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Student Blogging Challenge – Challenge yourself to connect and learn through blogging.

Student Blogging Challenge – Challenge yourself to connect and learn through blogging.

A Busy Two Days « reflectionsonedtech August 14, 2012 by birdsallb We’ve completed two of three days of our “Becoming a Connected Educator” course at school.Working with these fascinating and smart friends, colleagues, and amazing teachers is so fun. I’m able to learn alongside them and marvel at the reflection and dialogue amongst the group. After two days the teachers are now on Twitter, using Hootsuite, have Diigo accounts and have joined and are sharing bookmarks to our Diigo group for the class. Today we used a Google Hangout to have a conversation with Peter Skillen (@peterskillen) and Brenda Sherry (@brendasherry). Our group checked out the #edchat at noon today. Later in the day we talked about blogging and especially blogging with students. Tomorrow we ponder the beginning of the school year and what being connected, to whatever extent we are at that point, looks like for us as educators and with our students. It’s going well. Image: Creative Commons/flickr by Frank2216 Like this:
