HOT QR Codes in the Classroom & Library QR Codes are popping up everywhere! On the back of my Sephora catalog, windows of shops, and in my library! They're already big in Japan - and now in New York & LA. Calvin Klein Jeans recently put up three billboards - 2 in NYC and 1 in LA - to promote the brand’s upcoming campaign for Winter 2010. Rather than a racy montage of scantily clad models, but with a bright red QR code - all the rage in Japan - under the words “Get It Uncensored.” A Quick Response (QR) code is a two-dimensional or 2D bar code which can be interpreted by any mobile phone with camera capabilities. Simply use your smartphone's camera to scan a QR code (via a reader app, such as Barcode Scanner or QuickMark), and you'll instantly be rewarded with whatever content has been embedded in the code, whether it's a URL that you can auto launch to the site, a friend's contact information, or a text message. QR Codes in the Classroom - and the Library! Shopping ALERT! On our Recent Arrival Display - Promoting our Blog!
Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars 25 ways IT will morph in the next 25 years Network World - Imagine a world where the computers, networks and storage systems are all tens of thousands of times faster than they are today -- and then think about the sci-fi type of applications that will be possible. Read Network World's 25th anniversary package That's what you can expect to see 25 years from now. Experts say the overall pace of innovation in the IT industry will speed up, resulting in a mind-boggling array of developments in such areas as talking machines, 3-D telepresence and real-world robotics. These changes will revolutionize industries, including healthcare, urban planning, energy, e-retailing and entertainment. BACKGROUND: 2020 Vision: Why you won't recognize the 'Net in 10 years "I use the term technology avalanche," says Dave Evans, Chief Futurist at Cisco. Here are predictions that leading researchers are making about what IT will look like in the year 2036: 1. 2. "With traditional computer science, a bit is on or off, true or false. 3. 4. 5.
Diversität in der Videospielbranche - Brauchen wir wirklich mehr Frauen und Minderheiten? Es gilt als eines der größten Probleme der Videospielbranche: Die Leute, die tatsächlich Videospiele spielen, werden weder in den Spielen noch in den Entwicklungsteams ausreichend repräsentiert, zugunsten eines Fokus auf junge, weiße Männer. Frauen und Minderheiten kommen dagegen zu kurz. Die Zahlen sprechen da doch eine deutliche Sprache, wie man am Exempel des Frauenanteils sehen kann. Und wenn man viele Meinungen und Editorials zu diesem Thema liest, könnte man meinen, dahinter stecke eine kolossale Ungerechtigkeit, ein System, das Frauen prinzipiell zurückhält. Frauen in der Entwicklung Das Problem, wenn man hier einfach nur laut "Ungerechtigkeit" schreit, ist aber, dass man dies kaum anhand der Zahl ausmachen kann, weil zu viele Aspekte zusammenkommen. Wie sieht es mit den Arbeitsbedingungen aus und wie vertragen sich diese zum Beispiel mit dem Konstrukt der Familie? Auch der Faktor Sexismus muss immer aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachtet werden. Gut für's Geschäft...
The Next Generation of Discovery By Judy Luther & Maureen C. Kelly, 3/15/2011 The stage is set for a simpler search for users, but choosing a product is much more complex. CARL GRANT Chief Librarian Ex Libris Group The choice of over 750 institutions worldwide, Primo combines the breadth of scholarly content with a user focused interface and community-derived recommendations to support academic excellence. Primo—together with its Primo Central Index of hundreds of millions of scholarly materials—offers a true one-stop shop for discovery and delivery, branded and customized to the individual institution’s needs, with a choice of a local or cloud-based implementation. Primo provides needed OPAC functionality within the Primo interface such as requests, renewals, and fines; a variety of user services, such as a personal e-shelf; and access from mobile devices. LJ Explores the Big Tools This is the third in a series of articles this spring devoted to new developments in major tools for libraries.
4 Great iPad Apps for Creating Educational Videos If you’re a teacher or a librarian who creates instructional materials regularly, you’ll want to have a look at these great apps for the iPad that let you easily create educational videos with your tablet. 1) Knowmia Teach iPad App This is a free lesson planning and recording tool for teachers and their students. It helps you create short video lessons on any subject and publish them on so students, other teachers and the public can find them. 2) ShowMe This is an interactive whiteboard app that allows you to record voice-over whiteboard tutorials and share them online. 3) iMovie This is a professional quality video application that lets you create beautiful HD movies and Hollywood trailers. 4) Adobe Voice I recently wrote an article about Adobe’s new free app for the iPad called Adobe Voice. And before you get started recording these educational flicks, you may want to consider investing in a device mount to make filming less shaky.
10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog. In short, a quality infographic done well could be what your blog needs right now. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics Stat Planet Hohli Creately New York Times Many Eyes Wordle
Videoguide - lerne filmen! - Themen - SRF mySchool Mona Vetsch und Videojournalisten von SRF vermitteln im interaktiven Videokurs Profi-Knowhow für Einsteiger. Erfahren Sie alles über die Grundlagen zum Thema Bild und Ton, Geschichtenerzählen und die Technik der 5-Shot-Coverage. Das Einmaleins des Videohandwerks – praktisch, witzig und lehrreich. 0:23 min, aus SRF WISSEN vom 24.12.2008 Herzlich Willkommen zum interaktiven Videoguide von SRF Der Videoguide behandelt spannende Themen rund um den Videojournalismus und liefert wichtige Erklärungen, die das eigenständige Filmen möglich machen. Bild in Lightbox öffnen. Bildlegende: Ob Schnitt, Dramaturgie oder Ton: In diesem Videoguide lernen Sie von den Profis. Betrachtet wird zum Beispiel der Aussagewunsch meines Videos. Zum Filmen gehört natürlich auch die Technik. Diese und viele weitere Themen behandelt der Videoguide. Viel Spass beim Entdecken! Ist der Videoguide auf DVD erhältlich? Der Videoguide wird nicht auf DVD vertrieben. Welcher Kameratyp wird bei SRF verwendet?
Teacher Librarians, School Library Technicians, Officers and Staff | Western Australian School Library Association Das Medienprojekt Wuppertal