How the Internet is Revolutionizing Education - TNW Industry As connection speeds increase and the ubiquity of the Internet pervades, digital content reigns. And in this era, free education has never been so accessible. The Web gives lifelong learners the tools to become autodidacts, eschewing exorbitant tuition and joining the ranks of other self-taught great thinkers in history such as Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Paul Allen and Ernest Hemingway. “Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” 10 years ago in April 2001, Charles M. He says, “I think there’s a wide array of reasons why faculty should be engaged in recording and publishing lectures online. So. Some of the biggest names in tech are coming to TNW Conference in Amsterdam this May. Both Yale and Stanford have followed suit, and even Harvard has jumped on board in the last two years. The world’s encyclopedia is as weightless, free and instantly accessible as Wikipedia, which is quickly gaining legitimacy in the education sphere. Open Culture
At the Finish Line We've reached the FINISH line for my math computation race games. But I gotta warn you, I have lots more of these games! Click the picture below to grab a copy of DIVISION RACES. ENJOY! I'm excited about the next GIVEAWAY that is only 16 FOLLOWERS away Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures Learn about ENGLISH GRAMMAR and HOW TO WRITE BETTER Dreamstorming Ils ont tous un rêve, une idée... Au service de l'insertion professionnelle, du handicap, de l'environnement... Ils ont planté la graine d'une future entreprise sociale : ce sont les jeunes pousses de l'entrepreneuriat social ! Comment lever des fonds ? C'est le projet que mènent le Groupe SOS et Accenture. Un évènement en 3 temps 17h/19h15 : on prépare le terreau - des équipes, composées d'une dizaine d'experts chacune, sont mobilisées sur chaque projet pendant 1h30 pour répondre aux challenges des jeunes pousses.19h15/21h : on plante les graines - Présentation des projets et des résultats du brainstorming au public (300 invités) - Interactions jeunes pousses, experts, public.21h : on arrose ! Un accompagnement sur le long-terme Grâce à l'engagement de nos partenaires, les Jeunes Pousses continuent à bénéficier de l'effet Dreamstorming après l'événement ! Déjà 40 jeunes pousses lancées sur les rails de l'entrepreneuriat social
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