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Fem myter om vad som skiljer människan från djuren | Lunds universitet Här är några vanliga föreställningar Lena Lindström slår hål på: Komplext språk. Präriehundar använder varningsläten för att beskriva små skillnader i annalkande personers utseende, såsom färgen på tröjan eller om den som kommer tidigare burit på ett vapen. De kan också beskriva helt nya föremål såsom röda trianglar. Bin talar med rörelser för att berätta var det finns mat eller boplats. Hundar använder sig av sociala bestraffningar. Dåligt underbyggda förslag Under årens lopp har det presenterats oräkneliga kandidater till ”humaniqueness”, som försöken att hitta en unik förmåga som förklarar vår egenuppfattade särställning ibland kallas för. – De finns hur många förslag som helst, men de är ofta extremt dåligt underbyggda. – Det är talande att det finns så stor variation i förslagen och att vi obekymrat byter ut dem efterhand som de motbevisas, anser hon. Ovetenskapligt förhållningssätt Fram till 1960-talet ansågs det exempelvis avgörande att endast människor använder verktyg.
Flash Earth - Zoom into satellite and aerial imagery Sea Shepherd Did to a Swimming Pool What Humans Do to the Oceans Plastic pollution is recognized as a massive, global environmental issue, responsible for the deaths of over a million marine animals each year. It is a danger to all marine life including birds, sharks, turtles and marine mammals, causing injury and death through drowning, entanglement, or starvation following ingestion. It is also a danger to human life. On Earth Day on April 22, 2016, Sea Shepherd Global teamed-up with Shanghai-based creative agency, Fred & Farid, to shine a spotlight on the massive issue of plastic pollution in our oceans. Fred & Farid and Sea Shepherd have produced a short film that captures the reactions of swimmers at a public pool that has been filled with plastic pollution. “Faced with the option of swimming in a pool full of plastic pollution, most people would choose not to enter the water. “We hope that this video inspires discussion and public debate about the global problem of plastic pollution.
We're beginning to question the idea of species – including our own By Kate Douglas S. Entressangle/E. HOMO SAPIENS likes to categorise. Take the apparently simple organising principle of a species. The problem is that evolution – the origin of species – is intrinsically about gradual, random change (see “Think you understand how evolution works? We could just accept that “species” is a fluid, imperfect concept that helps us understand and conserve the diversity of the natural world. Traditional species concepts are further undermined by high levels of hybridisation in nature. 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and info graphics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head. If you enjoy this collection of maps, the Sifter highly recommends the r/MapPorn sub reddit. You should also check out 1. Map by Google 2. Map via Wikimedia Commons 3. Map by Stuart Laycock (via The Telegraph) 4. Map by via Reddit Pangea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, forming about 300 million years ago. 5. Map by Business Management EU 6. Map by The New York Times 7. Map by Teepr on Reddit 8. Map by 9. Map by Phoenix B 1of3 10. Map by Carna Botnet via Reddit
Video for the English classroom For the language teacher, YouTube may be nothing less than one of the best sources of material the classroom has ever seen. In this article, I would like to share 12 clips that I have used in my own classroom. I hope that each clip will be representative of a type of video that may be of particular interest to language teachers. Note: In this article, we will be examining a number of clips that are hosted on the video-sharing site YouTube. 1. Some poems are best appreciated when they are heard rather than read. For language teachers, a visual element increases the possibilities for using any text in the classroom. 2. This is an example of ‘kinetic typography’ – the technical name for a moving text. Note how the text bombards the eyes in a range of orientations, sizes, font- types, colour and movement. Kinetic typography requires ‘space-time reading’ on the part of the viewer. 3. 4. With a new advertising medium comes a whole new range of issues for the educator to confront. Is it real?
Photographer Takes Pictures Of Women Before, During, & After Orgasm – Here’s Why The Facts:Two concerning clinical studies in four years show that Tylenol kills pain and human empathy. This article was written by Sayer Ji, Founder of where it was originally published, posted here with permission.Reflect On:Why do we continue to take such substances without questioning them, without even being aware that they're harmful? Why is it so hard to believe that they are and could be harmful and detrimental to our health in the long run? When will we learn? Synthetic, patented chemicals have profound unintended, adverse health effects which take decades to be recognize, long after exposed populations have suffered profoundly. Now, a new study published last month in the journal Frontiers of Psychology, titled, “A Social Analgesic? “Results showed that acetaminophen reduced personal pleasure and other-directed empathic feelings in response to these scenarios.” They further reported: “Finally, our findings have important practical implications.
The World’s Most Spoken Languages In One Fascinating Infographic Whenever I meet someone of a different ethnicity, out of sheer curiosity, I always ask if they speak the language of their heritage. I was born in Canada, but grew up with Punjabi speaking parents. I also studied French, Japanese, and Korean, and like to see language as almost a binding agent that helps smooth over communication. Business deals can go in a completely different direction if someone knows even a few words of another language, and, let’s be honest, traveling around the world and practicing different words you’ve picked up is fun. This interesting info-graph shows which languages are spoken the most around the world. It’s an interesting thing to ponder. Do you speak one or more of these languages? This fascinating breakdown of languages around the world was created by infograph artist Alberto Lucas Lopez for the South China Morning Post. Source: Transform Your Life In 7 Days For Free Start transforming your life in 7 days.