Related: English • Engelska blandat • Last minute lessons and resourcesInference Riddle Game by Phil and David Tulga Inference Riddles- having fun with inference and prediction - Welcome to my page on inference riddles. It includes my free Inference Riddle Game that you can play right now on your computer. You will also find information on my expanded activity featuring 101 Inference Riddles . If you already have access to the expanded activity, please click here!
English Vocabulary Exercises Exercises by Category All Adjectives: List of Words (click for definition) All Adjectives: Exercises Honest Dating Profiles of Punctuation Marks CommaOxford-educated. Obsessed with serial killers, “Serial,” and cereal. I’m a big list-maker. Yes, I’ve read the “Comma Sutra,” but I only bend one way, so please don’t ask. ESL Reading Worksheets - Short Stories - Free Arbor Day - Marla and Tio plant a tree in the yard. Breakfast - Jack has high cholesterol and has to stop eating donuts. Bus Driver - Adan wants to retire next year when he turns sixty-two. Camping - Bears take over a campsite! Car Accident - Oh, no! Bob had a car accident, but he's okay.
untitled Welcome to our online vocabulary tests section. We've developed various quizzes to help you learn new English words/vocabulary, and to practice the words you already know.Each exercise centers around one theme/topic, and uses only common/useful English words and expressions. Exercises BY TOPIC: Explain Yourself! The students try to give a reasonable explanation about a made up statement.They can do this exercise in pairs or in a small group. The teacher can also let the students come up with their own statements. - You have a tiger in your bedroom. Explain yourself!- You have got your hands covered in blood. Explain yourself! Teach 9 irregular verbs in one lesson It is much more memorable to teach or learn irregular verbs in a story. The verbs, especially their meaning, are easier to remember and retrieve from memory. Moreover, teaching verbs in a story is fun.
The World Factbook People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. Francis short film & analysis - Filmnosis This short film is an interesting case of adaptation from the written media to the visual one. Adapted from a short story by novelist and screenwriter Dave Eggars, the idea for the film was originally conceived when radio host Ira Glass, from the radio show “This American Life”, asked a number of writers to create a short story about “Adventure”. The story premiered first on the radio and was later turned into a short film.
Best Short Stories for Middle Schoolers, As Chosen by Teachers It can be a challenge to get middle schoolers interested in reading. The thought of tackling a thick novel can be overwhelming, especially during distance learning. Short stories are always a great choice. In addition to requiring less of a time commitment, they are an easy way to expose your students to new authors and genres. Also, the best short stories are every bit as engaging and meaningful as the best novels. We asked our audience on Facebook and Instagram to share some of their favorite short stories for middle schoolers.