untitled Miscellaneous 1920's Miscellaneous 1930's Miscellaneous 1940's Miscellaneous 1950's Miscellaneous 1960's Miscellaneous 1970's Miscellaneous 1980's Miscellaneous 1990's VUVOX - slideshows, photo, video and music sharing, Myspace codes Exemplary Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories Open Educational Content For this exemplary collection the focus is on best practice examples: IIEP-UNESCO Wiki of OER repositories UNESCO/IIEP hosts a Wiki that offers a list of several portals, gateways and repositories. It offers a list of links to OER initiatives, resources and tools. MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) Free and open resources designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education. OER Commons OER Commons is a teaching and learning network offering a broad selection of high-quality Open Educational Resources, OER, that are freely available online to use and, in most cases, to adapt to support individualized teaching and learning practices. Open Courseware Directory (OCD) You will find 7 groups of subject-specific open courseware but also specialized resources for each subject, that is why it is acting as a gateway to specific repositories. OpenCourseWare Finder Resource Discovery Network (RDN) ide@s MIT OpenCourseWare OpenLearn
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Live Scanner The PBCFR Live Scanner is designed to be viewed at or above a resolution of 800x600, with images and javascript enabled. At times, the information presented on this page may be delayed from the actual information. If this occurs, we generally are aware of the problem and will be correcting it momentarily. *** Notice *** The information on this page is a provided as a service of the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Department (PBCFR). All information provided is basic public information involving fire and emergency incidents, and any information that could violate confidentiality laws has been omitted. Palm Beach County and the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Department assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies in the information provided on this web page. This service may be discontinued by PBCFR at any time without advance warning.
12 Top Notch Online Presentation Tools With more long-distance meetings going on due to increasing travel costs and decreasing expense accounts, you need to be able to show your work to clients and co-workers so they can easily see your point. These 12 tools will help you create all of the online presentations you need, set them to music, add links and videos and then embed them or share them as you see fit. authorSTREAM: authorSTREAM allows you to upload your PowerPoint presentations to unique URLs that can be shared with others. BrinkPad: BrinkPad is a Java-based presentation creator that allows you to save your finished work to the Web, save to disk, save as JPGs and more. Empressr: Empressr bills itself as making rich media presentations. Google Docs Presentation: The Google Docs suite of office products includes a presentation tool that will allow you to collaborate with others just as you do with any of its other products. What are some of your favorite presentation tools?
Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) En los últimos años se ha ido cristalizando un movimiento que inició con el desarrollo de Software de Código Abierto, continuó con la formulación de estándares de licenciamiento diferentes a las leyes que contempla el derecho internacional [1], y remató con la creación y provisión de contenidos abiertos para cursos; esto último con mayor dinamismo en la educación superior. Como resultado de la evolución y agrupamiento de estos tres frentes, surge una iniciativa con una idea simple pero poderosa: “El conocimiento es un bien público y tanto la tecnología en general, como Internet en particular, ofrecen una oportunidad extraordinaria para que cualquiera, desde cualquier sitio, comparta, use y aproveche este conocimiento” [2]. Si desglosamos cada unos de los tres tipos de recursos mencionados, encontramos que los Recursos Educativos Abiertos pueden estar compuestos por [3]: A continuación se relacionan, a manera de ejemplo, una serie de sitios que ofrecen Recursos Educativos Abiertos:
Amazon discount codes at ProBargainHunter.com Ever since I wrote about Amazon shopping tips and hacks last November the article has been the most visited page on ProBargainHunter. In case you missed it -- the post describes how you can browse discounted merchandise on Amazon (by messing around with the URL's) and lists a few other useful tips. The article featured on LifeHacker and Consumerist and even prompted some people to create tools for easy URL building. Below is my own attempt to summarize the information from that blog post into a more usable format. Click on the links with discount codes below to browse Amazon merchandise, and let me know if you notice any broken links. It was a large number of codes to compile and verify after all! Take the results you see with a grain of salt though. The table layout idea is courtesy of Brand-Name-Coupons (via Digg)
Presentation Tools: Keynote vs. PowerPoint When we need to make a presentation, we often think about using Microsoft Powerpoint. Whether it’s presentations for school, work, home or party, Microsoft Powerpoint seems to be the only choice. But Powerpoint’s got a whole lot of competition: Google Presentation, Impress, Symphony, and its strongest rival, Keynote. Some of you may have heard of Keynote, the Apple version equivalent of Powerpoint. Loyal Mac users have raved about it. 1. First of all, theme designs dictate the whole look of the presentation. The basic theme designs offered by Keynote are without competition–genius in design and simply gorgeous with 44 standard themes. Keynote Theme Designs Powerpoint Theme Designs Making a presentation with Keynote allows you to stand out–you’re going the extra mile, so you’re more professional and more memorable. 2. Both Powerpoint and Keynote have interesting transition effects. Sparkle Transition Effect from Keynote Dissolve Transition Effect from Powerpoint 3. 4. Graphs from Keynote 5.
TE & ET: Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología Ir al contenido TE & ET: Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología Información General ISSN-e: 1850-9959Inicio: 2006Periodicidad: AnualPaís: ArgentinaIdioma: español Descripción La Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnología en Educación y Educación en Tecnología (TE&ET) es una revista científica que publica artículos originales, reseñas bibliográficas y resúmenes de Tesis de Posgrado, en el área de Tecnología y Educación. Editores Universidad Nacional de La Plata: Facultad de Informática Clasificación Tecnologías: Tecnología electrónica. Otros catálogos Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN) Sumarios de la revista ** Accesibles* Alojados Acceso de usuarios registrados Mi Dialnet Dialnet Plus Opciones de compartir Opciones de entorno Sugerencia / Errata
Online Courses from the World's Experts MORE THAN 117000 STUDENTS HAVE ENROLLED ALREADY 110+ PHOTOSHOP LESSONS " Making Photoshop Fun & Easy " LATEST COURSE UPDATE - 20 August 2015 500+ 5 Star Reviews from really happy & satisfied studentsAll Work Materials are provided & ready for you to download No Prior Photoshop knowledge needed "Guaranteed" Full lifetime access to the complete course All future & additional lectures will always be free of charge No illustrator, plugins or other software is needed "You only need Photoshop" --------------------------- " Then this course is for you " ------------------------------- What This Course Entails: I will teach you how to get into photoshop, so don't worry if you don't have prior experience with photoshop or other plugins. Follow my lead and I'll teach you to be good at it! “Seriously" All my photoshop instructions form part of a comprehensive guide that can help you to accomplish your goals by applying these skills. The idea is to make photoshop fun and easy! You'll learn