How many frames per second can the human eye see? Imagine yourself watching movie of an unbelievably slow fog. You don't see edges and sharp borders. Now play the movie with 10fps. It will look fluid. Why? Because the difference from one frame to the other is very low. Now take your hand and move it slowly in front of your face. Motion blur example1: Capture from a live performance of The Corrs "What can I do" at MTV Unpluged Motion blur example2: Capture from "Basic Instinct", where you see a woman plunging an ice pick into a man's body while sitting on him. The fact is that the human eye perceives the typical cinema film motion as being fluid at about 18fps, because of its blurring. If you could see your moving hand very clear and crisp, then your eye needed to make more snapshots of it to make it look fluid. Also 25fps but without motion blur: Footage from BBC's story about Ed Gein, the murderer, who's case inspired Hitchcock to make "Psycho" and Jonathan Demme to make "Silence of the Lambs".
Jill Greenberg look Photoshop tutorial Today, most businesses want a website. Some already have one. Others want one. What Do You Want? The first step is to decide exactly what you want on your website. * What kinds of information do you want to have on your site? * Will your site require regular updates? * Will you be engaging in e-commerce on this website? * Will you need a database? * How fast do you need the job done? * What is your budget? Start Your Search Doing a web search for someone that has the skills you will need for your website will still give you a humongous list of possible choices. Often, the web developers you are pondering are not located in your town. The first thing to do when considering a developer is to check out their website. * IS the website well-designed and attractive? * Is it easy to navigate? * Are there any broken links? * Is the information complete (introduction to staff, company location, contact methods, etc.)? * Does the site load quickly? * IS there a portfolio? Small Freelancers vs.
Great Resume Designs that Catch Attention-and Got People Hired Inspiration June 21, 2011 When applying for a job, you have no choice but to do your best to outshine competition. Even before winning an interview, your qualifications (or in some instance, your character) are already judged by the resume you’ve submitted. It is then important to make your resume or CV as honest, concise, and striking as possible. Take a look at how other designers compose their creative resumes. View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source View Source Author: Cadence Wu Cadence is You The Designer's senior blogger, and the most jack-of-all-trades of the staff.
Interactive Media Center - University Library - University at Albany Home Page The Interactive Media Center of the University Library supports the creation of multimedia projects and the digital design of presentations, publications and Web sites. This is the only place on campus to accomplish activities such as assisted Web design, digital recording and editing, sophisticated image editing, creation of PDF files, and the use of analog to digital audio and video for research, instruction, publication and student activities. Our classes are taking a little break for a few days! But the IMC is open! The Library hours are here. We will be ready to assist you. Next Up: Colorizing Black and White Photographs on April 22 Photoshop for Digital Photography Beginners on April 23 Sign up here- Register for IMC Free Classes. Sign up today! The Interactive Media Center is open to all University students, faculty, and staff on a walk-in basis. View our Introduction to the IMC video to learn about what we do, where we are, and what equipment and software we have.
51 After Effects Tutorials From Elsewhere! Wow, it really has been a while... What with NAB, and all the other crazyness going on in the After Effects world, I seemed to have forgotten about one of the most popular article subjects on this website... the tuts from elsewhere! Video Copilot - Smoke TrailsThis is one of the first tutorials out showcasing Video Copilots new plugin, Optical Flares. This tutorial shows some cool uses for the plugin mixed up with Trapcode Particular.View TutorialVideo Copilot - 3D Ball DispersionUsing only built in plugins, and a handy sequencer script, create a cascading, awesome looking effect.View TutorialVideo Copilot - ShatterizeAnother tutorial using only the built in effects and the sequencer script, learn how to create a progressive shatter effect. View TutorialVideo Copilot - 3D LedgeSam Loya is back on the Video Copilot scene, and now he is contemplating suicide. Well, not really, its just some awesome green screen, tracking, and 3d compositing going on.
Sjá spjallþráð - Maskar fyrir byrjendur á auðveldan hátt :: www.ljosmyndakeppni.is Ég hef stundum séð hérna inni á L.M.K. fólk að velta því fyrir sér hvernig eigi að fara að því að skipta út himni (eða öðru) með maska en eins og þeir sem hafa einhverja þekkingu á Myndabúllunni vita eru maskar afar öflug tól. Eins og reyndar flest tólin í PS, þeir hjá Adobe hafa staðið sig ágætlega í að grisja gagnslausa fídusa út úr forritinu enda komin útgáfa 10 og það hefur margt breyst í téðu forriti síðan það kom fyrst fram. Maskar hafa þó alltaf verið til staðar og alltaf verið hægt að nota þá til að eyða hlutum myndar eða breyta en í sinni eiföldustu mynd má líkja maska við mynd sem maður hengir á vegg heima hjá sér til að fela síðustu sprunguna í húsinu sem kom akkúrat í skjálftanum um daginn. Einfaldast er að gera Layermask sem er þá læstur við viðkomandi Layer og táknið fyrir það er lítil keðja á milli Layer og Maska. Þá förum við í Dodge og Burn tólið og veljum annaðhvort, Burn fyrir jörðina og Dodge fyrir himininn. Hei, kúl!
Top 100 Network Security Tools CFP: Digitize This: Exploring/Exploiting the Rise of Digital Arts & Digital Humanities CFP: Digitize This: Exploring/Exploiting the Rise of Digital Arts & Digital HumanitiesWorcester Polytechnic InstituteNovember 2-3, 2012. Instances from and reflections on the dual rise of the digital humanities and the digital arts: to include panels, workshops, and roundtables as well as the performance and presentation of literary, musical, and visual works. Proposals accepted singly or as pre-organized panels. Topics might include but are not limited to: Submission deadline April 1st, 2012. Questions may be directed to jrosen[at]wpi.edu. Keynote Speaker: Julia Flanders is the Director of the Women Writers Project and the Associate Director for Textbase Development in the Scholarly Technology Group at Brown University. About WPI: Worcester Polytechnic Institute is a highly selective private university located one hour west of Boston. Link: Address: Worcester Polytechnic Institute 100 Institute Rd.
Five Free Plug-ins for Final Cut Pro : Apple Final Cut Pro Too Much Too Soon’s Flashframe This plug-in is a sweet flash frame transition that creates eye candy that is never tiresome. This is a client pleaser that requires little effort on the user’s part. This is definitely a must have in any editor's bag of tricks. Final Cut does an awful job of reversing footage. (You can find Graeme in many forums around the Cow, including Final Cut Pro, Apple Color, and RED Camera.) CGM’s CGM Aged Film LE Creating an old film look in Final Cut is time consuming and space taxing . Lyric’s Shadow-Highlight Working with footage that was under or overexposed? The first image is underexposed, whereas the second has been fixed by the Shadow-Highlight plug-in. CoreMelt’s VeeYou This is not a plug-in that will find its way in to every one of your projects, but when you do need it, this is a time saver. For those who want more of a great thing, these two web pages have a huge list of free plug-ins for Final Cut. Simon Kirby’s Lunchtime Pro stib’s free Final Cut Pro plugins
Give Your Photos a Retro Comic Book Effect Creating a old comic book effect for your photos is easy and the results are visually appealing. More fun is achieved when adding captions to your photos using comic book fonts and design elements. This tutorial will show you how to give a comic book look to your photos using a couple of filters and some additional decorations. Process preview Read tutorial at Creative Closeup…