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» Teaching English through songs in the digital age – #ELTchat summary 12/01/2011

» Teaching English through songs in the digital age – #ELTchat summary 12/01/2011
This absolutely fantastic summary was contributed by Vicky Saumell on her blog in 4 consective posts which I have merged into one single post. As Viky herself remarks below in her post, it is an amazing collection of resources all shared by you, #ELTchatters! What a fantastic resource this has turned into! And thanks to Vicky for an outstanding job!!! 1. Background readings and resources In case you didn´t know, I´m an avid tweeter, especially for Professional Development and networking with colleagues all over the world. Yesterday, #ELTchat was about Teaching English through songs: activities, resources and benefits of using songs for teaching. 13 readings and resources,68 ideas for using songs,50 example songs with links,11 music-related web 2.0 tools All this information, which I have tried to digest for easier consumption, is too long to be posted in one blog post so I have divided it into 4 parts: You can, of course, access the original #ELTchat at So here it goes! 1. 2. 3. 4.

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Free Reading Worksheets Ereading Worksheets has the best reading worksheets on the internet, and they’re all free. These worksheets are skill focused and aligned to Common Core State Standards. You are free to save, edit, and print these worksheets for personal or classroom use. Students love being able to understand and read current news in English and there is something to interest everyone in a newspaper. The average reading age for most newspapers is approximately 11-13 years old, just perfect for those learning English as a foreign language. Newspapers are also a handy resource for English language teachers. If you are teaching in an English speaking country look out for the free press newspapers. Try to collect enough newspapers so that you have one copy between two students. You can get heaps of activities from just one edition of a newspaper so don’t throw them away after just one session, share them with other teachers in your school.

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