The Sustainers
The AiR Collection The Sustainers looks at an inspiring and dedicated wave of thinkers, researchers, actors, collaborators and pioneers dealing with sustainability in multiple ways. There is so much going on in the world of artist residencies that is growing and morphing. In order to see what’s there and to understand what’s going on; we dive in the big pool of data on artist residencies and see what we come across related to one specific theme to serve you a collection connecting new and old stories, big and small projects accompanied with interviews and articles related to this theme. These kinds of collections allow for a broad perspective through a specific narrow entrance in this immense world of artist residencies, including useful deadlines, background info and a related side dish in the right column of books and readers. This collection can be seen as a starting point; a place for plural views and stories on this theme. 'Sustainism is the New Modernism ' Pioneers read more Farmers
Nature-based spirituality on rise, from Darwin to 'Avatar'
Yes, Bobby Drashin says, he wanted to help those nine children learn how to properly plant pansies last Sunday. "It was more than just 'here's the stuff, dig a hole,' " Drashin said about the gardening lesson he gave the kids at the Chabad house in Ponte Vedra Beach. But it was much more than just planting. "There's something mystical going on," said Drashin, 62, who's become passionate about growing trees and plants since retiring from a career in advertising and journalism. "I tried to communicate that awe and mystery to the kids." Tu B'Shvat, the Jewish holiday celebrating trees, was the occasion. Drashin said the holiday reminds him that "you really see God in it when you're growing things." As societies around the world have become more Earth-conscious in recent decades, holidays like Tu B'Shvat have become vehicles for communicating the sacred aspects of nature. The trend, while welcomed by some, raises concern for others who see it as an erosion of orthodox faith, Taylor said.
Arne Næss
Arne Næss kampanjar för det norska gröna partiet Miljøpartiet 2003. Arne Dekke Eide Næss, född 27 januari 1912 i Oslo[1], död 12 januari 2009, var en norsk filosof och grundare av ekosofin, även kallad djupekologin. Enligt Næss har allt liv på jorden rätt till självutveckling och självförverkligande. Næss har varit motståndsman, miljöaktivist och bergsklättrare. 1950 och 1964 ledde Næss klätterexpeditioner till Tirich Mir i Pakistan. Han använde gärna uttrycket possibilism. 1936 försvarade Arne Næss sin doktorsavhandling Erkenntnis und wissenschaftliches Verhalten. Næss språkfilosofiska huvudverk är Tolkning og presisering (1953) vars tolknings- och preciseringslära i den populariserade utgåvan En del elementære logiske emner (på svenska 1981 med titeln Empirisk semantik) i åratal var obligatoriskt kursmaterial för studenter vid de förberedande kurserna till examen philosophicum vid norska universitet. Naess avled den 12 januari 2009. Empirisk semantik, Esselte studium, Uppsala 1981.
Henry Acselrad e Carlos Vainer
The Story of Stuff Project
Earth Wisdom
In This Section Grounding Exercises A Wise Woman's Kitchen Living Green Connecting With Trees, Crystals and Nature Spirits Project: A Witch's Calendar Working with nature spirits, plant and earth energies requires one to stay grounded. Staying grounded is important because one can easily become overwhelmed by the ethereal feelings that come with working within other dimensions, especially if it is a new practice In time, you will find that grounding is a ritual that takes you into a very peaceful, comfortable state, meditative in essence. Sit on a chair, with both feet planted on the floor in front of you. Or Sit quietly amongst your house plants, or with your back against your favorite tree, or with your imagination locked into a nature scene. This exercise can be done virtually anywhere, even in a crowded train. Generally speaking, the kitchen is where a Green Witch creates a good portion of her magic. And of course, your Broom! Your Broom, your Staff and your Magic Pouch Simple Soup
Environmental Ethics
1. Introduction: The Challenge of Environmental Ethics Suppose putting out natural fires, culling feral animals or destroying some individual members of overpopulated indigenous species is necessary for the protection of the integrity of a certain ecosystem. Will these actions be morally permissible or even required? Is it morally acceptable for farmers in non-industrial countries to practise slash and burn techniques to clear areas for agriculture? In the literature on environmental ethics the distinction between instrumental value and intrinsic value (in the sense of “non-instrumental value”) has been of considerable importance. When environmental ethics emerged as a new sub-discipline of philosophy in the early 1970s, it did so by posing a challenge to traditional anthropocentrism. 2. Although nature was the focus of much nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy, contemporary environmental ethics only emerged as an academic discipline in the 1970s. 3. 3.1 Deep Ecology 4. 5. 6.
Ecologia política
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Ecologia política é o estudo da relação harmônica ou desarmônica entre os grupos sociais e o ecossistema em que estão inseridos (ver Martinez-Alier), ficando alguns grupos com os recursos e outros sofrendo mais com a poluição. É uma interdisciplina com a geopolítica. Um dos classicos da ecologia politica no mundo Anglofono e a obra de Piers Blaikie "The Political Economy of Soil Erosion" (Methuen, 1985), um estudo que correlaciona a degradação do solo na África sobretudo à política colonial de apropriação da terra - e não à superexploração do solo, por parte dos agricultores africanos. A maioria dos estudiosos da ecologia política provém da Antropologia, da Geografia, da Ciência Política, e de outras ciências sociais. Assim a Ecologia Política propõe-se a contribuir para: No Brasil, grupos de pesquisa sobre ecologia política mais notáveis são o GESTA na UFMG e o grupo do Prof Henry Acselrad e Carlos Vainer no IPPUR/UFRJ.
Baruch Spinoza
Biography[edit] Family and community origins[edit] Spinoza's ancestors were of Sephardic Jewish descent, and were a part of the community of Portuguese Jews that had settled in the city of Amsterdam in the wake of the Alhambra Decree in Spain (1492) and the Portuguese Inquisition (1536), which had resulted in forced conversions and expulsions from the Iberian peninsula.[11] Attracted by the Decree of Toleration issued in 1579 by the Union of Utrecht, Portuguese "conversos" first sailed to Amsterdam in 1593 and promptly reconverted to Judaism.[12] In 1598 permission was granted to build a synagogue, and in 1615 an ordinance for the admission and government of the Jews was passed.[13] As a community of exiles, the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam were highly proud of their identity.[13] Spinoza's father, Miguel (Michael), and his uncle, Manuel, then moved to Amsterdam where they resumed the practice of Judaism. 17th-century Holland[edit] Early life[edit] Expulsion from the Jewish community[edit]