Rosetta Stone
Ever since its rediscovery, the stone has been the focus of nationalist rivalries, including its transfer from French to British possession during the Napoleonic Wars, a long-running dispute over the relative value of Young and Champollion's contributions to the decipherment, and since 2003, demands for the stone's return to Egypt. Description[edit] Original stele[edit] One possible reconstruction of the original stele The Rosetta Stone is a fragment of a larger stele. The full length of the hieroglyphic text and the total size of the original stele, of which the Rosetta Stone is a fragment, can be estimated based on comparable stelae that have survived, including other copies of the same order. suggest that it originally had a rounded top.[7][13] The height of the original stele is estimated to have been about 149 centimetres (59 in).[13] Memphis decree and its context[edit] Political forces beyond the borders of Egypt exacerbated the internal problems of the Ptolemaic kingdom.
-900 Year
Une importante cité maya découverte au Mexique
Un groupe international d'archéologues a découvert dans l'est du Mexique une importante cité maya dont l'apogée se situerait entre les années 600 et 900 de notre ère, a annoncé mercredi 19 juin l'Institut national d'anthropologie (INAH), qui publie photos et vidéos du site. Cette ville, qui s'étend sur 22 hectares dans l'Etat mexicain de Campeche, était restée cachée dans la forêt pendant des siècles avant sa découverte il y a deux semaines par une mission qui l'a baptisée du nom de Chactun, "pierre rouge" ou "pierre grande" en maya. La mission a été notamment financée par la National Geographic Society des Etats-Unis, ainsi que par l'entreprise autrichienne Villas et la slovène Ars Longa. "Il s'agit vraiment de l'un des plus grands sites des Terres basses centrales" de la civilisation maya, selon Ivan Sprajc, un archéologue du Centre de recherches scientifiques de l'Académie slovène des sciences et des arts, qui a dirigé l'expédition. M.
Pyramid of Cestius. | Unexplained Things Are Out There
Pyramid of Cestius is a pyramid Built in Rome – Italy in the first century BC, between 18 BC and 12 BC. The pyramid is near the Porta San Paolo, between Jolla Austiansis and Via della Mormorata. It was incorporated in the wall of Aurelianus and therefore remains intact to this day. Pyramid of Cestius was built as a tomb for Gaius Cestius Apollo, that was a judge and a member of one of the four religious orders of ancient Rome in the first century BC. The tomb, made of concrete built pyramid-shaped frosted white marble. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids, this pyramid is steeper and higher, and probably has a Nubian influence. Medieval forgotten pyramid builders, and residents of Rome believed that the pyramid is the tomb of Remus and the pyramid near the Vatican is the tomb of Romulus.
-18 Year
-100 Year
-200 Year
Archaeologists Unearth Earliest Text Ever Found in Jerusalem
First Posted: Jul 11, 2013 10:47 AM EDT Archaeologists have made a historic find. They've unearthed the earliest alphabetical written text ever uncovered in Jerusalem. Archaeologists have made a historic find. Like Us on Facebook The inscription itself is engraved on a large pithos, which is a neckless ceramic jar. The writing on the jar is dated to the tenth century BCE. Because the jars were mere fragments, this also means that the writing is fragmentary. What exactly does the text say? The findings are huge for the archaeologists working on the site.
-750 Year
-800 Year
-300 Year
-500 Year
- 1 000 Year
European Late Neolithic.gif