Pump Students Up with Digital Icebreakers
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” by Plato Included in the Digital Ideas Advent Calendar with a new idea each day! Throughout my teaching years, I’ve struggled with getting my students or trainees to readily participate. Learners are shy about exposing themselves to peers, especially if they do not know them well.
Resources for short courses
Onestopenglish is packed with hundreds of bright ideas for your short course, holiday or summer school programme. Take the stress out of preparing for each new set of students with this list of resources that's guaranteed to keep things fun, active and interesting! We've picked out a selection of resources that we think are perfect for engaging students over a short or intensive English programme. If you're not already a Staff Room member, we've included a sneak preview of our subscription resources. Listening skills | Young learners | Teenagers | CLIL | Skills | Culture | Grammar and vocabulary | News lessons | Teaching with minimal resources
Information Systems & Technology
Risks of Mobile Phones and Tablets Theft or loss Mobile phones, smart phones (phones that support email, documents, and applications) and tablets (such as iPads) are getting fancier and more popular all the time. This makes them a target for theft -- hundreds of thousands of mobile devices are reported lost or stolen each year. A thief could use your wireless access, steal your identity and credit card information, or cause you to pay for a new phone and unauthorized charges on your bill.
How to Make a Dream Collage
Dreaming is a means of dealing with difficulties, something that saves us from depression and desperation when we enter a losing streak. A person without a dream does not live, but exists and has no goals. However, fulfilling a dream takes more than desire only. It’s important that a person clearly understands what he or she wants to get in the end or, speaking in scientific terms, is capable of visualizing the goal. So if you want to know what goals you are pursuing, you may want to create a photo collage of your dream. A dream collage is a type of image or composition that depicts you in your desired reality.
Edunators - Helping Teachers Overcome Obstacles and Focus on Learning - Lesson Planning Using The Four Critical Questions
Details Written by Mark Clements If your school operates as a Professional Learning Community, chances are you’re very familiar with the Four Critical Questions originally developed by Rick DuFour. They’re essential whenever first starting a collaborative team in a school and well worth reviewing from time to time as you carry on your work. However, what if we re-imagined these questions through the eyes of our students?
10+ Getting to Know You Activities for Teens & Adults
“It is a fact that in the right formation, the lifting power of many wings can achieve twice the distance of any bird flying alone.” ~ Milton Olson If you like these ideas, take one of my courses or check out my books. Ask me about training your teachers, ShellyTerrell@gmail.com! Many of us are beginning new classes with new learners.
Randall's Video Snapshots: For ESL/EFL Students
The movie clips called Video Snapshots are designed to provide additional learning content related to other listening activities on my site. To learn more about this project, read the Frequently Asked Questions below: Current Videos (Click the picture to watch the video - Click the link below the picture to visit a related listening activity). You can also search by title below:
Cultivate Relationships
Posted by Shelly Terrell on Friday, November 16th 2012 Goal 21: Cultivate Relationships of The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators! Click the link to find out more about the 30 Goals Challenge for Educators! “You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself.” ~ Galileo Classrooms are communities.
Sketchnote Lessons
Want to get a notification whenever I post a new sketchnote lesson (usually Thursday mornings)? You can sign up for e-mail updates: in your feed reader. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, I'd love to hear from you. Comment on the individual items or in the comment space below.
A Beautiful Beginning: 10+ Tips & Resources for Creating a Safe Classroom Environment
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” Goethe For many of us, the first day of our new classes is right around the corner. For many students starting classes is frightening.
6 Completed Lesson And Unit Plans
Recently, I wrote a blog about 5 ways that we can learn through writing lesson plans. I also shared a resource collection of lesson and unit planning with 10 templates. We know that we can learn about lesson planning by writing out our plans and using templates, but we can also learn by reading the plans of other educators. Reading the plans of others gives us the opportunity to learn new ideas for great lessons. The resources in this blog contain tons and tons of completed plans to learn from.
We Aren’t a Class, We Are a Community! 8 Ways to Get Children Excited about Learning with You!
“If you think of learning as a path, you can picture yourself walking beside her rather than either pushing or dragging or carrying her along.” ~ Polly Berrien Berends The first month of school is critical for laying down the foundations for a successful learning journey with children. During the first month of school, we need to make connections with learners and welcome them into our community.