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Graphic Novel Reporter

Graphic Novel Reporter

Swallow Me Whole / Top Shelf Productions Winner of the Eisner Award for Best Graphic Novel.Nominated for three Eisner Awards including Best Cartoonist and Best Lettering.WInner of the Ignatz Awards for Outstanding Artist and Outstanding Debut.One of YALSA’S "Great Graphic Novels for Teens."Finalist for the LA Times Book Prize. (Swallow Me Whole was the first graphic novel since 1992’s Maus to be nominated for this prize in any category.) "Nate Powell’s Swallow Me Whole, a disturbed, haunting book, is impossible to describe... "Scaldingly dark ... "Honest and lovingly portrayed. "Darkly sublime." "His layouts, his touch with shadow and darkness, the way he brings you close enough to Ruth that you can watch her sleep without disturbing her dreams, all that stuff is amazing. ... "[Swallow Me Whole] achieves some stunning effects with the art and the lettering ... "Both provocative and thoughtful ... not since Robert Altman's Images has a medium so perfectly conveyed the experience of schizophrenia ...

2011 Great Graphic Novels for Teens The list of 63 titles, drawn from 89 official nominations, is presented annually at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. The books, recommended for those ages 12-18, meet the criteria of both good quality literature and appealing reading for teens. In addition, the Great Graphic Novels for Teens Committee created a Top Ten list of titles that exemplify the quality and range of graphic novels appropriate for teen audiences. “There were many fantastic graphic novel titles this year,” said Candice Mack, committee chair. Members of the Great Graphic Novels for Teens Committee are Candice Mack, chair, Los Angeles Public Library; Emily Brown, Harry Kizirian Elementary School, Providence, R.I.; Lisa Goldstein, Brooklyn (N.Y.) *denotes top ten selection Nonfiction Canada, Geoffrey and Jamar Nicholas. Dembicki, Matt (ed.), and Various Artists. Hinds, Gareth. Mucci, Tim and Ben Caldwell. *Neri, G. and Randy Duburke. O' Connor, George. *Telgemeier, Raina. Fiction Adachi, Mitsuru. Ando, Natsumi. *Aristophane.

Using Graphic Novels with Children and Teens: A Guide for Teachers and Librarians Graphic Novels Are Hot! No longer an underground movement appealing to a small following of enthusiasts, graphic novels have emerged as a growing segment of book publishing, and have become accepted by librarians and educators as mainstream literature for children and young adults — literature that powerfully motivates kids to read. Are graphic novels for you? Should you be taking a more serious look at this format? How might graphic novels fit into your library collection, your curriculum, and your classroom? What are graphic novels? In this context, the word “graphic” does not mean “adult” or “explicit.” Are graphic novels suitable for the young, and how do I evaluate them? Some parents, educators, and librarians may associate the term “graphic novel” with content that is not suitable for young readers. How do graphic novels promote literacy? Motivation Graphic novels powerfully attract and motivate kids to read. Reluctant readers But are graphic novels "real book"? Overcoming prejudices

Wham! Bam! Islam! | Non-Traditional Superheroes | Independent Lens Most superheroes and other main characters in comic books are straight, white men (albeit often with superhuman powers or abilities). Since the very first comic books in the 1930s, minority characters were generally cast as villains, or caricatures with stereotypical traits. But even in the beginning of the industry there were a few minority characters that were cast as both heroic and dignified. These are a few of the notable breakthrough comics characters in history. Use your arrow keys or the navigation below to scroll through the photos. NorthstarUntil 1989, the Comic Code Authority in the United States strictly forbade comic publishers from mentioning homosexuality. The ThingFantastic Four hulk The Thing, aka Ben Grimm, was the first comic book superhero to reveal that he is Jewish.

Greg Dark Horse Comics
