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Google URL Shortener Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more. To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app.

Change the Way You Learn & Teach with 15 Educational Chrome Extensions A device that beat the iPad at the mobility game? Sounds impossible. Yet Chromebooks overtook iPads to become the bestselling educational device in the U.S market. Some of the pie can be credited to Google’s push with education. That push has turned into a street brawl as Apple, Windows, and Google try to capture young minds. Google has an advantage with its Hydra-headed offerings. 聖誕邀請函 Smore is an online website builder that lets you create delicious, bite-size websites that are easy to make and impossible to screw up. Beautiful Flyers Instantly Log in Sign up for free Learn more Design and share beautiful flyers just like this one! Spread the word with an online flyer. They're easy to make and impossible to screw up :)

8 個線上服務「兩步驟驗證」設定說明,確保帳戶免於威脅 我很常在文章裡向讀者宣導如何在數位時代保護你的線上安全,包括資料要備份、不隨意下載或安裝來路不明的程式,以及不點擊 Facebook 等網站上的奇怪鏈結,其中最重要、也是每個人都必須做的,就是強化帳號安全性,以避免帳號被盜用的問題發生,帳號是使用者在網路上的另外一個身分,應該不會有人希望自己的帳號落入有心人士的手裡。 要如何強化帳號的安全性,簡單來說,就是設定一組安全性較高的密碼,例如不以常用的數字、生日等等作為密碼,在密碼裡混合大寫、小寫英文字母和特殊符號的組合。好的密碼是讓你可以記住,別人卻難猜出。 不過只有一組密碼是不夠安全的,你應該考慮使用「雙重驗證」來提高自己的帳戶安全性,讓密碼以外多另一層保護,目前有愈來愈多的網路服務已經支援兩步驟驗證,包括 Google、Facebook、Microsoft、Yahoo!、Twitter、Dropbox 等等。 什麼是兩步驟驗證?

Google 我的商家 新功能 – 「Google 我的商家」可幫助您的客戶在 Google 搜尋、Google 地圖或 Google+ 上找到您,直接與您的商家取得聯繫。 讓 Google 上的客戶都能找到您的商家 「Google 我的商家」會將您的商家資訊顯示在 Google 搜尋、Google 地圖和 Google+ 中,無論客戶使用哪一種裝置,都能夠找到您的商家。 讓客戶能夠輕鬆與您聯絡 Press Space or double-click to edit Capture ideas at the speed of thought – using a mind map maker designed to help you focus on your ideas and remove all the distractions while mindmapping. Create unlimited mind maps for free, and store them in the cloud. Your mind maps are available everywhere, instantly, from any device. Brainstorm, create presentations and document outlines with mind maps, and publish your ideas online and to social networks. Get Started

TEDxTaipei ⋅ 認識臺灣,看見世界。 Coggle 7 Tools for Creating Flowcharts, Mind Maps, and Diagrams This morning on Twitter I was sent a direct message from someone who was looking for recommendations for a free flowchart creation tool. Lucidchart was my immediate recommendation. Over the years I've reviewed a lot of other flowchart, mind map, and diagramming tools. Here is my updated list of suggestions for flowchart, mind map, and diagramming tools. Lucidchart is a mind mapping tool that can be used in your web browser or on your iPad. The app and the website are both easy to use to create flowcharts, mind maps, and graphic organizers.
