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Six-Legged Giant Finds Secret Hideaway, Hides For 80 Years

Six-Legged Giant Finds Secret Hideaway, Hides For 80 Years
No, this isn't a make-believe place. It's real. They call it "Ball's Pyramid." It's what's left of an old volcano that emerged from the sea about 7 million years ago. A British naval officer named Ball was the first European to see it in 1788. What's more, for years this place had a secret. A satellite view of Ball's Pyramid in the Tasman Sea off the eastern coast of Australia. toggle caption Google Maps Here's the story: About 13 miles from this spindle of rock, there's a bigger island, called Lord Howe Island. On Lord Howe, there used to be an insect, famous for being big. Then one day in 1918, a supply ship, the S.S. Totally gone. There was a rumor, though. Some climbers scaling Ball's Pyramid in the 1960s said they'd seen a few stick insect corpses lying on the rocks that looked "recently dead." Climbing The Pyramid Fast forward to 2001, when two Australian scientists, David Priddel and Nicholas Carlile, with two assistants, decided to take a closer look. That wasn't so easy. Related:  Insects & ArachnidsBugs

Egyptian Giant Solpugids (Camel Spider) Camel spiders became an Internet sensation during the Iraq war of 2003, when rumors of their bloodthirsty nature began to circulate online. Many tales were accompanied with photos purporting to show spiders half the size of a human. For many years, Middle Eastern rumors have painted camel spiders as large, venomous predators, as fast as a running human, with a voracious appetite for large mammals. The camel spider's history of misinformation begins with a misidentification. Camel spiders, also called wind scorpions and Egyptian giant solpugids (SAHL-pyoo-jids), are only about 6 inches (15 centimeters) long. Camel spiders are not deadly to humans (though their bite is painful), but they are vicious predators that can visit death upon insects, rodents, lizards, and small birds.

Priotrochatella: Beautiful Cuban Land SnailWonderful World Pics Priotrochatella is a genus of land snails with an operculum, terrestrial gastropod mollusks in the family Helicinidae. ref wikipedia. There are three species reported within the genus Priotrochatella in Cuba, all from the Isle of Pine. Priotrochatella constellata (Morelet, 1847), Priotrochatella stellata (Velazquez in Poey, 1852), and Priotrochatella torrei Clapp, 1918. See photos below! Priotrochatella constellata (Morelet, 1847) Priotrochatella stellata (Velazquez in Poey, 1852) Priotrochatella torrei Clapp, 1918 FEI Image Contest 2013 Puts Amazing Electron Microscope PHOTOS In Spotlight Viewing something through an electron microscope may feel as if you're viewing it for the first time. The incredible instrument offers a close-up glimpse of whatever you choose to look at -- even tiny, everyday things, such as insects, crystals, and germs. Each year scientific instruments company FEI holds a contest to showcase such images -- and a call for submissions in the 2013 photo contest already went out. The company is partnering with National Geographic on the contest, and also on a film titled " Mysteries of the Unseen World ." Below, check out some images that were submitted this month. Loading Slideshow Beetle Head A frontal view of a myrmecophilous ground beetle with the antennae removed. Also on HuffPost:

Tinkerbella nana The family Mymaridae includes more than 1,400 species of diminutive insects called fairyflies. They are not flies at all, but tiny wasps that deposit their eggs inside the eggs of other insects. Most of these parasitoids are found in tropical latitudes and the southern hemisphere, where they attack unborn offspring of true bugs, beetles, flies, barkflies and dragonflies. The common name fairyfly was no doubt inspired by the small size, delicate form and wispy wings with long posterior fringes. A new species of fairyfly, Tinkerbella nana, has been described by John T Huber of Natural Resources Canada and John S Noyes of London's Natural History Museum. Fossils of Meganeuridae , giant dragonfly-like insects from the carboniferous period 300 million years ago, have sparked a number of debates over the upper size limits of insects, often attributed to oxygen concentrations in the atmosphere. So how small can an insect be?

Ces animaux dont vous ne soupçonnez pas l'existence Insolite Publié le mai 31st, 2013 | Rédigé par La Rédaction La plupart d’entre nous n’ont pas idée de l’immense variété d’espèces animales qui peuplent la Terre aujourd’hui. Les scientifiques continuent de découvrir des dizaines de nouvelles espèces chaque jour, toutes sont uniques et parfois même bizarres. Le Chlamydophore tronqué L’Aye Aye L’Axolotl Le loup à crinière L’élaphode Dumbo Octopus Le Patagonie Mara Le Nu Mole Rat La Lamproie La taupe à nez étoilé Le crabe yéti (Kiwa hirsuta) Le Paradisaeidae (oiseau du paradis) Le Poisson Blob La tortue géante de Cantor à carapace molle instagram Dinner’s Revenge: mealworms that survive in the stomach, then eat their way out of predators "Within ten to twenty seconds," came the report, "the mealworm is chewing out of the animal’s stomach.” Photo: Gilles San Martin (cc) Can the eaten eat back? The darkling beetle, small and shy with an understated matte-black carapace, is better known as its adolescent self, the mealworm. I heard about the phenomenon SECOND-HAND from wildlife biologist Tom Pitchford. Mealworm ranchers scoff. As so often is the case with apocryphal tales like this, finding someone who knows someone who’s seen it is easy. Tracy is skeptical. However, like most people who work with captive reptiles and amphibians, Tracy has trouble completely dismissing the stories. Professor Tracy has borrowed an endoscope. Tracy has no funding for the experiment, just enthusiasm. “And this is Frank and Terry, from OMED,” says Tracy as two more men show up in the lab. Tracy holds a bullfrog in sitting position while Lee feeds the scope into its mouth and down to the stomach. The frog is sedated but awake. “Is it chewing?”

Whip Scorpion We've seen the elegant Scorpion with their often rather dainty pincers, now let's see their relatives, the chunky Whip Scorpions with their own brutal, barbarous claws. Whip Scorpions, also known oddly as Vinegaroons, are indeed arachnids with thick, hefty bodies. Most of them are 3 cm (1.2 in) long or a bit under, but the biggest ones can reach 8.5 cm (3.3 in). But check out those claws! With these they can grapple with small insect and millipede prey, though the bigger ones can also catch small vertebrates. Whatever the prey, the Whip Scorpion simply grabs it and crushes and mushes it in those formidable pincers. Like the Scorpion, the Whip Scorpion cares for her eggs and carries her young on her back. Young Whip Scorpions take about 3 years to reach adulthood, after which they have about 4 more years of life left in them.

Des chiens de prairie qui parlent de mode Tiens, c'est amusant ça ! Des scientifiques qui ont étudié pendant plus de 25 ans les cris des chiens de prairie viennent d'en déchiffrer les mystères. Oui, 25 ans à analyser des petits cris stridents... Bref, pendant que Nabila cherche encore à comprendre la chronique de De Grootd, nos scientifiques animaliers ont réussi à comprendre le contenu des cris d'alerte du chien de prairie du Colorado qui vit en Arizona et au Nouveau-Mexique. Ces derniers ne se contentent pas de nommer un intrus (Humain, coyote, rapace) mais ils s'attardent aussi sur les détails et l'apparence tels que la taille, la grosseur ou la couleur. C'est donc une nouvelle preuve qu'il existe bien un langage structuré et complexe chez des animaux qui ne sont pas dotés de parole. Source Rejoignez les 54338 korbenautes et réveillez le bidouilleur qui est en vous Suivez KorbenUn jour ça vous sauvera la vie..

Bioelectromagnetics: Bees, Flowers Communicate Using Electrical Fields Did you know that flowers and bees communicate with one another about the amount and quality of pollen available using bioelectromagnetics? In a recent study from the University of Bristol and published in Science Express, scientists put electromagnetic detectors in flowers’ pollinators to watch the great romance of spring and determine if electrical signals given off by both bee and flower aided in communication. They also watched bee behavior to observe some interesting findings. What scientists discovered is that flowers tell bees specific information, including how much pollen they have, if another bee has visited them recently, and what type of flower they are. Flowers and bees communicate effectively to aid bees in the work they do. Researchers at the University of Bristol also discovered that bumblebees can distinguish different types of flowers with more discernment utilizing floral electric fields. Related Read: Bees Hold Secret to Slowing Aging Process and ‘Reversing Time’

Long exposure fireflies Premières images de la découverte de la mythique Heracleion (Egypte) Détails Affichages : 38845 Elle gisait par une trentaine de mètres, mais au bout de trois ans de fouilles et quatre de recherches géophysiques, la cité perdue est devenue réalité. La ville retrouve la lumière après 1 200 ans passée dans les profondeurs de la mer Méditerranée, enlisée dans le sable et la boue. La cité a été découverte par 30 mètres de profondeur à Aboukir, près d'Alexandrie, il y a huit ans. Les recherches ont été effectuées par Franck Goddio et son équipe archéologique liée à IEASM, Institut européen pour l’archéologie sous-marine. Selon Franck Goddio, l'archéologue sous-marin qui aurait découvert le site, la cité a probablement été construite vers le 8e siècle av. « Nous venons tout juste de commencer nos recherches, explique M. On croit que c'est l'érosion graduelle du sol qui aurait fait glisser Héracléion dans la Méditerranée. « On sait maintenant qu'un lent affaissement du sol s'est produit dans cette partie du bassin du sud-est de la Méditerranée, écrit M.
