From exponential technologies to exponential innovation We developed the Shift Index to help executives understand and take advantage of the long-term forces of change shaping the US economy. The Shift Index tracks 25 metrics across more than 40 years. These metrics fall into three areas: 1) the developments in the technological and political foundations underlying market changes, 2) the flows of capital, information, and talent changing the business landscape, and 3) the impacts of these changes on competition, volatility, and performance across industries. For more information, please go to www.deloitte.com/us/shiftindex Exponential improvement in core digital technologies is fueling exponential innovation. These rapid advances have the power to disrupt industries. Exponential innovations are rapidly moving across boundaries, causing traditional definitions to blur and blend. The changes wrought by exponential innovation are increasing the pressure on companies to perform. Unlocking the passion of the explorer Coherency in contradiction
7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose Embrace embarrassment. Feeling foolish is part of the path to achieving something important, something meaningful. The more a major life decision scares you, chances are the more you need to be doing it. Before you are able to be good at something and do something important, you must first suck at something and have no clue what you’re doing. That’s pretty obvious. Ergo, due to the transitive property of awesomeness, if you avoid anything that could potentially embarrass you, then you will never end up doing something that feels important. Yes, it seems that once again, it all comes back to vulnerability. Right now, there’s something you want to do, something you think about doing, something you fantasize about doing, yet you don’t do it. But what are those reasons? Great things are, by their very nature, unique and unconventional. Embrace embarrassment. The Answer to This Question Will Tell You:
12 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate There is so much in life that we just tolerate. Some of it we have to deal with (taxes, bad weather, traffic). But there’s a good portion of stuff that we tolerate even when we don’t have to. Sometimes just recognizing the things we are tolerating in life gives us a renewed sense of hope and energy. However, when you address some of your bigger tolerations, you can completely change the course of your life and open doors to a world of happiness and inner peace that you didn’t know existed. Think about the poorest of the poor, living in squalor and despair without the hope of a better future. In the same way, we must search for these portals that will allow us to move to the next level of powerful living. Do you want to walk through the portal to a happier life? 1. You spend nearly half of your life at your job. 2. A long commute to work by car or public transportation is stressful and empty. 3. Are you overweight? 4. 5. How you live is a reflection of who you are. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Génies Thot Cursus " Etre courageux, parfois endurer, ... rompre " Philosophe et psychanalyste, elle insiste sur l'importance pour chacun de construire son propre destin. C'est à cette condition que la démocratie sera sauvegardée. Quand elle était jeune doctorante en philosophie, Cynthia Fleury rêvait à une existence en retrait, consacrée à la recherche et à l'écriture, loin du brouhaha de la cité... La vie en a décidé autrement, et la jeune femme a progressivement appris à occuper le devant de la scène. Pour s'engager tous azimuts. La petite quarantaine, habituée des débats et appréciée des médias pour son verbe tranché et la clarté de sa vision, Cynthia Fleury cumule aujourd'hui les activités : chercheur en philosophie politique et psychanalyste, elle enseigne à l'American University of Paris. Pourquoi ce titre, Les Irremplaçables, qui oriente le lecteur vers un horizon romanesque ? La littérature est bien plus puissante que la philosophie puisqu'elle ne produit pas de discours dogmatique, figé. De quelle façon ? Pourriez-vous donner un exemple ?
60 Small Ways to Improve Your Life in the Next 100 Days Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently, for a period of 100 days. Below you’ll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days. Home 1. Day 1: Declutter MagazinesDay 2: Declutter DVD’sDay 3: Declutter booksDay 4: Declutter kitchen appliances 2. If you take it out, put it back.If you open it, close it.If you throw it down, pick it up.If you take it off, hang it up. 3. A burnt light bulb that needs to be changed.A button that’s missing on your favorite shirt.The fact that every time you open your top kitchen cabinet all of the plastic food containers fall out. Happiness 4. 5. 6. How many times do you beat yourself up during the day? 7. Learning/Personal Development 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Introduction à la veille technologique S1E01 Why You Should Learn to Tolerate Uncertainty and How To Get Better At It | Leveraging Adversity For most people tolerating uncertainty is about as comfortable as waiting in line. We don’t what will happen, when it will, or most importantly, how we should respond. Yet some cultures, as a whole, tolerate uncertainty better than others. This tendency was first noticed by Geert Hofstede, author of Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Hofstede uncovered that some cultures prepare us to feel more comfortable with uncertainty than others. According to Hofstede, there are several factors that determine whether or not a culture has a high uncertainty avoidance. In education, cultures that rely heavily on educators to have the answers display high uncertainty avoidance compared to those where children are encouraged to be open-minded. On an individual level, people with a high uncertainty avoidance often like clear and predictable rules, tend to be formal in interactions, have a strict and rigid schedule, and are resistant to change. So how do we build uncertainty tolerance?
Mindmapping, concept mapping and information organisation software History of Knowledge Management by Betül Yılmaz on Prezi 14 Lies Your Mind Tells You to Prevent Life Changes The mind is a wonderful thing. It’s also a complete liar that constantly tries to convince us not to take actions we know are good for us, and stops many great changes in our lives. Scumbag mind. I’ve had to learn to watch these rationalizations and excuses very carefully, in order to make the changes I’ve made in my life: a healthier diet, regular exercise, meditation, minimalism, writing daily, getting out of debt, quitting smoking, and so on. If I hadn’t learned these excuses, and how to counter them, I would never have stuck to these changes. Let’s expose the cowardly mind’s excuses and rationalizations once and for all. First, the main principle: the mind wants comfort, and is afraid of discomfort and change. OK, with that in mind, let’s go into the excuses: 1. It seems too hard, so we think we can’t stick to the change. 2. Just because someone else can do it, doesn’t mean we can, right? 3. 4. 5. 6. This is also true, but you can learn. 7. 8. 9. Well, true. 10. Yep, me too. 11. 12. 13.