How to compare ? In Shopping the Cloud: Performance Benchmarks I listed a number of services and reports that compare cloud provider performance results, but the truth is that in computing (cloud included) you can throw money at almost any performance and scale problem. It doesn't make any sense, therefore, to talk about performance alone, you want to compare price/performance. But here's the rub: it is becoming increasingly difficult to compare the pricing of the various cloud providers. About a year and a half ago I wrote What Are Amazon EC2 Compute Units? In addition, the pricing schemes by the various vendors include different components. It is fairly straightforward, but also contains many elements that are extremely difficult to project (especially for a new application), such as the Bandwidth and Request Pricing. But here's my main point -- now compare it to Amazon S3 pricing: Good luck with that. To make things worse, not all cloud storage services were made equal.
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Hourly Cost 30 Oct After receiving feedback from several readers and the desire to see the results, I have updated and reformatted my previous Cloud Cost Comparison. I have included comparisons between Microsoft Windows Azure, Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud Servers, and Joyent SmartMachines in this spreadsheet. This spreadsheet includes normalized data across CPU, Memory, Disk Storage, Disk Throughput, and Cost. A few important notes about this data: 1.) Without further delay, here is the new Public Cloud Hourly Cost Comparison: (Click on the Image to Download the Spreadsheet) - Please Leave my Blog Link in or credit me if you decide to copy/use this Disclaimer: I work for Dell in DCS group, we build cloud solutions based on RackSpace, Joyent, and Azure technologies into the market. Like this: Like Loading... Innovative disruptive video technology for video management and enterprise business. | Reduce Bandwidth and Get Faster Video Today. Reduce your bandwidth costs. Illumination Studios squid