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School of Webcraft

School of Webcraft
It's even more Peer Powered We know learning is more fun with friends. We've kept the best part of the School of Webcraft and made it the core of everything we do to #TeachTheWeb. Mozilla & P2PU Mozilla's mission is to keep the web open, and to work together to enable anyone to take part in building it's future. We support each other. Webmaker's #TeachTheWeb program is part of Mozilla's commitment to help educators and others teach vital web literacy skills.

Decoración para fiesta infantiles Este album de 'Decoración para fiesta infantiles' con 14 fotos e imágenes no tiene descripción. Puedes sugerir una descripción de éste álbum y publicar nuevas fotos en él. Indica el motivo para eliminar esta imagen: Enviar - cancelar Learn HTML5, JavaScript and CSS With Mozilla's "School of Webcraft Mozilla is getting ready for the January semester of School of Webcraft, a 100% free developer training resource run in partnership with Peer 2 Peer University. Last semester, the School of Webcraft offered 15 classes; now, Mozilla is trying to get around 30 classes going for the January semester. Classes will be between six and 10 weeks long; they'll revolve around topics relevant to web designers and developers, including HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. Previous classes have also included non-developer topics such as organic SEO. Requisite skill levels will run the gamut from novice to expert. Students learn through a combination of free and open learning materials, online study groups and hands-on assignments that test their hacking skills. If you're a leader in the developer community, you can also step up and lead a course yourself. Registration opens on January 8; until then, you can sign up for the School of Webcraft e-mail list.

20+ resources for learning web design & development There are tons of blogs, tutorial sites, and other resources out there that can teach you about web design and development. But what if you want something a little bit more formal, without actually having to go back to school? That’s where resources like the ones below can come in handy. These sites offer courses modeled after those you’d find (or actually from) leading colleges and universities. They can also be excellent options if you’ve taken courses in the past, but want to make sure your knowledge and skill-set is completely up to date. Google Developers University Consortium The Google Developers University Consortium offers a ton of great courses for developers interested in working with Google products. In addition to using the University Consortium for learning, you can also submit a course, including course materials, assignments, lectures, and projects. Dev.Opera Dev.Opera can help you learn all the latest open web technologies, including JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, and SVG. Udemy

Getting Started (Javascript Tutorial) - JavaScript Why JavaScript? JavaScript is a powerful, complicated, and often misunderstood computer language. It enables the rapid development of applications in which users can enter data and view results easily. The primary advantage to JavaScript, which is also known as ECMAScript, centers around the Web browser, thus having the ability to produce the same results on all platforms supported by the browser. What you should already know JavaScript is a very easy language to start programming with. There are many other technologies that can be integrated into and developed along with JavaScript that are beyond the scope of this document. Getting started Getting started with JavaScript is very easy. JavaScript is a great programming language for introductory computer languages. Browser compatibility issues There are variations between what functionality is available in the different browsers. How to try the examples The examples below have some sample code. Example: Catching a mouse click <!

Como saber que CMS utiliza una web [Extensiones] | OpenWebCMS A veces nos llama la atención una página web en concreto, y queremos saber que gestor de contenidos tiene detrás de ese diseño que nos ha llamado la atención. Revisando el código generado por la aplicación se puede identificar el CMS, pero algunos CMS poco comunes son más difíciles de identificar o incluso imposible. Para esta tarea existen algunas extensiones para Firefox y para Chrome que identifican las tecnologías, frameworks y gestores de contenido con los que ha sido realizada una determinada web. Wappalizer: Es una extensión disponible para Mozilla Firefox y para Google Chrome, aunque también está disponible para poder ser utilizado vía web. Chrome Sniffer: Esta extensión para Google Chrome identifica más de 70 tecnologias, frameworks, CMS y librerías de Javascript diferentes. BuiltWith: No es solo una extensión, sino que es una página web que permite obtener información detallada de las tecnologías de una página web y del servidor que la sirve.

Learn To Code At Any Level With Google Code University Whether it’s for fun, for work, or for something else, programming knowledge is becoming more and more relevant in today’s world. We’re spending more and more time online, so it’s only natural for us to need to have more knowledge of how to build and maintain the sites and applications we know and love. Thanks to Google, in collaboration with schools around the United States, there’s a massive resource for learning how to program and code on the Web. GCU is broken into a few different courses ““ AJAX Programming, Algorithms, Distributed Systems, Web Security, and Languages. Before you really get started with Google Code University, you might want to take a look at the CS Curriculum Resources link. Within each course, there’s a ton of useful information. Next, there’s a section of “Contributed Course Content,” which is all submitted by colleges and Universities for use in the Google Code University. The Video Lectures Google provides are my favorite part of the whole thing, though.

Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity Codecademy Prefix and Postfix increment/decrement operators Prefix increment / decrement operators are operators that first increase the value of the variable by 1 (increment) or decrease the value of an expression / variable by 1 (decrement) and then return this incremented / decremented value. They are used like ++(variable) [increment] or --(varaible) [decrement] On the other hand , Postfix increment / decrement operators are operators that first return the value of the variable and then increase the value of thAT variable by 1 (increment) or decrease the value of the variable by 1 (decrement) . Syntax --variable ++variable variable-- variable++ Example var x = 15; var y = x++; console.log(y); console.log(x); var a = 15; var b = ++a; console.log(b); console.log(a);

Registro e Inspeccion de Establecimiento | INAN Contenidos Informes Registro e Inspeccion de Establecimiento Registro de Establecimientos inspeccionados y aprobados según reglamentación vigente con emisión de certificado de registro otorgado a los establecimientos elaboradores, fraccionadores, importadores y/o titulares de registro de alimentos. Presentación de Nota y Formulario de Registro de Establecimiento adjuntando documentacion solicitada. Para documentación solicitada: Ver Resolución S.G. Nota de Solicitud de Registro Formulario Nº 100 – Registro Nuevo o Renovacion de Registro Instructivo Formulario Nº 100 Nota de Solicitud para Incorporaciones R.E. Formulario Nº 101 – Incorporaciones Instructivo Formulario Nº 101 Criterios Técnicos para la Lista de Verificacion de Inspeccion Formulario Tratamiento de Apelaciones y Reclamaciones Formulario para Adjuntos Formulario Preesentación del PAC Solicitud de Certificación de cumplimiento de BPM Lista de Chequeo para cumplimiento de BPM Solicitud Inscripción como Importador Menor de alimentos procesados

5 Great Resources To Learn How To Code However, more often than not, there seems to be a problem of actually finding good content online that can teach you to code. Experimenting with a language can only get you so far. To master it, you need to have proper guidance from people who actually know what they are talking about. So where can you find expert guidance without shelling out a fortune for it? Dream In Code Just taking a look at their logo ought to tell you that the community at Dream In Code isn’t something to mess around with. They have everything. They also have a video channel and links to developers’ blogs if you want to look deeper. W3Schools If what you want to master is a Web technology, you’ve got to give W3Schools a look. You can get tutorials ranging from plain-Jane HTML, right up to AJAX and the likes. Eloquent JavaScript If you’ve ever had to use a Greasemonkey Script or a Bookmarklet, you have a clue about the kind of power that JavaScript possesses. TryRuby A Miscellany of HTML5 Tutorials
