FLOSS Manuals (en)
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3 Easy Ways Anyone Can Learn to Code
We live in a digital world, yet far too many people, even millennials, are technologically illiterate. In a world where our smartphones are the first thing many of us touch in the morning and the last thing we touch at night, we need to be honest about the importance of technology, and, consequently, the role basic technical literacy plays in our world today. Jason Nazar encourages millennials to learn code, saying, “If you plan to stay gainfully employed, you better complement that humanities degree with some applicable technical chops.” To those hesitant to make this move, Ian Kinsey, the CEO of Semiformal Studios, which produces the MMORTS RPG game Ensemble, advises that “all it takes is a few days of learning the basics, a few days of figuring out how to get stuff to work, and then a lifetime of just building stuff that you don't know how to build, which is assisted through dedication and feverish googling.” How do you learn this? Marina Olson
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