T. S. Eliot's "Portrait of A Lady" Now that lilacs are in bloom She has a bowl of lilacs in her room And twists one in his fingers while she talks. “Ah, my friend, you do not know, you do not know What life is, you who hold it in your hands”; (Slowly twisting the lilac stalks) “You let it flow from you, you let it flow, And youth is cruel, and has no remorse And smiles at situations which it cannot see.” “Yet with these April sunsets, that somehow recall My buried life, and Paris in the Spring, I feel immeasurably at peace, and find the world To be wonderful and youthful, after all.” The voice returns like the insistent out-of-tune Of a broken violin on an August afternoon: “I am always sure that you understand My feelings, always sure that you feel, Sure that across the gulf you reach your hand. You are invulnerable, you have no Achilles’ heel. You will go on, and when you have prevailed You can say: at this point many a one has failed. But what have I, but what have I, my friend, To give you, what can you receive from me? So closely! Well!
Online Grammar Tools I was recently looking through my Tools for Teacher & Learners site and searching through the accumulated resources there - More than a thousand links. I tend to feel that very few people go beyond what's newest on the front page, so I decided to start grouping the links together and posting them here. This first post features some of the best links to grammar orientated sites. You can find more tools like these in Digital Tools for Teachers Deep Grammar Deep Grammar is a grammar checker based on artificial intelligence. Compute the likelihood that someone would have intended to write the text. You can use this to get students checking, correcting and improving their own written work before they submit it. Sentence Tree This is a great site that analyses the grammar of any sentence you type in and tells you the parts of speech of each word within the sentence. Students or trainee teachers can use this to analyse sentences and identify structures. GrammarFlip Grammar Gamble Verb conjugation tool
Download Toolbox Font Family Desktop fonts are designed to be installed on a computer for use with applications. Licensed per computer. Web fonts are used with the CSS @font-face rule. They are licensed for a set number of page views with no time limitation. Mobile App Fonts can be embedded in your mobile application. Electronic Publication Fonts can be embedded in an eBook, eMagazine or eNewspaper. Server fonts can be installed on a server and e.g. used by automated processes to create items. Select the number of computers on which the font will be installed. Select the amount of page views that you can use over time. Select the number of Apps and Platforms you intend to embed the font in. Select the number of electronic publications you intend to embed the font in. Select the total number of core CPUs of the servers on which the font will be installed. Select the technical format of the font: OT (OpenType) with Postscript outlines (OT CFF) or TrueType outlines (OT TTF). Test-drive Toolbox™ in Typecast.
Frankenstein Despite what Hollywood wants you to think, there was no flash of lightning, no bolt through the head, no scientist crying "It's alive!," and no flat-top haircut. (Oh, and the monster wasn't named Frankenstein.) But if you ask us, the real story of Frankenstein is way, way cooler: During the summer of 1816, eighteen-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin was hanging out in a Swiss lake house with her lover and future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley; famous English poet, Lord Byron; and Byron's doctor John Polidori. So, you're bored out of your skull in a lakeside villa with two of the most famous writers in all of English literature. You have a ghost story contest. Lord Byron challenged everyone to write the scariest, freakiest, spookiest story they could come up with. Let's back up for a second: Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin wasn't just any eighteen-year-old. Our point is, Mary Godwin wasn't some girl writing gothic fan fiction in her LiveJournal. Should there be limits to scientific inquiry?
Medyanın ekonomik kalkınmaya katkısı (I) 20/08/2003 d - Güncel Ekonomi - Blogcu Medyanın ekonomik kalkınmaya katkısı (I) 20/08/2003 d Medya konusunda birçok şey yazıldı, konuşuldu, araştırmalar yapıldı. Elime geçen bir araştırma da Dünya Bankası'nca yapılmış. Dünya Bankası konuya ekonomik kalkınma açısından yaklaşmış. 97 ülkeyi irdeleyen ve birçok tanınmış uzmanın görüşlerine yer veren Dünya Bankası çalışmasında, medyanın ülkenin ekonomik kalkınmasına olumlu katkı yapması için üç şartın yerine getirilmesi gerektiğini dile getiriyor. 1. 2. 3. şeklinde sıralanıyor. Dünya Bankası Başkanı James Wolfensohn, çalışmayı sunuşunda, bağımsız bir medyanın; ' Yolsuzluklarla mücadelede ederek, ' Hükümetlerin yönetim tarzlarını iyileştirerek ve ' Bilgilerin kamuoyuna doğru aktarılması yoluyla da kişilerin ve kurumların daha iyi karar vermesini sağlayarak, kalkınmaya önemli katkısı olduğunun altını çiziyor. Wolfensohn, bağımsız medyanın kırılgan yapısına değinerek; ' Hükümetlerin veya güçlü özel grupların medyadaki hakimiyetinin fazlalığının, ' Sorumsuz haberciliğin, Bu şartlar; . . . . .
Mary Shelley Biography Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley August 30, 1797-February 1, 1851 Nationality: British; English Birth Date: August 30, 1797 Death Date: February 1, 1851 Genre(s): NOVELS; ESSAYS; TRAVEL; NOVELLAS Table of Contents: Biographical and Critical EssayHistory of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland, with Letters descriptive of a Sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of ChamouniFrankensteinMathildaValpergaThe Last ManThe Fortunes of Perkin WarbeckLodoreFalknerWritings by the AuthorFurther Readings about the AuthorAbout This Essay Jump to Additional DLB Essay(s) on This Author: British Short-Fiction Writers, 1800-1880British Romantic Prose Writers, 1789-1832British Fantasy and Science-Fiction Writers Before World War I Books: Mounseer Nongtongpaw; or, The Discoveries of John Bull in a Trip to Paris (London: Printed for the Proprietors of the Juvenile Library, 1808). Editions: The Last Man, edited by Hugh J. Other: Letters: W.
Ülke Kalkınmasında Medyanın Önemi - Özgün Düşünce Platformu - Blogcu Ülke Kalkınmasında Medyanın Önemi Her çeşit bilgiyi bireye ve topluluklara aktaran, eğlendirme, bilgilendirme ve eğitme gibi üç temel sorumluluğa sahip görsel, işitsel ve hem görsel hem işitsel araçların tümüne medya denir. Bu araçların en önemlileri, gazeteler, radyolar, televizyon kanalları ve internettir. Bugün bizler bilgi ve haber almada aktif birer televizyon ve internet bağımlısıyız. Türk insanı özellikle son yıllarda adeta televizyon bağımlısı oldu. Televizyonla interneti kıyaslayacak olursak, internette bilgi ve haber kaynağının çok daha fazla olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Ülkemde yaşanan siyasi kutuplaşma ne yazık ki medyaya da yansımış durumdadır. Bizim ülkemizde gündem oluşturacak haber kaynakları kısaca şunlardır. İnsanlar işsiz, insanlar aç, insanlar açlık sınırının altında yaşıyor. Bu ülkede bırakın Anayasayı daha doğru düzgün bir hukuk sistemi bile yok. Televizyon kitleleri bilgilendirmede ve bilinçlendirmede çok etkili bir iletişim aracı oldu.
Shake Up Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with this Creative Unit Plan! A Quick Synopsis of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (Contains Plot Spoilers) The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is about two star-crossed lovers from feuding families, who take their own lives. Through a series of unfortunate events, fate and chance turn against the lovers. Romeo, a Montague, and Juliet, a Capulet, meet at a party thrown by Juliet’s family. Romeo only attends because his friend says it will help Romeo get over a girl, Rosaline. Using Friar Lawrence and Juliet’s Nurse as intermediaries, wedding plans commence. Juliet finds out that Romeo has killed her cousin and is devastated, not by the loss of life, but over the banishment of her lover. The plan is for Romeo to wake her in her tomb, and take her away with him. Moments later, Juliet awakes and finds Romeo dead. Essential Questions For Romeo and Juliet What is love?
30 Ideas for Teaching Writing Summary: Few sources available today offer writing teachers such succinct, practice-based help—which is one reason why 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing was the winner of the Association of Education Publishers 2005 Distinguished Achievement Award for Instructional Materials. The National Writing Project's 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing offers successful strategies contributed by experienced Writing Project teachers. Since NWP does not promote a single approach to teaching writing, readers will benefit from a variety of eclectic, classroom-tested techniques. These ideas originated as full-length articles in NWP publications (a link to the full article accompanies each idea below). Table of Contents: 30 Ideas for Teaching Writing 1. Debbie Rotkow, a co-director of the Coastal Georgia Writing Project, makes use of the real-life circumstances of her first grade students to help them compose writing that, in Frank Smith's words, is "natural and purposeful." ROTKOW, DEBBIE. 2003. Back to top 2. 3. 4.
Resources for Shakespeare's Macbeth - Macbeth explanatory notes, study quiz, character analysis and more Quote in Context Wither'd murder, Alarum'd by his sentinel, the wolf, Whose howl's his watch, thus with his stealthy pace. With Tarquin's ravishing strides, towards his design Moves like a ghost. Macbeth (2.1), Macbeth The Roman king, Tarquin (Sextus Tarquinius), rapes Lucrece, the act upon which Shakespeare's long poem of the same name is based. Now stole upon the time the dead of night, When heavy sleep had closed up mortal eyes: No comfortable star did lend his light, No noise but owls' and wolves' death-boding cries; Now serves the season that they may surprise The silly lambs: pure thoughts are dead and still, While lust and murder wake to stain and kill.And now this lustful lord leap'd from his bed, Throwing his mantle rudely o'er his arm; Is madly toss'd between desire and dread; Th' one sweetly flatters, th' other feareth harm; But honest fear, bewitch'd with lust's foul charm, Doth too too oft betake him to retire, Beaten away by brain-sick rude desire.
Pronunciation There are currently 10192 registered links.Main Page | Links for Students | Links for Teachers | What's New Categories: * American English Pronunciation Practice (Charles Kelly) Sound Files (Using Flash). Minimal Pair Practice and Quizzes, Tongue Twisters, ... * Phonetics Flash Animation Project - English Sounds [FRAME] (University of Iowa) Requires Flash and QuickTime. * www.learners-dictionary.com's Perfect Pronunciation Exercises (Merriam-Webster) You don't need to register to use this part of the website. American Accent Training - Intonation (Ann Cook) Written for high-level students. American Accent Training - Liaisons (Ann Cook) Word Connections. American Accent Training - Pronunciation (Ann Cook) American Engish Pronunciation: Listen and Repeat Machine (Charles Kelly) Practice intonation, rhythm and pronunciation. American English Pronunciation Search (Arul John) Searches and plays .wav files from media.merriam-webster.com arael.shtooka.net/swf/english - English Audio Files (7,000+) Next Page