Nick Carver's Doodledump
::YBourykina Sketchbook::
Renaud Galand
sam brown
Jessica Dinh
First Keeper
Laurent H Portfolio
Book Trailer / Bande annonce du livre jeunesse Le Bal des Echassiers, écrit par Sébastien Perez et illustré par Paul Echegoyen. Vidéo : Laurent Harduin et Paul Echegoyen Tous les ans à la même période, des êtres géants, les Échassiers, viennent se nourrir de la végétation d’une forêt où vit une petite communauté. C’est la rencontre de deux civilisations imaginaires: l’une en parfaite osmose avec la nature, l’autre, inconsciente et destructrice. Le Bal des Echassiers from Laurent Harduin on Vimeo.
I had a pretty cool dream this afternoon. I leave the package that came in the mail on my couch. It’s not important yet. I’m jumping out of the basement window to my apartment complex into a quiet Manhattan back alley. The dude starts laughing, and it’s funny. I get the coffee I was looking for and start heading back home. I don’t go through the front door. I get my answers in a moment. He gives me a copy of my room key, it’s gold, and it’s covered in sweat. I pick up a bag with some of my stuff and the package. I take the back window out, again. I jump out the building down to the city sidewalk. I’m coming up to the Manhattan bridge through Canal Street, I can see that familiar arch. Then I wake up.
Alloa's Portfolio
Amalgamated Pressure Hulls Inc.
- - - P a u l E c h e g o y e n - - -
L a n t h a - N o i d
ok, seeing as it’s already the 18th over there I’m posting this today. So I share a birthday with my grandpa, and its really cool because we were both born in the year of the monkey, exactly 60 years apart. Which is considered really lucky considering the different timezones and everything. (grandma calls him old man monkey all the time) I really have to say that he was probably the one that started me on my path to be an artist. Right now, both he and my grandmas health are really declining. The worst part is that because they’re all the way around the opposite side of the world, its really hard for us to visit. well, sorry for this downer guys.
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