These 21 Brilliant Illustrations Summarize Everything Wrong With Society John Holcroft's thought-provoking illustrations depict everything wrong with the modern world. Credit: John Holcroft “Satire is fascinating stuff. It’s deadly serious, and when politics begin to break down, there is a drift towards satire, because it’s the only thing that makes any sense” – Ben Nicholsan. John Holcroft is a talented British illustrator known for his ability to merge retro-style illustrations with satirical commentary concerning topics that matter. Using drawing inspiration from the 1950’s, Holcroft has created thought-provoking depictions of everything wrong with the world today. From society’s dependence on technology to the devaluation of the workforce, his quirky, satirical works convey uncomfortable messages in a loud-and-clear manner. In the past, the artist has worked with The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Ecomoist, The Independent and Reader’s Digest – to name a few. What are your thoughts?
A sequence of Circles... : clementvalla ← Older posts Cyberbullying - let's fight it together The music throughout the film is a song by Ben Folds called Still Fighting It. You can listen to it here: JOE: Um … Hi. My name’s Joe. Text on mobile phone screen: No Number YOU LITTLE KISSASS! Text on computer screen: Anon5446: HEY FREAK joebpruett: hu’s dat Anon5446: YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE Anon5446: LOSER! Email on screen: Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:36:31 + 0100 (BST) From:; Subject: To: Text on screen: YOU LITTLE KISSASS! JOE: Well, that’s it. JOE: (on video camera) I thought they were supposed to be my friends, but they’re all laughing at me. Text on screen: Cyberbullying is bullying It ruins lives Cyberbullying Let’s fight it together Ben Folds - Still Fighting It - Lyrics Good morning, son, I am a bird wearing a brown polyester shirt You want a coke? Good morning, son, I am a bird It was pain, sunny days and rain I knew you'd feel the same things
The Message How To Become a Better Person This EFL lesson is designed around a short film by Tracy Foster for The School of Life titled How to Become a Better Person. Students work on abstract nouns, discuss virtues important in the modern world and watch a short film. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Upper Intermediate (B2) – Advanced (C1) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 60 minutes Activity: Speaking about virtues, watching a short film, listening and writing Topic: Virtues Language: Abstract nouns Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: how to become a better person instructions Support Film English Film English remains ad-free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain. Step 1 Write “virtue” on the board. Step 2 Step 3 Get feedback from the whole class and write up the virtues on the board and help them with pronunciation. Step 4
Interactive Comic - NAWLZ - SEASON 1 : DISTORTION REIGNS SUPREME The alphabet of illiteracy This ELT lesson plan is designed around a short film commissioned by Project Literacy and the theme of literacy. Students discuss problems related to illiteracy, practise vocabulary related to illiteracy, watch a short film, read a transcript,and watch and discuss a promotional video for a literacy campaign. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Advanced (C1) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Discussing problems related to illiteracy, watching a short film, reading a transcript, watching and discussing a video Topic: Illiteracy Language: Vocabulary related to illiteracy Materials: Short film, transcript and short video Downloadable materials: the alphabet of illiteracy lesson instructions alphabet of illiteracy transcript Support Film English Step 1 Write illiterate on the board. Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
PHP - Les fonctions Avril 2014 La notion de fonction On appelle fonction un sous-programme qui permet d'effectuer un ensemble d'instructions par simple appel de la fonction dans le corps du programme principal. Les fonctions permettent d'exécuter dans plusieurs parties du programme une série d'instructions, cela permet une simplicité du code et donc une taille de programme minimale. D'autre part, une fonction peut faire appel à elle-même, on parle alors de fonction récursive (il ne faut pas oublier de mettre une condition de sortie au risque sinon de ne pas pouvoir arrêter le programme...). La déclaration d'une fonction PHP recèle de nombreuses fonctions intégrées permettant d'effectuer des actions courantes. afin de simplifier l'exécution de séries d'instructions répétitives. function Nom_De_La_Fonction(argument1, argument2, ...) { liste d'instructions } Remarques: Une fois cette étape franchie, votre fonction ne s'exécutera pas tant que l'on ne fait pas appel à elle quelque part dans la page! Appel de fonction
Sweden officially the 'goodest' country in the world, study says | World Politics Sweden has topped a poll as the best ‒ or “goodest” ‒ country when it comes to serving the interests of its people while avoiding damaging impacts to other nations and the environment. The country has outranked 162 others to take pole position in the Good Country Index, a league table based on 35 separate indicators from sources including the United Nations and the World Bank. Sweden scores highest for positive lifestyle contributions including prosperity, equality, health and wellbeing, while also performing well culturally. Iceland tops the list for its overall contribution to the planet and climate protection, including low CO2 emissions and minimal production of hazardous material, while the UK performs less well in this area, sitting down in 22nd place. The UK, however, is top of the table when it comes to science and technology, which takes into account scientific publications and study, Nobel prizes and patents. Play Video Close This is a modal window. Reuse content
Les fonctions Liens sponsorisés : Une fonction est un bloc de code PHP destiné généralement à être réutilisé plusieurs fois. Plutôt que d'écrire X fois le morceau de code, on le met dans une fonction, et c'est cette fonction que l'on appellera dès qu'on l'aura décidé. On pourra utiliser les fonctions pour par exemple afficher un texte bien défini (ce que nous allons voir plus bas) ou encore effectuer des calculs répétitifs en fonction de paramètres d'entrée (comme par exemple calculer une conversion en degrés C° => degrés fahrenheit, vous fournissez la valeur des degrés Celcius et la fonction vous retourne l'autre valeur. Dans ce cas, le paramètre sera la température d'entrée en degrés C°). Voici la syntaxe de base pour dire à PHP "ceci est une fonction, il faut la traiter comme telle" : <? On constate que le premier mot est le mot function, il est obligatoire et signifie que le bloc traité par PHP sera une fonction. Une fonction comporte toujours des parenthèses. Pour afficher Bonjour tout le monde ! <?
Sweden is the ‘goodest’ country – according to the baddest of surveys | Andrew Brown | Opinion I love Sweden. I count the year wasted when I don’t spend a couple of weeks in the back country. I have good friends and extended family there – but I still can’t really believe that it’s the “goodest” country in the world, as a recent survey purports to show. This isn’t just because my last extended trip there was to spend a week investigating a particularly gruesome racist murder in Trollhättan, nor because the country’s politics are in a state of farcical disarray. The Liberals have rebranded themselves with a logo that suggests they’re all on Viagra, while the former Social Democrat leader Mona Sahlin got caught falsely certifying the income of her rather dishy former bodyguard so that he could buy a fancy flat. Meanwhile, no policeman I spoke to thought there was any chance of repatriating the 80,000 asylum seekers Sweden plans to deport. The survey that selected it as such may well, however, be the worst of its type. Two things are on display here.
H 2112: DEC 6-9:CHICAGO ++ GLI.TC/H is an event that celebrates the glitch! Artists, thinkers, performers, makers && breakers gather to intentionally Fâ–²C▄▀SH.*UP↓ ⟁ Alerts! GLI.TC/H NEEDS YOUR HELP! ✍ Style this site! this year GLI.TC/H is styled by YOU! ✍ GLI.TC/H/ WORKINGGROUPS [ participate now! ✍ GLI.TC/H/WIKI [ linx + resources ] You want to show your glitch art? In previous years, the have exhibited/curated works from an open call. A conversation lesson about self-love – Intermediate level « Cecilia Nobre ELT Blog When I first came across Jessamyn’s story, I thought it was gutsy and moving. She is a Yoga teacher who has become an Instagram Yoga star for her body-positive message and for showing the world that yoga teachers come in all shapes and sizes.I tend to plan my lessons around topics that interest me first, then I reflect on whether my students might also connect and engage with these topics. Most of my sources are authentic and this one was no exception. I basically based all the tasks on Jessamys’s impressive Facebook profile: she posts interesting news articles, videos, photos and different sorts of media products. This topic couldn’t be more up-to-date : self- love, self-acceptance, self-esteem, fat shame. Teachers need to be aware some learners might have pre-conceived ideas on these topics – even being judgemental. Bear in mind we must not judge their opinions ( even if we completely disagree with them). Lesson Outline Slide 1 Slides 2, 3, 4 Can you do a handstand like she does? Slide 5