Historique[modifier | modifier le code] L'humus est caractérisé par une couleur foncée qui traduit sa richesse en carbone organique. « L'humus, fondement de la vie. Il nous faut insister maintenant sur l'importance vitale de cette matière que nous venons de voir apparaître, c'est-à-dire l'humus. Le définir en une simple formule chimique est impossible. — André Birre, Une autre révolution : pour se réconcilier avec la terre, 1976[7] Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code] Le mot latin humus désignant la « terre » est cité par Curtius (Ier siècle) comme provenant d'un mot grec signifiant « à terre », locatif d'un substantif hors d'usage. En réalité, le mot latin humus, comme d'ailleurs le mot homo « homme », provient de la racine indo-européenne *ghyom- qui signifiait terre (cf. Formation des humus ou humification[modifier | modifier le code] La mise à nu des sols et le labour répété causent en quelques années une disparition de l'humus. Formes d’humus[modifier | modifier le code]
John-Paul Maxfield aims to put nutrients from food waste back into the soil
The United States has a topsoil problem. Skip to next paragraph reports on the practical and human elements of social innovation, highlighting creative approaches to social change to help people understand how to build better communities and a better world. Recent posts Subscribe Today to the Monitor Click Here for your FREE 30 DAYS ofThe Christian Science MonitorWeekly Digital Edition About 75 percent of it is gone, primarily because the large, single-crop farms that dominate American agriculture rely on chemicals and synthetic fertilizers to produce their harvests, depleting natural soil systems in the process. John-Paul Maxfield thinks compost can help solve this problem. But for Maxfield, composting organic matter isn't so much a waste-reduction issue as it is an ecological and agricultural one. Ultimately, the objective is to develop a stronger market demand for compost.
How Food Changes Your Personality
By the miracle of digestion, food that you eat becomes transformed into your living human body. This profound assimilation of food has the power to change your very identity. The fact is, food becomes blood. Your body feeds this blood to your brain. Every plant and animal you eat is a virtual factory of mood changing chemicals. As your blood chemistry changes, so do your emotions and thoughts. The passionate italian chef will have a new scapegoat. questions, comments & reviews for how food changes your personality (5.00 out of 5 stars) 1 review This is an excellent article.
Ayurveda and Cancer - Part 2: Treatment
By Claudia Ward, M.A., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac., Dipl. C. Ayurveda and Cancer Part 2 (Treatment) Ayurveda distinguishes between Vata, Pitta and Kapha type cancers and the treatment needs to be adjusted accordingly. Pitta cancer: This type of cancer may involve heated emotions such as anger, jealousy or resentment. Detoxification and Tonification The practitioner will determine a nutritional program based on the constitution and overall strength of the patient, and also decide if the patient requires tonification or purification therapy. Dietary Therapies According to Ayurvedic wisdom cancer patients should follow a diet appropriate to their prakruti (constitution) and vikruti (imbalances), state of ama (toxins), agni (digestive fire) and ojas (immune system). Ayurvedic Herbs for Cancer In the classical Ayurvedic literature there are hundreds of herbs listed that may have the potential to heal cancer. Some herbs are antioxidants such as amla berry or are detoxifying such as triphala.