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The 24 Best Apps to Remember Everything You Discover Online « Web.AppStorm

The 24 Best Apps to Remember Everything You Discover Online « Web.AppStorm

7 choses à faire pour bichonner vos pieds de tomates Récolter de magnifiques tomates que l'on a fait pousser dans son potager, c'est sans doute la chose dont les jardiniers sont le plus fiers. Mais la tomate est une plante qui reste un long moment en place au potager : entre 4 et 6 mois. Pour éviter les accidents de parcours, dont certains peuvent lui être fatals, voici 7 choses que vous devriez faire pour mettre toutes les chances de votre côté. 1. Un épais tapis protecteur Pour garder la terre humide en permanence, un paillis épais (5 à 10 cm) sera étalé au pied des plants de tomates et tout autour. Toutes sortes de mulchs peuvent convenir : tontes de gazon séchées, foin, paillettes de lin, etc... Un autre avantage de mulcher est que les feuilles du bas (et parfois les premiers fruits) ne seront plus en contact direct avec le sol et ne risqueront pas d'attraper la pourriture. 2. La tomate a horreur des à-coups d'arrosage. Trop d'eau peut aussi faire éclater les tomates. 3. Lien souple en huit 4. La consoude produit le purin le plus équilibré

Don't Be A Sucker In The App Store: A Guide On Finding Good Apps Well, 2012 certainly has proven to be a very interesting year, in terms of the App Store. This seems to be the year of the rise in “scam apps”: apps that are purposely designed (and disguised) to trick customers into thinking that it is the real deal. In February alone, we have had “Temple Jump,” “Temple Guns,” “Clear Todo,” and even a pair of fake Pokemon apps. Oh look! What do apps like these have in common? Whatever the case may be, these are all apps that you should be staying away from. What Can You Do? Check Curated Websites And Blogs The most important tool that can help you find legit apps is to check the Internet for reliable sources of information, such as us here at AppAdvice, as well as many other popular Apple-related sites. There is actually the O.A.T.S policy that most sites abide by nowadays (including us here at AppAdvice). Know the Quality Developers This may be a bit harder to do, especially if you are just entering the world of apps. Social developer? Now, let’s share!

15 productivity tools to play with The web is changing day in and day out at an incredibly fast pace. What I found that matters most to me when using new tools is that the switching cost needs to be as low as possible. The less “lock-in” and learning an app requires, the more likely I am going to be to try it out. So here is a list of tools I have started to mess around with. They are super intuitive to use and save me a ton of time each day. – filesharing at its simplest In case you are familiar with there is no introduction needed to Time to familiarize yourself with the service: 10 seconds or less Find out more: Flow – managing to do lists Flow is amongst the simplest task management tools I have used to date and as you know there are dozens of them. Time to familiarize yourself with the service: 1 minute or less Find out more: Flow EveryTimeZone – see multiple time zones at once Find out more: EveryTimeZone Tungle – the way meetups are supposed to be scheduled Find out more: Tungle

Design Kit: The Course for Human-Centered Design | Acumen The Course Course Description: Design Kit: The Course for Human-Centered Design is a seven-week curriculum that will introduce you to the concepts of human-centered design and how this approach can be used to create innovative, effective, and sustainable solutions for social change. This course has been created to reach those who are brand new to human-centered design, so no prior experience required (though we of course welcome previous students to continue honing your human-centered design skills!) What You'll Learn: This seven-week course will: How the Course Works: You will work through the course with a group of 2-6 people we will refer to as your “design team". Throughout the course you'll have the opportunity to interact and gain inspiration from design teams around the world taking the course with you and ask questions of experienced human-centered designers when you feel stuck. Building Your Design Team: No group? More Information Workload: Approximately 5 hours per week:

Add These 12 Content Marketing Tools to Your Startup's Arsenal High-quality content can help your startup build a recognizable brand, increase your email list and acquire new customers. The challenge isn’t understanding why you should invest in content marketing, but how. I could spend hours explaining content marketing statistics, giving numerous examples of successful content marketing initiatives, and even creating a custom content strategy for you. Related: How to Create an Awesome Blog Choosing the right content marketing tools can help you expedite your content marketing success. 1. Content marketing works when you have a complete funnel in place. Picreel is a popup tool that will help you capture email addresses and get a call to action in front of your audience. 2. It’s important to understand the keywords your audience uses, but not just for search-engine optimization purposes. Ubbersuggest is a free keyword tool that gives you tons of suggestions based on your topic. 3. Startups can use Qzzr to make their own entertaining quizzes. 4. 5.

Les 5 gestes à faire pour bien planter ses tomates au potager Si vous avez aimé cet article, pourquoi ne pas en parler autour de vous ? Cliquez sur le bouton Facebook ou Gmail. Il n’est pas trop tard pour planter des tomates au potager ! Je vais vous montrer avec tous les détails la manière exacte que j’emploie pour planter mes tomates. Si vous voulez voir les résultats que j’ai obtenus l’année dernière, c’est par ici. Pour avoir une récolte abondante, c’est important que vos pieds de tomates prennent un bon départ. Avec le début du mois de mai frais et pluvieux que nous avons eu, il est encore largement temps de planter des tomates. Et j’ai remarqué que souvent, les plants plantés tardivement finissent par rattraper ceux qui ont été plantés plus tôt. 1. Il n’est pas indispensable d’avoir un sol meuble pour cultiver des tomates. Avant d’avoir mon potager actuel, j’arrivais à faire pousser d’excellentes tomates dans un sol caillouteux et dur comme du béton ! Creusez un trou d’une vingtaine de centimètres de côté environ (la largeur d’une bêche). 2. 3. 4.

Tips to Help Identify Scam Apps | iOS Affairs I couldn’t reblog this gem because it isn’t on WordPress, but I just read a blog from February at AppAdvice and wanted to relay these tips to my readers (sorry I’m so behind on my blog reading). Check blogs and websites that are reliable sources for app advice (like mine and AppAdvice’s, but mine at least :)). There is apparently some rule that app reviewers do not take money to do reviews. Read the original article for other great tips and make sure to let me know about bad developers or apps. That’s it for me. Like this: Like Loading... An Introduction to WASH for Development - Global Water Jobs The International WaterCentre (IWC) is offering a new 10 week online training course, 'An Introduction to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Development', a highly interactive program that empowers development practitioners with an understanding of the fundamentals of the WASH sector in low and middle income countries. Students will be introduced to the core principles involved in planning, designing and implementing WASH activities to improve sustainable and equitable access to domestic water supply and sanitation facilities, and to improve hygiene behaviours. Who should participate This course is designed for present or future development practitioners working in civil society or non-government organisations, government institutions, donor organisations and consulting firms, and for those working in the water industry who want an understanding of approaches to WASH problems in the developing world. Cost AUD $870 per person (including GST) More information

How to Add a Pinterest Tab to Your Facebook Fan Page Rating There are three main ways to add a Pinterst tab to your organizations Facebook fan page; via iFrame, via Facebook developer apps, and Woobox. All of these have different looks, advantages, and downsides. Examining characteristics of each can help in deciding on which application to use to install your Pinterest tab. First, you have to have a Pinterest account. In order to install any Facebook Pinterest tab, you have to be using Facebook as yourself as you navigate to the application, so make sure you’re on your own profile, not the page you want to add the tab(s) to. How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Iframe Host To add a Pinterest tab to your Facebook page using an iFrame host, first go to and locate the “Install Page Tab” button. NOTE: if you only want to show one or two boards, you have to separate the links from the link to the entire Pinterest account. How to Add a Pinterest Tab via Facebook Developer Application

Le tour du potager n° 13 – avril 2015 Comme d’habitude, vous pouvez cliquer sur les photos pour les voir en grand. Après avoir planté les pommes de terre mi-avril (à la floraison des lilas), j’ai décompacté la bande de terre qui va bientôt recevoir les tomates. On voit quelques repousses de seigle, l’engrais vert qui a occupé l’espace durant tout l’hiver. Elles seront pour la plupart déracinées par le croc et de toute façon ne sont pas gênantes. Le croc est l’un des outils dont je me sers le plus pour préparer la terre. J’ai coupé la moutarde (engrais vert) avant que ses tiges deviennent du bois, mais j’aime laisser fleurir quelques pieds pour les insectes butineurs. La consoude est maintenant bien développée et je vais pouvoir faire un seau de purin. Voici deux légumes qui sont en fleurs au même moment, mais qui ont des usages complètement différents : d’un côté, nous avons le chou frisé, qui nous a régalé de ses feuilles durant tout l’hiver. Les oignons blancs plantés à l’automne sont à point.

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