Apple Number Puzzles
1-2-3 Come Make An Apple Puzzle With Me! A quick, easy and fun way to get your kiddo’s sequencing numbers is via a number puzzle, which is also great for fine motor and higher level-thinking practice. One of my Y5 report card standards was to be able to put a puzzle together, so this was especially beneficial. Here's How You Make A Puzzle: Choose either apple puzzles with number strips from 1-10, for younger students, or skip counting apple puzzles, with number strips that count by 10's to 100. Keep each puzzle in its own Ziplock Baggie. When students are done with one, they may exchange theirs with another child who has a different puzzle. Another thing you can do with the puzzles, is make a puzzle flip book. Arrange the pieces so that when you make your flip book, the pages will show a mixed up puzzle. Click on the link to view/download the Apple Number Puzzle Packet. Thanks for visiting today. "There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds."
Cute Graphics & Clipart School Daycare Printables by Graphic Garden
Voice-Level-Charts-free-901462 Teaching Resources
<div class="deployment_message_block"><span> Hi, You need to enable javascript on your browser to use TpT. <a href=" target="_blank">See how this improves your TpT experience</a>. </span></div> About Us | Blog | FAQs & Help | Gift Cards All Categories Cart Your shopping cart is empty Log In | Not a member? Voice Level Charts {free} 58,394 Downloads Subjects Classroom Management Grade Levels PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, Staff Resource Types Printables, Posters Product Rating PDF (Acrobat) Document File Be sure that you have an application to open this file type before downloading and/or purchasing. 2.58 MB | 9 pages Black and white posters to help you teach your class about voice levels throughout the school day. Total Pages Answer Key Teaching Duration Report Copyright Infringement Average Ratings Overall Quality: Accuracy: Practicality: Thoroughness: Creativity: Clarity: Total: 438 ratings LOVE THESE! More
FREE Printable Art Collages
4 Free Art Collages for your child to practice their art skills! Includes Build a City, Build a Farm, Create an Ocean, and Create a Face. Includes both color and black and white cut-outs. There are 3 levels of difficulty depending on your child's age and skill level: 1. 2. 3. For more art skills practice, take a look at The Ultimate Art Skills Pack for ages 2.5-6 years.
Free Robots Colouring Pages
Do you love Robots? Do you know someone who loves Robots? Today, we share some super fabulous Robot Colouring Pages. I think they are simply fabulous and should appeal to grown ups and kids alike. Whether you are looking for Grown Up Colouring Pages or Kids Colouring Pages, I think these Robots are simply wonderful. Enjoy these free Robot Colouring Pages! We have MANY MORE colouring pages for you to choose from – both for kids (with some great preschool packs) and adults. ———-> click here for your Free Robot Colouring Pages <————— ———-> AND here (the 3rd one at the back) Free Robot Colouring Pages <————— You may also REALLY LOVE our Dreams Matter colouring pages! I have been asked a number of times what pens we use and have – we have this set from Faber Castell, they are brilliant and I highly recommend them! US Readers UK Readers This set of 3 colouring pages are an extract from a special set of colouring book by Lynette Rozine (check out her Dreams Matter colouring pages too). US Readers
Bokrecension mallar
Ett enkelt och trevligt efterarbete till tyst läsning är givetvis den välkända bokrecensionen. Det som är bra är med denna uppgift är ju att den kan vara hur simpel som helst men också bli rätt avancerad. På ligger en uppsjö av bokrecensioner. Lektion : Bokrecension Min bok Denna har vi använt, jag gillar utformningen och jag tycker det är lagom mycket att skriva och kombinerar bild och text. Lektion : Bokrecension denna är liknande, men med mer fokus på text Lektion : bokrecension Ytterligare en liknande variant. Bokrecension år 1 är främst med bild - rita – en lättare version Här är en mer grafisk bokrecension Och ännu en variant av en bokrecension.
Free Math Coloring Pages - Pixel Art and Math
Go to: Math Facts Advanced Math Place Value Holiday Coloring Squared would like for you to enjoy these free math coloring pages for you to download. There are two different difficulty levels for each function. Hover over an image to see what the PDF looks like. Then you can click on any one of the images to pull up the PDF. Math Fact Coloring Free Advanced Math coloring Place Value Coloring Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Free Color by Number coloring Holiday and Themed coloring pages Coloring Squared will try to provide you a new math coloring page often. Coloring Squared: Pixel Art and Math for Kids
Vinterträd – ett försök att locka fram vintern
I dag på bildlektionen gjorde vi vinterträd. Jag hade plockat fram vad eleverna behövde för att klara uppgiften och satt det på vår ”serveringsvagn”. Genom undervisningen i ämnet bild ska eleverna sammanfattningsvis ges förutsättningaratt utveckla sin förmåga att: • skapa bilder med hantverksmässiga tekniker och verktyg samt med olika material, I årskurs 4–6Bildframställning • Teckning, måleri, tryck • Återanvändning av bilder i eget bildskapande, till exempel i collage.Redskap för bildframställning • Olika element som bygger upp och skapar rumslighet i bilder, till exempel linjer och färg och hur dessa kan användas i bildskapande arbete. • Verktyg för teckning, måleri, trycktekniker, och hur dessa benämns. • Plana material och hur dessa kan användas i olika bildarbeten. Kunskapskrav för betyget C i slutet av årskurs 6 I arbetet kan eleven använda några olika tekniker, verktyg och material på ett relativt väl fungerande och varierat sätt för att skapa olika uttryck.