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Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder
by Paul J. Hannig, Ph.D., MFCC, CCMHC, NCC Sections AbstractSome Characteristics of Borderline PersonalitiesOther Aspects of Borderline PersonalitiesBehavior of Borderline Personalities Causes of Borderline Personality Disorder The Process of TherapyReferences ABSTRACT: This paper is a narrative, exploratory, descriptive, and investigative profile of Borderline Personality Disorder (BP). Its purpose is to expand the existing description of behavioral characteristics of this disorder and to include a deeper emotional and interpersonal understanding of borderline symptomatology. This article presents a profile of the Borderline Personality Disorder (BP). Some Characteristics of Borderline Personalities Borderline Personality Disorder clients cannot sustain emotional commitment. This dysfunctional cycle has its roots in early childhood. The BP feels eternally alone and abandoned. Many borderlines have a perfectly working, pleasant, alluring, seductive, competent, superman/woman facade.

UCL Psychoanalysis What is mentalization? What is mentalization-based treatment? Research evidence for treatment focusing on mentalizing Randomized controlled trial of MBT for BPD Follow-up study of MBT for BPD Cost-effectiveness study of MBT References What is mentalization? Mentalization is the capacity to make sense of self and other in terms of subjective states and mental processes. Back to Top What is mentalization-based treatment? Mentalization-based treatment is a model of psychodynamic therapy rooted in attachment theory that aims to enhance the individual’s capacity to represent thoughts, feelings, wishes, beliefs and desires in themselves and in others in the context of attachment relationships. Research evidence for treatment focusing on mentalizing Our programme of mentalization based treatment was developed and implemented by a team of generically-trained mental health professionals. Randomized controlled trial of MBT for BPD Follow-up study of MBT for BPD Cost-effectiveness study of MBT References

UCL Psychoanalysis - Homepage The Psychoanalysis Unit at UCL was established by the late Professor Joseph Sandler, the previous holder of the Freud Memorial Chair in Psychoanalysis. Professor Peter Fonagy, the current holder of the Chair, directs the unit. The mission of the Psychoanalysis Unit is to strengthen the links between psychoanalysis and other academic disciplines. The unit is principally involved in the MPhil/PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies, and has over twenty doctoral students. These students undertake work of a conceptual or theoretical nature, as well as empirical investigations of psychoanalytic outcome and constructs.

L’écran du narcissisme En préambule, une petite vignette clinique qui m'a beaucoup amusé en préparant cette intervention. Un analysant, originaire d'un continent lointain, me faisait part l'autre jour d'une de ses petites blessures narcissiques auxquelles il se montre particulièrement intolérant. C'était un dimanche soir, tard, les enfants étaient couchés, il s'apprêtait à dormir. Il reçoit alors un coup de téléphone de sa famille, restée au pays, et rendez-vous est pris aussitôt pour converser sur le net de visu, via les Webcams, comme d'habitude. Le voilà donc tranmutté dans le salon de la demeure familiale, où par la grâce des décalages horaires, se termine le repas dominical, avec l'ensemble de la fratrie, leurs enfants, et tout le toutim. Il échange quelques amabilités, tiens quelques courtes conversations avec l'un ou l'autre. Si des mutations sont en cours dans le champ social, l'extraordinaire essor des technologies de l'information, des machines communicantes y participent. Share and Enjoy
