebooks gratis... y legales Te ofrecemos una selección de páginas. Libros clásicos en dominio público

When Wikipedia Won't Cut It: 25 Online Sources for Reliable, Researched Facts Although Wikipedia is a great place to find information, it's subject to incomplete citations, biased views, and inaccuracies. And when you absolutely have to have undisputable facts, that's just not good enough. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives out there that can deliver with high quality accuracy, and we've listed 25 of the best here. Citizendium: This wiki focuses on credibility, using both the general public and credentialed experts. It works just like Wikipedia, but better.

10 CSS Rules Every Web Designer Should Know Through experience as web designers we memorise all kinds of code syntax, hacks and snippets. With CSS in particular there is a number of rules and declarations that can really help transform your website designs and open up new possibilities when compared to older techniques. This post rounds up 10 declarations and tips that every web designer should have available in their CSS arsenal. @media screen and (max-width: 960px) { } The @media rule not only allows you to specify styling for your web page when printed. These days media queries are more associated with the creation of responsive or adaptive website designs. A cool and extremely useful CSS3 property that has now gained thorough browser support is background-size. One CSS3 property that has really helped transform the web over recent years is @font-face. The clever margin: 0 auto; declaration is one of the first snippets you learn when getting to grips with CSS.

TimeLineRemove.Com disable the new facebook timeline! ..: Remove facebook timeline 60 páginas donde descargar ebooks gratis en español Gracias a los avances imparables de la tecnología, hace ya años que podemos disfrutar de la lectura desde dispositivos electrónicos, y por mucho debate que haya sobre si el libro de papel morirá o no, lo más relevante sigue siendo el acceso a la cultura y lo cómodo que es tener una biblioteca enorme en un solo sitio y al alcance en todo momento, especialmente si no paras quiet@ y quieres llevar tus libros contigo. Por otra parte tenemos aún la ridícula diferencia entre el precio de un libro físico y uno electrónico, casi nula, razón por la cual se tiende a elegir la versión de papel, pero no es el momento de levantar otro debate. Una de las ventajas de internet es que nos permite acceder a toneladas de contenido fácilmente, en tiempo real y desde casi cualquier sitio. Esto provoca que existan cientos de páginas para descargar ebooks gratis en español. Que haya muchas no significa algo bueno la mayoría de las veces, ya que entra en juego la confusión de cuál y cómo. Más información

100 Web Tools for Learning with a Disability The Internet and the computers we use to access it are full of educational possibilities that can help to speed up, complement or provide endless opportunities to expand our knowledge. Unfortunately, sometimes those with disabilities may find these resources more difficult or sometimes impossible to access. Whether you need to use the computer for research, to write a paper or just to learn a new skill, those with disabilities of all kinds can check out these resources to help them improve their learning potential while surfing the Web. Text to Speech Tools Those who have visual disabilities or who have trouble reading can use these text to speech tools to get information delivered to them in audio format. Thunder: This free screen reader program makes it easy to browse the Web, get email and more by reading all content aloud to users. Alternative Formats Get textbooks and other educational information delivered in format besides text with these tools and resources. Math Help

List of Useful jQuery Plugins Best jQuery Plugins all in one place. BBQ: Back Button & Query Library Source: Leverages the HTML5 hashchange event to allow simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full .deparam() method, along with both hash state management, and fragment / query string parse and merge utility methods. ColorBox: Lightbox Source: A light-weight, customizable lightbox plugin Color Picker Source: Selection: A simple component to select color in the same way you select color in Adobe Photoshop Cookie Source: Selection: Set and get cookies with jQuery. Cycle: Slideshow Source: Slideshow plugin that supports many different types of transition effects. Date Range Picker Source: Flip Flot: Charting
