Java Generics FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions All text and content found at URLs starting with (collectively, "the Java Generics FAQ") are the sole property of Angelika Langer. Copyright @ 2004-2014 by Angelika Langer . All rights reserved. Except as specifically granted below, you may not modify, copy, publish, sell, display, transmit (in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), adapt, distribute, store in a retrieval system, create derivative works, or in any other way use or exploit the contents of the Java Generics FAQ, without the prior consent of the author. All rights, titles and interest, including copyrights and other applicable intellectual property rights, in any of the material belongs to the provider of the material. In particular, I do NOT grant permission to copy the Java Generics FAQ or any part of it to a public Web server. Other forms of non-commercial use may be allowed with prior written permission. Commercial Use
The lie of the API | Ruben Verborgh Really, nobody takes your website serious anymore if you don’t offer an API. And that’s what everybody did: they got themselves a nice API. An enormous amount of money and energy is wasted on developing APIs that are hard to create and even harder to use. This is wonderful news for developers, who get paid to build two pieces of software—a server and a client—that were actually never needed in the first place. The API was there already: it’s your website itself. Shockingly, a majority of developers seems unable to embrace the Web and the important role URLs and hypermedia play on it. Imagine you’re a Web publisher. In the beginning, it was easy: you made whatever content you had available as HTML. The problem is that software deals badly with unstructured content, so the people-friendly HTML does not work anymore. Before we have time to think about a solution, our friends the developers have already found one. Unfortunately, you’ve been lied to. Example: the DPLA API Access for people
Plover, the Open Source Steno Program Sublimewebinspector Let me introduce you Web Inspector! Breakpoints You can set and remove breakpoints right in the editor Console See all console messages with level Interactivity Click on name:line region bring you right to file and line, and if you click on Object you can see object properties Debugger On breakpoints you can see a stack and all variables (local, global, closure) Evaluating on call frame Evaluate selection on current call frame Live Reload On file save cache will be cleared and page reloaded. Installation Use package manger and install "Web Inspector" Comments