How to Virtualize OS X Lion on Windows
Update: Fixed down hard drive files (February 8, 2012). Sorry about the delay guys, this page has been updated so that Xcode 4.1 does not crash anymore. (August 17, 2011). If you've tried to virtualize previous versions of OS X, you know that it is a very tedious and time consuming process. This new guide works by giving you a simple VMWare Image. This means that the OS has already been pre-configured on a hard drive. This guide will show how to setup a fully working OS X Lion 10.7 on a Windows machine. Requirements A laptop or desktop computer that supports virtualization (most newer computers do). An updated video has been made of all the new steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
An introduction to Objective-C
If you are serious about becoming an iOS developer then it is imperative that you learn Objective-C which is an extension of the C language. If you already have experience with an object-oriented language then learning Objective-C should be quite straightforward. Never written a line of code? If you’ve never written a line of code and are interested in developing iOS apps then I would highly recommend picking up either of these books: Programming in Objective-C or Cocoa Book Basic Syntax for a Class Most object oriented languages have something called a class which encapsulates data and provides access to it. All classes are declared in two parts: .h – contains the interface which is a declaration of the class structure .m – contains the implementation of all the methods The member variables by default are set to private hence you have to write accessor methods which are your getter and setter methods. Methods There are two types of methods in Objective-C: class methods and instance methods.
How To Develop A Simple iPhone App & Submit It To iTunes
Like cooking, there is a bit of a process involved in “cooking” up an app. This article isn’t about your style of cooking, per se (i.e programming), but just the general steps necessary to get it from your head and into iTunes. Creating an app isn’t entirely free, so it is important to know up front that, at some point in this process, you will be shelling out $99 (USD). Now that we have all seen the fine print, here are the exciting steps to app happiness! Step 1: Craft A Brainy Idea Have a unique idea for an app? Be sure to check that there aren’t other apps that do the same thing that you are proposing. Step 2: Get A Mac The iPhone is an Apple product and uses a variation of the Mac OS. Step 3: Register As An Apple Developer To work with the Mac tools, you will need to become an official Apple Developer. Step 4: Download The Software Development Kit For iPhone (SDK) Once you are an official developer, you can download the SDK for iPhone. Step 5: Download XCode Step 10: Host A Bake Sale | Scito te ipsum
Tom Brow
App Store-safe Page Curl animations
Update February 22, 2013: Please do not use the code I present in this article anymore. The iOS SDK has progressed tremendously since I wrote this post in 2010, and now provides a native implementation of the page curl gesture/animation in the form of UIPageViewController. This API is a lot more flexible and easier to use than the Leaves project discussed here. Even if its usefulness is questionable, the page curl has become one of the signature effects of Apple’s iOS devices so it is no surprise that many developers would like to implement this effect in their apps. iBooks on the iPad doing a page curl The problem is that the page curl animation used by Apple is not exposed in a public and documented API. I hope Apple makes this public in the future (and if you want to have it, too, you should file a bug and request it). The end result is not quite as stunning as Apple’s solution but it is a very good workaround. Page curl in the Leaves project in side-by-side view
(ARC) Automatic Reference Counting Tutorial And Guide Page
Automatic reference counting (ARC) was introduced in the iOS 5 sdk to free Objective-C programmers from having to handle memory management by making memory management the job of the compiler. If you developer with Objective-C prior to the iOS 5 SDK or talked to Obj-C programmers then you are probably aware of how tedious task memory management could become. When using ARC there is no need for retain and release calls, and not only that in many cases ARC can provide a significant performance increase. You can read many of the fine details about automatic reference counting in the official documents on the LLVM website here. On this page you’ll find tutorials and guides giving a general overview of ARC and handling specific cases. Other iOS 5 SDK related tutorials can be found on the iOS 5 tutorial page. ManiacDev.Com ARC tutorials: Other ARC tutorials: Cocos2D And ARC – A tutorial featuring instructions from Tiny Tim on implementing automatic reference counting on a build of Cocos2D.
How to make a magazine app in iOS – Part II
Welcome to the second part of this tutorial. Previous in the series:How to make a magazine app in iOS – Part I The iOS5 revolution A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since our first part of this tutorial. We’re sorry for the delay, but at the time of writing we were aware of the new featured introduced with iOS5 but we were still under NDA and not authorized to disclose anything about the SDK. Finally we’re now able to provide our example magazine app with the double iOS4/iOS5 compatibility. I will not spend my time explaining all the Newsstand features, all in all we’re creating a magazine app here and the Newsstand implementation details go beyond our original purposes. The example app The screenshot shows the final appearance of the app. The full app code is available on GitHub. I have setup this app using the basic single window Xcode template and then added the two main components in the application delegate startup method: The two components are: Models and Controllers
How to make a magazine app in iOS – Part I
Introduction One of the most appreciated features by iPad users is the possibility to read books, magazines and newspapers. Practically all major publishers are in the App Store with apps dedicated to their products but there also many other minor publishers, in every country, that entered in the iOS world with one or more apps. Today a publisher that wants to enter in the App Store with his own magazine has several decisions he needs to make. Some of these are: is it better to publish a specific app for the magazine or use a newsstand app as Zinio? Of course all these decisions will have impact on development costs, web services hosting and maintenance and finally the magazine design flow. Part 1 – Architecture The scheme below shows the three main screens of a typical magazine app. note:Even if we’ll mainly refer the iPad device, all considerations can be applied to the iPhone too. The first screen is the Store screen. Below you can see a high level functional blocks diagram.