Guinea Lynx :: Emergency Medical Guide Become Familiar With These Signs Of Illness A cavy's health can deteriorate very quickly. By the time problems become apparent, illnesses may be life-threatening. Do not hesitate to seek competent veterinary care if you suspect your pig is ill. Signs of illness and possible causes: Refusal to eat or drink (anorexia) -- URI, Malocclusion, other Weight Loss -- Malocclusion, other Labored breathing, wheezing -- URI, Circulatory Problems, other Crusty eyes, sneezing -- URI, other Rough or puffed-up coat -- URI, other Swollen abdomen -- BLOAT, other Dull and/or receding eyes -- URI, other Lethargy, hunched posture -- URI, other Drooling -- Malocclusion, other Watery diarrhea -- Diarrhea, other No feces -- Anorexia (not eating), Bloat, other Unable to urinate -- Bladder Stones, other Blood in urine -- UTI, Bladder Stones, Pyometra, other Bleeding from rectal area -- UTI, Bladder Stones, Pyometra, Retained Placenta, other Limping, hopping -- Injury, Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency, Arthritis, other Sow bleeding
MiAna Land :: Pro Eating Disorder Support Website & Group Forum How To Pick Up Chicks: A Lesbian Guide to Getting Girl-on-Girl Action Hellllloooooo ladiesss, you’re lookin’ good today. As you may or may not know, after a few years of coming out, dating, and general lesbian tomfoolery, Katrina C. Danger is off the market. Namely you. Yeah, you. (Sidenote: While I am, in fact, a doctor of such things as lesbian bromance, I recommend that my guidance on chicks be taken with a grain of salt, as giving advice on this kind of thing makes me feel like I’m wearing a silly leopard print pimp hat.) Do’s for Picking Up Chicks: Make gay eye contact. You know what I’m talking about, bros. Maybe she looked at you first–did she? I know, this is a relatively simple concept, looking at people you’re interested in, but there’s a special brand of eye contact that goes on between two girls who like girls. Be confident. Does that sound cliche? Be subtle. As in, don’t show up with your pants off (this only works sometimes). Have a signature move. To pull this one off, you’re first going to have to master being confident. Touch. Go for it.
Your Personal Nutrition Guide: Introducing Registered Dietitian Suzette Kroll 25 Things I Do To Make My Body Dysphoria Feel Smaller and Quieter Before we even begin: I’m not a medically trained professional, nor am I a licensed therapist. Today I’m all curled up in my duvet cover because I haven’t been able to sleep in two days, and maybe if I was a doctor I’d find the little parts of me that aren’t working and fix them so I could get out of bed. Unfortunately I’m just a kid with a binder and a lot of pronouns, and the world seems like a whole lotta sharp edges right now. If you’ve never had body dysphoria, let me explain a little bit about how it makes me feel and why I have it. My gender identity is a very slippery thing. On the days like today when I’m struggling under dysphoria and anxiety and a whole range of things that are tied to those words by tight red strings, it’s hard to remember that I am a person who deserves to take care of their wonderful self. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Porcelain Beauty... Hello! Welcome to Porcelain Beauty. This site is Pro Ana support site, however I promote recovery and being as healthy as possible. This site is as much for mias as it is for anas. If you're here to "get" an eating disorder, then go away now. If you're here to tell us how disgusting and vile and nasty and fucked up we are for having pro ana sites, then you just promote the reason why we have them in the first place. I don't think that this site is a full on pro ana site, as I would like everyone to try to be as healthy as they possibly can and that is what I promote. Thanks! Thanks for visiting! Steph~
10 Time Management Tips That Work Chances are good that, at some time in your life, you've taken a time management class, read about it in books, and tried to use an electronic or paper-based day planner to organize, prioritize and schedule your day. "Why, with this knowledge and these gadgets," you may ask, "do I still feel like I can't get everything done I need to?" The answer is simple. Everything you ever learned about managing time is a complete waste of time because it doesn't work. Before you can even begin to manage time, you must learn what time is. A dictionary defines time as "the point or period at which things occur." There are two types of time: clock time and real time. In real time, all time is relative. Related: Spring-Cleaning Tips for Your Business Which time describes the world in which you really live, real time or clock time? The reason time management gadgets and systems don't work is that these systems are designed to manage clock time. The good news is that real time is mental. Click to Enlarge+
10 Skinniest Models on the Planet When skeletal was a huge trend in modeling, several models succumbed to death in order to stay skinny and “beautiful”. This was followed by the banning of very skinny models but we still see some of them gracing the runway and magazine covers today. Should we blame a designer’s penchant for exaggerated and tall silhouettes or our current standard of beauty? There are surely more factors that play a huge part in this trend but looking at the following models, you will probably long for the day when voluptuous (or even shapelier) becomes the norm. 1. With her trademark red hair, she is one of the top runway models today. 2. This blue-eyed beauty is from Romania. 3. Kim is from the Netherlands. 4. Colette is from Russia. 5. This model wears a US size 0-2. 6. She has lots of photos with her arms raised and the sight of her ribs is enough to make any mother cry. 7. This 23-year old model is from Russia. 8. she looks healthy but that’s just probably due to good makeup and wonderful lighting.
How to Sharpen Your Decision-Making Skills The ubiquitous phrase "go with your gut" validates the importance of intuition and instinct in leadership and decision-making. But it's also true that discarding reason and experience in favor of hunches often results in bad business decisions. U.K. marketing and media consultant Jonathan Gifford has explored the balance of these often opposing factors in his book Blindsided: How Business and Society are Shaped by Our Unpredictable and Irrational Behaviour (Benchmark Books, 2012). Here, he shares four strategies to merge mind and gut for better decision-making. Related: How Successful Leaders Balance Skepticism and Openness 1. 2. If your decision to invest heavily in a bold new business model or fire a key employee is based on fear, anger, or other negative emotions, it's best to wait and see if you still feel the same way after the emotion has passed. Related: 5 Ways to Learn to Trust Your Instincts 3. 4. Related: Startup Must-Haves: Perseverance and Optimism (Infographic)