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Back to School with Web 2.0: Part 3 For all of you who have been following the “Back-to-School” blog – Thank you! And finally, Part 3 of the “Back to School with Web 2.0” series is here. During the last few weeks Brian Benzinger ( has researched possible scenarios and real case studies of Web 2.0 in education in hopes to show others where we are with today’s education and where it could be. The article covers: educational blogging, photo sharing, educational podcasting, wikis, video sharing, Web 2.0 courses, School 2.0, and more. Also, if you are new to the series, don’t forget to circle back to Part 1 and Part 2. Educational Blogging Blogging has quickly become one of the most effective learning tools in education today. In blogging, there are no set standards, no boundaries, no restrictions confining you to conform your thoughts to any given set of rules and regulations. Things I’ve noticed with student blogs “I love my blog so much! School 2.0

Ten Commandments of eLearning Frequently when I talk to colleagues about eLearning they say something like 'I set up a bulletin board/blog/wiki etc but the students didn't use it'. My response to them is always the same: that the problem is more likely to be with their design rather than with their students. Over the years I've learned a lot of things about what good design really means and I've grouped them all together into a Ten Commandents of eLearning. 1 Put the pedagogy (not the technology) firstThink about what students need to learn then think about how it is best for them to learn it. 2 Be aware of workloads and work patterns (yours and theirs)Replace (don’t augment) other teaching and learning activities with eLearningConsider how much reading and writing they are required to do each week. 3 Balance risks with safetyWe want students to take intellectual risks but they need to feel safe in order to do so. 5 Make ethics a priorityDon’t give anyone access to the site who doesn’t have to be there.

E-Learning - Theorien, Gestaltungsempfehlungen und Forschung - Einleitung Tips for Adding the Right Images to Your E-Learning Content Who doesn’t like pictures? I like pictures. Pictures are fun. They add interest, they add depth and they are able to say a whole heck of a lot more than I am at a fraction of the word count. Sounds like a win/win situation, right? Well, it is .. but only if we are talking about the right pictures! After all, this is not a one kind fits all kind of thing. In short, you want this images you choose to enhance the quality of your E-Learning environment rather than distract from it. First off, its important to note that there are three main types of graphics to consider: Photos, Graphics and Icons. Photos Photos are exactly what you would think them to be. The downside to using photos is that unless you are a professional photographer, it can be difficult to find that perfect shot. Graphics Unlike a photo, a graphic is a designed image. This is the upside. Icons Icons can be especially important to those of us in the E-Learning community. 1. An image should have a purpose. 2. 3. 4.

Are the Basics of Instructional Design Changing? ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephen Downes Joseph Beckmann wrote: Philosophy is a much larger, much deeper and much more complex activity than "constructivism" could ever encompass. It involves a worldview that is so much more a challenge than neurology's current state that Paul Allen's billion dollar investment in pure research on brain activity suggests we hold off on any of these labels for, oh, a century or so. This comment is well taken, in my opinion. And a few words in this regard would be appropriate at this juncture. Philosophy - and in particular the philosophy of mind - has had a great deal to say about the issues currently under debate here. Let me begin, for example, with behaviourism. - methodological behaviourism - this approach allows that there are mental events, such as beliefs, but that since they are inaccessible to observers, we must treat them as though they were physical (and hence observable) events Probably the most important work in this latter school was Gilbert Ryle's 1949 'The Concept of Mind'.

Safe Exam Browser Safe Exam Browser (SEB) ist eine abgesicherte Browser-Applikation, um Online-Prüfungen auf Learning Management Systemen (LMS) zuverlässig durchführen zu können. Durch den Start der SEB-Applikation wird ein herkömmlicher Windows- oder Mac OS X Computer in einen sogenannten Kioskmodus versetzt und somit zu einer temporär abgesicherten Arbeitsstation. SEB regelt den Zugriff auf Hilfsmittel wie Systemfunktionen, andere Websites und Programme und unterbindet die Verwendung von unerlaubten Ressourcen während einer Prüfung. Demo Download News Support Konzept von SEB Generelles Konzept SEB läuft lokal auf einem Computer und ist über das Internet mit einem Learning Management System verbunden. Systemarchitektur von SEB SEB besteht aus einer Kiosk-Applikation und einer Browser-Komponente, die auf einem Prüfungs-Rechner ausgeführt werden. Schematische Darstellung einer Online-Prüfung mit Safe Exam Browser und einem LMS, beispielsweise ILIAS oder Moodle. Komponenten der Systemarchitektur Funktionen

'Social' LMS Comes to iPad TOPYX, which was first released a little more than a year ago, is a fully hosted SaaS learning management system that combines traditional LMS functionality with Web 2.0 and social learning tools (audio and video chat, blogs, whiteboards, forums, etc.) similar to those found on popular social networking services, along with e-commerce functionality and content management. TOPYX is also available in a mobile edition, which includes location-aware functionality, is available for a variety of platforms, including Google Android devices and iPhone OS-based devices, and now specifically the Apple iPad.

use scenarios in your elearning Hello Cathy, I thoroughly enjoyed the slides you shared from your presentation, and appreciate the suggestions you provided. Approaching instructional design from an “its our job to help people solve problems in the real world” way is a unique perspective that I think is probably the best point of view. I understand that scenario-based problem-solving in eLearning, and other methods of teaching, is an important approach, but I am faced with the question of “why does it work so well”. Its seems to all tie directly back to fundamental memory and information-processing theories. Considering your coffee pot example, just having students read the words on the screen about where to best place a heavy pot on a serving tray is not enough. Simply seeing and reading the words is one of the lowest and least meaningful ways of encoding information (Ormrod, Schunk, & Gredler, 2009), and all students are likely to do is route rehearse the data so they can recite the facts back in a text-only quiz.

viewtitle.aspx (application/pdf-Objekt) Abstract The trend with organisational adoption of virtual learning environments (VLE) seems to be cyclical. Initially, a decentralised approach was adopted, wherein each department implemented different learning environments or mixtures of technology, often developed in-house. The last five years have seen an increased centralisation of learning environment implementation, with most universities adopting a single VLE. However, in more recent times the proliferation of free, easy-to-use third party tools that fulfil a range of functions has seen a desire amongst some educators to return to a more decentralised model of technology provision, by supporting Personal Learning Environments (PLE). Article Preview Introduction And similarly Leslie (2005), argues for the use of social media back in 2005 (para 2): Centralisation And Vles VLEs can be interpreted as an attempt to bring order to a previously chaotic situation with regards to educational technology. 1.
