To Kill a Mockingbird Summary The place: Maycomb, Alabama, finalist for the Most Boring Town in America. Few people move in, fewer move out, so it's just the same families doing the same things for generation after generation. Like the Finches: Scout, her brother Jem, and their father Atticus. Every summer Scout and Jem are joined by Dill Harris, who shares their obsession with the local haunted house, the Radley Place, and the boogeyman who lives there, Boo Radley. Fall comes, Dill leaves, and Scout starts school. That winter, disaster strikes: Miss Maudie's house catches on fire and burns to the ground. At school, Scout gets flak from her classmates because her father, a lawyer, has taken on a new client, a black man named Tom Robinson. Finally, it's the day of Tom Robinson's trial. As if things aren't bad enough, Jem and Scout hear rumors that the girl's dad has been indirectly threatening their dad. When all the excitement dies down, it turns out that Mr.
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