Neapolitan Polkadots Background
Neapolitan Polkadots Background Tile: yes Suggested Colors Background: #FFFFFF Text: #4C2B0F Links: #FF7C81 accent: #FFCCCC
Textured Stripes- 6 patterns by ~aeiryn on deviantART
250 Polka Dot Patterns and Backgrounds for Web and Print
Polka dot patterns have a lot of uses in design, both web and print. In fact, these patterns are usually used for stationary, children’s design, package design or fashion design, among other things. Patterns can even be used as overlay on top of your artwork in Photoshop to add some texture. For websites, patterns are usually used as background such as for social network sites like Twitter. The first five sets below are Illustrator swatches while the rest are pixel patterns in the following formats: JPEG, PNG or PAT. POLKA DOT PATTERNS FOR ILLUSTRATOR (SWATCHES or EPS FILES) 01-53 Impressive Polka Dot Pattern Swatches from Colorburned A more symmetrical set of polka dots for you guys to download and use in your designs for free. 02-25 Seamless Polka Dot Pattern Swatches Here is another set of 25 seamless polka dot pattern swatches that you can use in your projects such as invitations for baby showers, birthdays, package design, website design, etc.
30 Free Polka Dot Backgrounds
Polka Dot backgrounds are an integral part of pattern design. Finding out the best one can be challenging because polka dots are available in all shapes and colors. You have to choose carefully the color combination and the size of the dots as the background has the power of both creating and distorting the interest of the site visitors. Polka dot is a pattern having an ambit of filled circles, mostly equal in size and shape, relatively closely in relation to their diameters. Polka dots are associated more with fun and playful attires so you will find Polka dots mostly on children’s clothing, toys, furniture, printed invitation for birthdays, package design, swim wear and even as website backgrounds. In this article, you will find some of the most attractive and colorful Polka Dot Backgrounds that can be used as a Website Background, PowerPoint Backgrounds or even as your Desktop Wallpaper. Advertisement Polka Dot PowerPoint Backgrounds Retro Polka Dots Check More On Retro Polka Dots Polka
30 Most Incredible Textures for Vintage Style Design
One of the most important aspects of a good vintage style design is the use of authentic looking textures. Since most of you probably don’t have time to browse the local antique shop, and your grandmother’s attic is miles away, we’ve put together a list of some of the best vintage textures we have ever seen. All of these are free, but make sure to read the terms before using. You are sure to find a use for these textures, but if you want more, check out the best texture packs from 2008. Vintage XIII +texture Vintage Musk Vintage V Simple Vintage vintage strip texture Vintage Grunge map texture 1 Vintage IV Victorian grunge V vintage polka dot texture Victorian grunge IV Vintage Musk 3 Grunge Wallpaper 1 Use This 52 Beauty 96 Beauty 95 Vintage Texture II Art Nouveau Pattern Texture Antique Script Texture music texture 4 vintage diamonds Vintage II Vintage XV Vintage XVII Vintage Wall Paper Texture Grunge Wallpaper 2 Cracked Wallpaper Victorian Wallpaper Vintage XII About the Author Related Posts 501 shares Read More
Free Website Background Image Generators - Stripe Generator Online Tool | Pro Digital Tips
Ranjay Mitra • 05/24/10 • 7,650 views • Freeware, Internet, Softwares, Tools • You can create free background images, free background banners, free website buttons with Stripe Generator – a free online tool to generate any type of striped images you want for your website. It is a great free online tool for website designers who are constantly creating new images for web page backgrounds & web buttons. This Free Background Image Creator tool saves immense amount of time for designers as you can experiment with a wide variety of combination of colors, stripe angles & textures. The website lets you choose the exact color & stripe texture for the website you are designing. To view how the background image looks, you can use a Preview button to view a full-screen pattern on your computer. Numerous artists are putting Strips to innovative uses. Free Downloads Please Click & Share This Link
Website Background Patterns
Website Background Patterns Posted on October 9th, 2008 under Resources, Webdesign So you’re looking for a new pattern for your website? If you’re not you will be after this post! Adding an appealing background to your website can bring a new life to your design. Background Patterns 1. Link: SquidFingers2. Link: Kaliber 10000 3. Link: Brusheezy 4. Link: DinPattern 5. Link: Noqta 6. Link: Kollermedia 7. Link: Shizoo Pattern Generators 1. Link: Stripemania 2 Stripe Generator Link: Stripe Generator 3. Link: Tartan Designer 4 Stripe Designer Link: Stripe Designer 5 Background Maker Link: Background Maker 6 Background Dotter Link: Background Dotter 7 Bg Patterns Link: Bg Patterns Hope this post with some of the best websites with background patterns is useful to you in some way, now or who knows, in your next project! Any more suggestions to add to the list? More Resources Web IconsPhotoshop BrushesStock PhotosPhotoshop Tutorials PS - I’ve added another category to my Resources Page for easy access to these patterns.
Free Textures - Free Backgrounds - Royalty Free Images -
Stripe Generator - ajax diagonal stripes background designer
Stripemania - Striped background generator
Best resources for free artistic website background textures
Web designing has come to the point where designing skills of a designer matters a lot in terms of styling and element placement. If we compare websites built 10 years ago with today’s trend, we will find shocking differences. Background of a website is one of the major elements in today’s designing trend. Web developers should know slicing and image optimization techniques to use classy backgrounds in websites. Even CSS techniques can do a lot with backgrounds in the websites. Creative artists can make artistic ones by conspire different backgrounds that can define the look of a website. There are many resources over the web that can help us in choosing the background of our websites; I am going to list best out of these. Colour Lovers A creative community website where users can create and share colors, palettes and patterns. Spiral Graphics A source to download ultimate 3D background textures created with Genetica (An animation editor for professional 3D artists) Repeat XY Stripe Generator
Website Backgrounds, Colorful, Abstract, Grunge, Nature, Blogger, 3D, Holiday, Pattern and more | Web Backgrounds
Free Textures from TextureKing
DinPattern – Free seamless patterns