Free Game to Practice Chemistry Knowledge!
Also available for your iPhone/iPad/iPod here or Android device here. Brought to you by the Chemistry Department at Stetson University. The entire content of this web site is copyrighted by Stetson University under the copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code).
NSTA Learning Center
Details Description Science Objects are two hour on-line interactive inquiry-based content modules that help teachers better understand the science content they teach. Additional Info Technical National Standards Correlation
Scuola secondaria di primo grado
Sussidi didattici per la secondaria di 1° grado (e per le quarte e le quinte) °°° CDD - Contenuti Didattici Digitali (interattivi) per pc, tablet e smartphone. ° Geografia: Il Volga; Monti , curve di livello e profilo altimetrico ° Momenti scolastici Serie di esercitazioni per favorire la conoscenza degli aspetti morfologici della Terra. °°° Visita d'istruzione: luoghi della Prima Guerra Mondiale in Italia - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Pisa e Parco della Maremma Toscana - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Monaco di Baviera - Story Map (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Campo di concentramento di Dachau - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri)°°° Visita d'istruzione: Campo di concentramento di Mauthausen - Story Map Journal (mappe Esri) I lavori presenti in questo sito, sotto i profili della progettazione e della realizzazione informatica, sono opera di Giuseppe Bettati, insegnante di scuola media.
The applet lists a "halflife" for each radioactive isotope. What does that mean? The halflife is the amount of time it takes for half of the atoms in a sample to decay. The halflife for a given isotope is always the same ; it doesn't depend on how many atoms you have or on how long they've been sitting around. For example, the applet will tell you that the halflife of beryllium 11 is 13.81 seconds. a lot of decays happen really fast when there are lots of atoms, and then things slow down when there aren't so many. That's exactly right. Notice how the decays are fast and furious at the beginning and slow down over time; you can see this both from the color changes in the top window and from the graph. You'll also notice that the pattern of atoms in the top picture is random-looking, and different each time you run the applet, but the graph below always has the same shape.
I Regni Rinascimentali
What is a mole? | The Chemistry Journey | The Virtual School
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Common Compound Library A searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties. Companion Notes Hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester general chemistry. Construction Kits Flash-based kits for building chemical formulas, names, equations, and problem solutions. Articles Featured articles, books, and tutorials. Toolbox Interactive graphing, popup tables, and calculators. Tutorials Index of self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics.