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How To Steal Like An Artist (And 9 Other Things Nobody Told Me) - Austin Kleon Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 Buy the book: Amazon | B&N | More… Here’s what a few folks have said about it: “Brilliant and real and true.”—Rosanne Cash“Filled with well-formed advice that applies to nearly any kind of work.” Read an excerpt below… Tags: steal like an artist

10 Great Podcasts for Writers | Aerogramme Writers' Studio Podcasts are a fantastic (free!) way to gain new skills and perspectives for your writing. They can also help you to keep up with the latest industry news and trends. Here are 10 of the best. The Guardian Books PodcastUpdated weekly, The Guardian Books Podcast is presented by literary editor Claire Armitstead. The Dead Robots’ SocietyThe Dead Robots’ Society was created by Justin Macumber in an effort to offer advice and support to other aspiring writers. The Naked Book The Naked Book is one of a number of podcasts from the Litopia Writers’ Colony. Aural Text Aural Text is a weekly radio show that presented on cult Melbourne Community Radio station 3RRR. Writing ExcusesWriting Excuses is a fast-paced (15 minutes per episode), weekly podcast presented by Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Mary Robinette Kowal and Howard Tayler and covers topics related to writing genre fiction. The Q&A with Jeff GoldsmithThis is a podcast that should not be missed by any aspiring film or television writer.

Hiroshima marks 70 years since atomic bomb Residents in the Japanese city of Hiroshima are commemorating the 70th anniversary of the first atomic bomb being dropped by a US aircraft. A ceremony, attended by PM Shinzo Abe, was held at Hiroshima's memorial park before thousands of lanterns are released on the city's Motoyasu river. The bombing - and a second one on Nagasaki three days later - is credited with bringing to an end World War Two. But it claimed the lives of at least 140,000 people in the city. A US B-29 bomber called the Enola Gay dropped the uranium bomb, exploding some 600m (1,800ft) above the city, at around 08:10 on 6 August 1945. On that day alone, at least 70,000 people are believed to have been killed. People across Japan have observed a minute's silence to mark the anniversary. Seventy years since Hiroshima The 'sanitised narrative' of Hiroshima's atomic bombing: The US view that the bombing was necessary to end the war ignores a terrible and enduring cost. The tram that survived the Hiroshima bomb

NOT JUST POPCORN Welcome to reference for writers, by Chuck Palahniuk  8 Words You Should Avoid When... VARBERG CALLING for Peace - Internationellt Fredsforum Varberg I höst är det dags för Internationellt Fredsforum Varberg, 23-25 oktober - ett nytt forum för fred och hållbarhet. Där möter du spännande och kunniga gäster från hela världen. Många arrangörer som samverkar I VARBERG CALLING for Peace är föreningar, institutioner, skolor och invånare med och skapar innehållet under hela året. Du hittar ett uppdaterat program för VARBERG CALLING på Marknad Varbergs evenemangskalender.

Magyarhangya 2014 január 2-4-ig Alejandro Jodorowsky-maratont rendezünk az Átrium Film-Színházban. Az eseményen először kerülnek Magyarországon vászonra Jodorowsky legendás klasszikusai angol és magyar felirattal ellátott, digitálisan felújított kópián. Alejandro Jodorowsky-t, a 83 éves, Párizsban élő, orosz zsidó családból származó chilei művészt legújabb filmjének cannes-i premierjén Nicolas Winding Refn a „mozgókép utolsó fejedelmeként” hívta fel a színpadra, de a filmtörténet is az egyik legnagyobb hatású szürrealista rendezőként aposztrofálja. A Jodorowsky-maraton részletes programja. Jodorowsky parafrázisok „szarból aranyat” A magyarhangya 2014 január 2-4-én Alejandro Jodorowsky-maratont rendez az Átrium Film Színházban. A maratonra a mestert is elhívjuk, hogy együtt ünnepeljük műveinek első hivatalos magyarországi vetítéseit azokkal a hazai underground művészekkel, akik az elmúlt évtizedekben inspirációt nyertek a szimbolizmus eme koronázatlan fejedelmétől. Eredményhirdetés: 2013. december 22.
