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Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next?

Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next?
The decade of Design Thinking is ending and I, for one, am moving on to another conceptual framework: Creative Intelligence, or CQ. I am writing a book about Creative Intelligence, due out from HarperCollins in fall 2012, and I hope to have a conversation with the Fast Company audience on this blog about how we should teach, measure, and use CQ. Why am I, who at Business Week was one of Design Thinking's major advocates, moving on to a new conceptual framework? Simple. Design Thinking has given the design profession and society at large all the benefits it has to offer and is beginning to ossify and actually do harm. Design consultancies hoped that a process trick would produce change. I would add that the construction and framing of Design Thinking itself has become a key issue. There were many successes, but far too many more failures in this endeavor. CEOs in particular, took to the process side of Design Thinking, implementing it like Six Sigma and other efficiency-based processes.

100 Awesome and Original Business Cards from Designers Designers love shiny things, right? Well, if that’s true – or even partially true – you’re bound to love this round up of 100 awesome and original business cards. As designers, we should always be thinking of different ways to stand out and market ourselves better and by creating a stunning business card like the many featured here, you’re bound to stand out in a stack of bland business cards. So have a look around, check out the different styles used and let us know which you like the best! Holographic Business Card | Genix Design Vlade Dimovski Business Card Koji Sueyoshi | Designer Business Card Easel Business Card by Egil Paulsen Adriana Chionetti | Designer Business Card Nation Builder Rhino Studio | Leather Textured Business Cards Yannick Armspach Samuel Arnold | Freelance Designer Business Card Mogibo | Character Designer Business Card Sean Kinberger | Graphic Designer Business Card NinjaBTL Business Card Ruben Alejandro | Marketing and Sales Business Card Colokial Wildlabs – Business Cards Qit

Don Norman on Wearable Devices Ever talk to someone at a party or conference reception only to discover that he or she is constantly scanning the room, looking this way and that, perhaps finding you boring, perhaps looking for someone more important? Doesn’t the person realize that you notice? Welcome to the new world of wearable computers, where we will tread uneasily as we risk continual distraction, continual diversion of attention, and continual blank stares in hopes of achieving focused attention, continual enhancement, and better interaction, understanding, and retention. Actually, it isn’t the beginning—this stuff has been around for over a decade. And yes, I’ve worn Google Glass. Things reviewed:Google Glass Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011 Even so, the risk of distracting the user is significant. It’s a great myth that people can multi-task without any loss in the quality of their work. There is a flip side to this argument, however. Is this what we want?

CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE Exposição em Florianópolis conta história do sapato no Século XX | Programação - Dia das Mães 2011 Uma verdadeira homenagem ao sapato. Este foi o caminho encontrado pelo Floripa Shopping para atrair a atenção de seus clientes – particularmente as mulheres, neste Dia das Mães. Por isso, o empreendimento monta o evento “Sapato, Arte & Fetiche” para mostrar ao público frequentador um pouco da moda ao longo do tempo, se misturando às novidades das vitrines de suas lojas. Com painéis que ilustram a história do sapato, letras de música e curiosidades sobre o acessório mais desejado da moda, um vasto conteúdo mostra o processo de fabricação de um calçado e relata, passo a passo, a arte da manufatura do objeto, desde o curtume, onde se retira o couro do animal, até a colocação dos pares nas embalagens. Mas a grande homenagem ao sapato está, mesmo, na coleção exposta, que mostra a fascinante e rica trajetória dos calçados no Século XX. Os exemplares ficarão expostos cronologicamente, por décadas, a partir de 1900. A partir do 02 de maio, no Floripa Shopping. Sobre Linda Conde

Cette ancienne prison a été transformée en hôtel de luxe Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Cette ancienne prison du XIXe siècle située au Sud-Est des Pays-Bas a été transformée en un véritable hôtel de luxe. Aux Pays-Bas, des personnes lambda peuvent si elles le désirent passer la nuit, voire même un séjour, en prison. Si vous désirez séjourner au Sud-Est des Pays-Bas, les sites internet de recherches d’hôtels vous proposeront certainement l’hôtel Het Arresthuis, situé dans la ville de Roermond. Les 150 cellules se sont transformées en chambres et suites luxueuses Les clients peuvent donc profiter pleinement du confort de cet hôtel leur proposant un centre de fitness ou encore un sauna. En plus des chambres, l’hôtel propose à ses clients des espaces communs comme le bar et le restaurant.

List of 50 of the top award winning advertising and marketing agencies in the UK Leo We have another design giant here, Leo Burnett WW was ranked as the 4th Most Awarded Agency Networks in the World according to the 2012 Gunn Report. After that massive applaud, what can I say? or indeed need to say as the awards statistics certainly speak for themselves, so lets have a quick look at some historical awards (please take a deep breath as this list is going to involve some big numbers): 40+ ANDYs from the Advertising Club of New York, 151+ Lions from the International Cannes Advertising Festival, 84+ CLIOs, 6 Yellow Pencils and 1 Black Pencil from the D&AD (and 67 In-book), 51+ Eurobest Awards, 24+ Awards from the Art Directors Club of New York, 84+ Adfest Awards from the Asia-Pacific region and 159+ FIAP Awards (Latin American awards from The Ibero American Advertising Festival). Yes but I hear you say... Like I said, what can I say?

Design - Inovação São Paulo – Só quem já deixou uma planta morrer por falta d’água sabe o quanto isso é frustrante. Para garantir uma vida longa aos vegetais mesmo na casa dos mais esquecidos, uma companhia de design criou o chamado Boskke Cube, um vaso reinventado que permite que se regue a planta apenas uma vez por mês - e ainda serve como item decorativo para a casa. O produto, feito de policarbonato, tem formato de cubo, mas guarda um espaço interno para acomodar a planta. Mas colocar água até o topo não vai “afogar” a planta? A New York, la nouvelle tendance des hôtels de luxe est la nuit à la belle étoile A New York, la nuit à la belle étoile est à la mode dans les hôtels de luxe. Ils proposent de remplacer les constellations ou autres planètes par les buildings de Manhattan. Au milieu des briques Art Déco ou des structures d'acier aux murs de verre, le visiteur est invité, depuis son lit ou sa tente, à contempler les beautés très urbaines de la nuit new-yorkaise, sans les filtres artificiels d'une fenêtre, d'un store ou de l'air conditionné, le tout en plein air. Ainsi, le ciel new-yorkais voit ses étoiles s'estomper devant les lumières des gratte-ciel, afin que le visiteur puisse s'émerveiller d'une galaxie somme toute très urbaine, faite des lumières de la ville qui ne dort jamais. Avez-vous déjà partagé cet article? Partager sur Facebook Partager sur Twitter Entre ciel et terre Le concept permet ainsi de satisfaire le besoin grandissant des citadins en manque de connexion avec la nature tout en préservant le petit confort que représente un édredon douillet ou un matelas confortable.

Vivid Creative Is A Leading Advertising Agency in Sheffield Everyone remembers the advertising greats. Usually it’s the slogans or annoying jingles that stick in your head. Pressing home your brand advantage Often advertising becomes part of a much larger design for print or product launch campaign and this is where our particular expertise lies. As you’ll see in our case studies, we’ve achieved some outstanding results for clients by creating intelligent, engaging and successful campaigns for trade and consumer markets, combining magazine, billboard or adshell advertising with other types of communication. Discover the power of online advertising Thanks to our partner agency, we’ are also able to offer clients a range of online advertising options. Display advertisingContent network advertisingBanner advertisingMPU designVideo advertisingSocial media advertising (such as Facebook and LinkedIn) Check out our case studies to see the impact of our advertising campaigns or why not give us a call to discuss your requirements. Get in touch today Go!
