Make Your Own Clothing Labels This is part 2 of my 3 part label tutorial for textiles like clothing and bedding. Here are the 3 chapters: part 1 – what to say (or what the FTC wants you to put on your labels) part 2 – how to make them (DIY process of printing & cutting the labels on fabric) [you are here] part 3 – how to attach them (considerations for comfortable labels) This photo tutorial will walk you through how to print your own fabric labels and some lessons I’ve learned along the way. Step 1 – choose your treated fabric for your labels. In order for your printer ink to stain the fibers and last, you must use 100% natural fibers. If you don’t want to treat the fabric yourself, you can buy pretreated fabric sheets for your printer at craft stores or google them. And here is why picking your own fabric is important: you want your clothing labels to be comfortable when the garment is worn, and you don’t want them to unravel. I’ve got 2 fabric options for making your own labels that are comfortable: Done!
film, films streaming - Vidéoscourtesclic | Regarder film gratuit en ligne voir des films gratuits entier gratuitement. Films en streaming gratuit. Les soirées SPSR Fabric Labels Tutorial Many people have asked me how I make my labels so I have decided to make this little tutorial including pictures and any little tips that I have learned along the way. You will find that making your own labels is quite simple and much cheaper than purchasing custom labels. Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy. Materials needed:computer, graphics program (I used photoshop) & inkjet printerregular printer paperiron-on transfer paperutility knife, cutting mat & metal rulerribbon (I used 1/2 inch natural cotton twill tape)iron & ironing boardscissors Step 1: Design your image using your program of choice working with a resolution of 300ppi for a clear image. Step 2: Print your labels. Step 3: Cut out the images preferably into long strips using your utility knife, cutting mat and ruler. Step 4: Iron the transfer onto the ribbon. Step 5: Peel off the backing paper. Step 6: Use them! You could also make laundering instruction labels, and quilt labels using this same method!
L'univers du huis clos et de la murder party Mes histoires de couture ! Des idées à partager .... - Page 11 - Mes histoires de couture ! Des idées à partager .... " Coup d' Eclat !! Une robe d'un rose cendré en lin couleur dragée boutonnée sur l'épaule de deux beaux boutons de nacre. Du lin, pour soi ! Taille 38 / 40 - 1,30 m de toile de lin en 1,60 m de large - Fil assorti - 2 boutons de nacre rose Reproduire les patrons à grndeur, y compris les parties hachurées qui correspondent aux pattes de boutonnage de l'épaule gauche. du tissu. Couper l'épaule droite sans patte de boutonnage, l'épaule gauche avec les pattes de boutonnage en ajoutant les rentrés de couture uniquement sur l''ncolure et l'emmanchure. Dans les chutes, couper des bandes de biais de 2,5 cm de large. pour obtenir une bande d''environ 2OO cm. Surfiler le tour de chaque morceau et un bord de la bande biaisée. Toutes les coutures sont faites endroit contre endroit, à 1 cm des bords. Ouvrir les coutures au fer au fur et à mesure du travail. Piquer la bande biaisée autour des emmenchures et de l'encolure. Retourner sur l'envers. vers l'envers à 1,5 cm de la ligne d'épaule. Ourler la robe . AH !
Ultimate List of Free Sewing Patterns | Fashionary Blog A while ago, when I walked along some vintage store in Manchester, I found some vintage sewing pattern. They were mainly from the 60′s and 70′s. If sewing is the language of fashion, the pattern should be the books. BurdaStyle Thanks smiffy for the update (20/12/09) About Sewing Craftandfabriclinks.com Craftster Forum Sewing Stuff Otsukaya (大塚屋) Free Patterns.com Antique Pattern Library AllCrafts Babyclothes Free Needle Berroco Crochet Pattern Central Free Patterns Menu Modern Sewing Patterns Instuctables All Free Crafts Fitzpattern SavvySeams.com Are there any good free sites not in the list?
Princess & Dragon - Ylenia Manganelli : Cersei Lannister Gown - Costume TUTORIAL and PATTERN #3 Cersei Lannister Dress Cosplay Costume TUTORIAL and PATTERNFIRST AND SECOND SEASON Character: Cersei LannisterVersion: Long sleeves gowns, Season One and Two Cersei Lannister is my favourite character, I love her since the firs-.. ehm, I didn't like her at the beginning. I started making Cersei cosplays when the tv series wasn't even aired for the first time; the most of my cosplay is inspired by the Book Saga. 2/3 of Cersei's gowns is a mix between a caftan and a kimono. This is the pattern I used. Difficulty: Normal -> it assumes a fairly good knowledge of sewing MATERIALS: Silk fabric, linen or schantung silk, passementerie if needed Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I tried to explain the best I could, I hope this makes sense to you! Here's the PATTERN of Cersei's Belt The result: