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Money 101 - Financial Advice & Lessons Made Easy by

Money 101 - Financial Advice & Lessons Made Easy by

How to Make a Budget and Stick to It - Free Legal Information If you want to keep your spending under control, it's essential that you make a budget. A budget allows you to get a handle on the flow of your money -- how much you make and how much you spend. With that information in hand, you can make intelligent choices about what to buy with your hard-earned cash. Make a List of Your Expenses The first step in making a realistic budget is figuring out where your money goes. Limitations of computer programs. Make your own expense record. Use one sheet of paper per week to record your expenses for two months. Total Your Income Your expenditures account for only half of the picture. On a blank sheet of paper, list the jobs for which you receive a salary or wages. bonus paydividends and interestalimony or child supportpension or retirement income, andpublic assistance. Record net income. Determine monthly income. When you are done, total up all the amounts. Make Your Budget control your impulses to overspend, andstart saving money.

Home Page This wiki is a collaborative environment for exploring ways to become a better thinker. Topics that can be explored here include MemoryTechniques, MentalMath, CriticalThinking, BrainStorming, ShorthandSystems, NotebookSystems, and SmartDrugs. Other relevant topics are also welcome. SiteNews Wiki Topics Mindhacker: The support page for the 2011 book by RonHaleEvans and MartyHaleEvans. MindPerformanceHacks: The support page for the 2006 book of the same name by RonHaleEvans. Easily memorize complex information - MemoryTechnique Do hard math in your head - MentalMath Improve your intelligence Think better Other pages What is a Wiki? A wiki is a web site built collaboratively by a community of users. Feel free to add your own content to this wiki. The Mentat Wiki is powered by Oddmuse, and hosted by the Center for Ludic Synergy.

How to Make a Budget That Works In the past I’ve tried to follow a budget, only to fail time and time again. But I’ve learned from my mistakes. Today I’m going to walk you through the steps you need to take to make a budget that really works. Step 1: Record Your Income and Expenses for a Month TIP: You can also use money management tool like Personal Capital to automatically track all of your income and expenses for you. If you’re really organized, you can look back at your expenses for six months to a year, but I’m going to assume you’re organizationally challenged like I am. :) For one month, you need to record every transaction that you make with your money. The notebook and receipts are important. If you’re adept at using spreadsheets, you can use a spreadsheet to categorize expenses. At the end of the month, if you’re like me, you will be surprised at how much money is leaking out of your bank account every month. We were also shocked at how much money we were using on little trips to the grocery store for snacks.

Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life Learn How to Drive a Manual Transmission There's a new FAQ in town! Check the the new and improved FAQ! Note: To see video of some of the below procedures, please visit the video page. Question and Answer Session with Race Driver Gary Sheehan Gary Sheehan is our resident race car driver, and he has graciously agreed to take part in a question and answer session here at Gary has been behind the wheel of many a different type of race car, from open wheelers to FWD subcompacts, so this is a great opportunity to get a question answered on a broad range of racing and driving subjects. To post a question, visit the thread at We've all seen them on the road, bucking and stalling while learning how to drive stick. Knowing how to drive a car before tackling the art of operating a manual transmission is a highly recommended, but not required, idea. Push the clutch to the floor again, and start the car. Congratulations!

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How Identity Theft Works" You work hard every day to make a living and support yourself and/or your family. If you've read the HowStuffWorks credit report and credit score articles, then you know how to keep your credit clean so you can enjoy the benefits of all of that hard work. What happens, though, when you find out that someone has used your name to get a credit card and has run up thousands of dollars in charges that you are now going to have to convince the credit card company that you are not responsible for? What if they opened bank accounts in your name, committed crimes using your name, or worse?! I­­nnocent people are being arrested because someone is committing crimes using their names. Can you prevent this from happening? In this article, we'll look into the dark world of identity theft to which we can all fall victim. Identity theft can involve financial fraud or criminal activities. Types of Identity TheftIdentity theft can enter into many areas of our lives.
