Boy: A Charming Little Number Called 'Little Numbers' How to Clean Windows: Tips for Washing Windows & More The sunshine is here {yay!} and when we look out at the beautiful spring day we don’t want to see fingerprints, smudges, or mildew. Today we are learning how to clean windows! First we are going to start with washing our windows and wiping down our sills. Here’s what you need:BucketA few drops of dish soapSqueegee2 rags This is a super easy way to wash windows. For this tutorial I had to use my large pot because I couldn’t find my bucket anywhere! Step 1: Wipe down the entire window with soapy water. Step 2: Use the squeegee to wipe the water off. Pretty gross! When you are finished with each window wipe the window sill clean with the wet, soapy cloth. For the window tracks you will need:Q-Tips {if yours are as bad as mine you will need a lot}A small cup of white vinegarPaper towels I had not cleaned them, since we moved in last June. Step 1: Dip your Q-tip in the white vinegar and wipe out the grime. Step 2: Run the Q-tip along the whole inside of the track… Seriously gross!!!
Inventor/Chef Homaro Cantu Crabgrass, Vegan Eggs and Package-less Orange JuiceHomaro Cantu’s Recipe to Change the Way We Eat By Mike Drummond Celebrity chef Homaro Cantu would rather tinker with lasers, ultrasound and liquid nitrogen than talk haute cuisine and name drop. Despite the fact he and sidekick pastry chef Ben Roche had a cooking show called Future Food on the Discovery Network – what chef doesn’t have a cooking show these days? – Cantu prefers to be called an inventor. Indeed, a conversation with Cantu is a provocative, authoritative, mind-bending trip to the outskirts of the culinary arts. From his Chicago restaurant Moto and his innovation lab Cantu Designs, Cantu is cooking up new ways to feed the world, heal the planet, delight taste buds and create playful mischief. We spent about an hour with the patent-holding Cordon Bleu grad, who engaged us in a free-range discussion alighting on everything from the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance jet to “flavor tripping.” HC: There are so many facets to this.
m o t o | c u i s i n e : 2012 wirdou Pi Ram Ides Finalmente, Abdul nos llevó por la Sharia Mohamed Ah a la antigua mezquita del sultánHassan, y a la de Babel-Azab, flanqueada por torres, más allá de la cual el pasaje deempinadas paredes asciende hasta la poderosa ciudadela que el propio Saladino hizoconstruir con piedras de olvidadas pirámides. Atardecía ya cuando escalamos ese peñasco, dimos una vuelta alrededor de la moderna mezquita de Mohamed Alí, y nosasomamos al vertiginoso antepecho, por encima de El Cairo místico..., místico y tododorado, con sus cúpulas labradas, sus etéreos minaretes y sus jardines resplandecientes.Muy por encima de la ciudad se alzaba la gran cópula romana de un nuevo museo; ymás allá —al otro lado del Nilo enigmático y amarillo, padre de dinastías milenarias— acechaban las amenazadoras arenas del desierto de Libia, onduladas, iridiscentes, perversas, llenas de arcanos aún más antiguos.
Hair Tutorial: Get Curly Hair Using an Old Pillowcase If there's one thing I've gathered from my girlfriends when it comes to hair, it's that you always want what you don't have. This rule of thumb also generally applies to boob size too, but that's a post for another day. Being one who falls squarely in the category of naturally wavy hair (in the ugly, frizzy way), I've always lusted after big, bouncy, bodacious curls. Funnily enough, my husband also lusts after big, bouncy and bodacious, but we're not talking about curls (wokka wokka). Since I was little I've been obsessed with curls. My mom is the only one of Grandmother's three daughters (there are also three boys) who didn't have super curly hair, and this pillowcase technique is how Grandmother curled my mom's hair as a girl. A note on how to do this technique - just like with a curling iron, the smaller the sections of hair, the tighter the curl, and the tighter you wrap your hair, the tighter the curl. P.s.