7 choses à faire pour bichonner vos pieds de tomates Récolter de magnifiques tomates que l'on a fait pousser dans son potager, c'est sans doute la chose dont les jardiniers sont le plus fiers. Mais la tomate est une plante qui reste un long moment en place au potager : entre 4 et 6 mois. Pour éviter les accidents de parcours, dont certains peuvent lui être fatals, voici 7 choses que vous devriez faire pour mettre toutes les chances de votre côté. 1. Un épais tapis protecteur Pour garder la terre humide en permanence, un paillis épais (5 à 10 cm) sera étalé au pied des plants de tomates et tout autour. Toutes sortes de mulchs peuvent convenir : tontes de gazon séchées, foin, paillettes de lin, etc... Un autre avantage de mulcher est que les feuilles du bas (et parfois les premiers fruits) ne seront plus en contact direct avec le sol et ne risqueront pas d'attraper la pourriture. 2. La tomate a horreur des à-coups d'arrosage. Trop d'eau peut aussi faire éclater les tomates. 3. Lien souple en huit 4. La consoude produit le purin le plus équilibré
Don't Be A Sucker In The App Store: A Guide On Finding Good Apps Well, 2012 certainly has proven to be a very interesting year, in terms of the App Store. This seems to be the year of the rise in “scam apps”: apps that are purposely designed (and disguised) to trick customers into thinking that it is the real deal. In February alone, we have had “Temple Jump,” “Temple Guns,” “Clear Todo,” and even a pair of fake Pokemon apps. Oh look! What do apps like these have in common? Whatever the case may be, these are all apps that you should be staying away from. What Can You Do? Check Curated Websites And Blogs The most important tool that can help you find legit apps is to check the Internet for reliable sources of information, such as us here at AppAdvice, as well as many other popular Apple-related sites. There is actually the O.A.T.S policy that most sites abide by nowadays (including us here at AppAdvice). Know the Quality Developers This may be a bit harder to do, especially if you are just entering the world of apps. Social developer? Now, let’s share!
Events | Startup Alliance 10월 24일 테헤란로 런치 클럽에서 미국 넷플릭스 본사에서 엔지니어로 근무중인 전강훈님을 만나보세요 Meetup Subject: 넷플릭스의 진정한 힘: 추천 알고리즘과 Netflix Prize [내용] 2013년 정치 드라마로 공전의 히트를 기록한 ‘House of Card’는 Web Television series 최초로 에미상(Emmy)상을 수상하며, 수 많은 인기 드라마를 거느린 미국 거대 방송국을 위협하고 있는데요. 어떻게 온라인 스트리밍 업체가 비인기 장르인 정치 드라마로 전국적인 히트(한국에서도 열풍이 불었죠)와 TV 업계의 권위적인 상을 수상할 수 있었을까요? 넥플릭스는 ‘나도 잘 모르는 갈대같은 내 마음’을 정확히 파악하여 맞춤형 콘텐츠를 추천해주는 시스템으로 유명한데요. -넥플릭스 추천 시스템은 어떻게 발전했고, 나아갈 것인지 -추천 알고리즘을 가능하게 한 넥플릭스의 Open Innovation인 Netflix Prize이 무엇인지에 대해 함께 알아보는 시간을 준비했습니다. [연사] -미국 Netflix 본사의 엔지니어로 활동하고 있는 전강훈님이 강연을 진행할 예정인데요 -지난 10월 22일, ‘넥플릭스의 기업 문화와 엔지니어를 우대하는 개발자 친화적인 환경’에 이은 두 번째 시리즈 강연입니다. 신청하러 가기>
Top 10 Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Software as a Service (SaaS) is a new way of distributing software in which vendors or service providers, instead of selling it to companies, make it available to customers over the internet, using cloud-computing technology. So instead of companies installing software in their own servers, software providers host the software at theirs and just charge them according to the time they spent using it, or a monthly fee. Here is a video that better explains what is SaaS: SaaS is becoming increasingly popular, and as the industry develops, more and more companies are dropping older business models in favour of this new technology. Cloud-based software and services were one of the trending topics at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona last week, and many telecommunications companies told us about their plans to implement SaaS in the interviews that Onbile held there. And here is an overview of the top 10, both in terms of market capital and company value:
Les 5 gestes à faire pour bien planter ses tomates au potager Si vous avez aimé cet article, pourquoi ne pas en parler autour de vous ? Cliquez sur le bouton Facebook ou Gmail. Il n’est pas trop tard pour planter des tomates au potager ! Je vais vous montrer avec tous les détails la manière exacte que j’emploie pour planter mes tomates. Si vous voulez voir les résultats que j’ai obtenus l’année dernière, c’est par ici. Pour avoir une récolte abondante, c’est important que vos pieds de tomates prennent un bon départ. Avec le début du mois de mai frais et pluvieux que nous avons eu, il est encore largement temps de planter des tomates. Et j’ai remarqué que souvent, les plants plantés tardivement finissent par rattraper ceux qui ont été plantés plus tôt. 1. Il n’est pas indispensable d’avoir un sol meuble pour cultiver des tomates. Avant d’avoir mon potager actuel, j’arrivais à faire pousser d’excellentes tomates dans un sol caillouteux et dur comme du béton ! Creusez un trou d’une vingtaine de centimètres de côté environ (la largeur d’une bêche). 2. 3. 4.
Roundup: Hidden Object Games on the iPad | Just Another Mobile Monday I am a huge fan of hidden object games. I have been enjoying them on my mobile devices ever since my early days with Windows Mobile and the Dell Axim. I always felt, however, that the small screens on most mobile devices limited these games. A larger screen, it seemed, would allow for a more complex level of difficulty due to the increased detail available to developers. As such, I was pretty excited to dive into this genre an the iPad. Unfortunately, the waters of this genre turned out to run much deeper than expected. Alice in Wonderland Hidden Objects: This was the first hidden objects game I tested out on the iPad, and I have to say I found this game from the developers at Warelex to be a bit of a mixed bag. Once you get into each of the levels, however, the Alice in Wonderland theme dissolves into a series of more or less unrelated garden scenes, each of which (obviously) contains a list of items for you to discover within the image. Be Sociable, Share!
Web Resources To Improve Productivity - Business Insider Top 10 Cloud Service Providers and Best Cloud Service | ichitect When it comes to getting the fastest, most reliable web hosting service, you will find that cloud hosting is rapidly outranking conventional Linux and Windows based servers. Aside from offering increased speed and flexibility, you will also find that cloud hosting offers an expanded array of tools for collaboration and ecommerce. That said, if you don’t know how to choose between the top 10 cloud service providers, it is important to find out more about their basic features. As you review this list of top 10 cloud service providers, you should keep in mind that this field is expanding rapidly as conventional web hosts begin to roll out cloud platforms. 1. Average Cost: depends on storage size needed and bandwidth. On average, most small business owners wind up spending between 20 – 50.00 per month on storage from RackSpace. 2. Average Cost: first 5 GB of storage free, additional fees after that. 3. Average Cost: starts at 200.00 per month Are Discounts Available? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Le tour du potager n° 13 – avril 2015 Comme d’habitude, vous pouvez cliquer sur les photos pour les voir en grand. Après avoir planté les pommes de terre mi-avril (à la floraison des lilas), j’ai décompacté la bande de terre qui va bientôt recevoir les tomates. On voit quelques repousses de seigle, l’engrais vert qui a occupé l’espace durant tout l’hiver. Elles seront pour la plupart déracinées par le croc et de toute façon ne sont pas gênantes. Le croc est l’un des outils dont je me sers le plus pour préparer la terre. J’ai coupé la moutarde (engrais vert) avant que ses tiges deviennent du bois, mais j’aime laisser fleurir quelques pieds pour les insectes butineurs. La consoude est maintenant bien développée et je vais pouvoir faire un seau de purin. Voici deux légumes qui sont en fleurs au même moment, mais qui ont des usages complètement différents : d’un côté, nous avons le chou frisé, qui nous a régalé de ses feuilles durant tout l’hiver. Les oignons blancs plantés à l’automne sont à point.
Get over it, haters – apps really are the future, says Wired publisher There has been a growing revolt in the publishing community against the idea that iPhone and iPad apps are the best route to digital dollars. The Financial Times shuttered its apps this month, while a popular essay by another publisher lamented that apps were a “collective delusion” and an expensive failure. That’s bunk, according to Wired publisher Howard Mittman, who said in a recent interview that apps have proven “incredibly profitable” and touts the publication’s 165,000 tablet subscribers (65,000 of these are pure-digital subs). Mittman adds that Wired readers also spend a significant amount of time with the tablet version and that he “missed the memo” about the failure of apps. So what’s going on? To understand, it’s useful to consider the key complaints set out by Technology Review’s Jason Pontin in his influential “Why Publishers Don’t like Apps” essay from early May, including: The proof will ultimately be in the revenue pudding, of course.