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How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing Intelligently

How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing Intelligently
By Maria Popova “In disputes upon moral or scientific points,” Arthur Martine counseled in his magnificent 1866 guide to the art of conversation, “let your aim be to come at truth, not to conquer your opponent. So you never shall be at a loss in losing the argument, and gaining a new discovery.” Daniel Dennett (b. In Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking (public library) — the same fantastic volume that gave us Dennett on the dignity and art-science of making mistakes — he offers what he calls “the best antidote [for the] tendency to caricature one’s opponent”: a list of rules formulated decades ago by the legendary social psychologist and game theorist Anatol Rapoport, best-known for originating the famous tit-for-tat strategy of game theory. If only the same code of conduct could be applied to critical commentary online, particularly to the indelible inferno of comments. Related:  Manipulation and Persuasion

La información es el sistema de control (y está en todas partes) Michel Foucault escribió que “Un día, el siglo será deleuziano”. Se refería al siglo XX, pero en muchos aspectos es el siglo XXI el que es deleuziano. Un mundo donde coexisten paradójicamente la estructura rizomática, descentralizada, hiperconectada del conocimiento –y que ha abrazado poética y ecológicamente una visión de la multiplicidad, de la heterogeneidad y de la holonomía– y un aparato de control vigilante a través de esa misma información, tan seductora. Gilles Deleuze expresó con singular claridad hace alrededor de 30 años la idea de que transitábamos a una sociedad de control, un modelo que tomó del mismo Foucault –quien entendió que la información era históricamente central en la configuración evolutiva del aparato de poder– y de William Burroughs, quien en vislumbres de lúcida paranoia, desde El almuerzo desnudo, alcanzó a ver el andamiaje del universo como un invasivo aparato de biocontrol. Deleuze entendió la filosofía de una manera creativa.

I nuovi rossobruni? · KEIN PFUSCH, BITTE! Non simpatizzando per una particolare area politica, e provando antipatia per tutte le formazioni esistenti - si salva giusto qualche elemento del partito pirata tedesco - ho smesso di occuparmi di vicende ideologiche. Le ideologie sono qualcosa che, dopo il 2000, sarebbe meglio gettare nel cassetto. Per questa ragione ultimamente non sto piu’ parlando di ideologie, specialmente quelle del millennio scorso: non ne seguo l’evoluzione da un pochino. Cosi’ ieri , ad un breve seminario sul futuro di SS7 (1) mi sono trovato un poco spiazzato nel parlare con alcuni tecnici francesi , che discutevano - indovinate un pochino - della Le Pen. Mi ha stupito perche’ si tratta di specialisti tutto sommato di buona famiglia, e con un livello di istruzione abbastanza alto, per cui non mi aspettavo alcune regressioni. Per esempio, la storia dei campi di sterminio nazisti. Hanno pero’ aggiunto un piccolo cappello. E’ chiaro che si tratti di un espediente per evitare problemi con la legge. Sono semi.

-Les mécanismes de la crédulité vus par la science La manipulation des médias est une réalité de notre temps, mais la crédulité, elle, est universelle. Une étude en psychologie s’est penchée —encore une fois— sur les raisons qui rendent certaines personnes plus susceptibles de croire en une information fausse, qu’elle leur parvienne des médias, de la presse ou des politiciens. À la base, ces chercheurs partent d’un constat récent, qui a été révélé ces dernières années par l’analyse de nos cerveaux: rejeter une information demande plus «d’efforts» que d'y croire. Notre cerveau doit en effet analyser —la fiabilité de la source d’information et le caractère plausible ou non de l’histoire— avant de la rejeter. En comparaison, si on choisit d’y croire, notre cerveau peut faire une sieste... Mais c’est plus compliqué que ça, écrivent le psychologue australien Stephan Lewandowsky et ses collègues. Qu’ont en commun ces éléments auxquels vous portez attention? Désinformer pour régner : Un regard de la science sur elle-même ! Comment désinformer ?

How to get what you want: top negotiators on the tricks of their trade The divorce lawyer Ayesha Vardag won the landmark ruling in 2010 that German heiress Katrin Radmacher’s prenuptial agreement was legally binding, protecting her £106m fortune. She also recently won the right for Pauline Chai, wife of Laura Ashley tycoon Khoo Kay Peng, to have her divorce case heard in the UK, paving the way for what could be one of the biggest divorce payouts in history.Growing up, it was just my mother and me. My father was from a Pashtun family, and he had a political and legal career in Pakistan. My career started in commercial law with Linklaters. Clients often come to me saying, “Well, I just want to make him or her pay” or, “I just want to drive them into the ground.” People need to set out clearly what their bottom line is before discussing anything. Being combative doesn’t help: it’s better to be good-humoured. Use your emotional assets Guilt can be a very potent factor. Stay calm Anger and revenge fantasies can get in the way of what you want. The broker

Il confronto delle idee nell'epoca di Facebook Gli utenti del social network evitano di leggere le notizie che potrebbero mettere in discussione le loro opinioni. Questo comportamento agisce come un filtro più potente rispetto agli algoritmi che scelgono tra le notizie segnalate dagli amici quelle ritenute di maggior interesse I filtri che sui social network selezionano le notizie che potrebbero essere di maggior interesse per un certo utente rischiano di isolare la persona dal confronto con idee che non coincidono con le sue. In realtà però il filtro più potente del flusso di informazioni è l'utente stesso. Al pari dei motori di ricerca, i social network sono dotati di algoritmi che classificano le notizie, personalizzandole per ciascun utente, sulla base delle precedenti scelte fatte dalla singola persona. risultato che gli algoritmi abbassavano di un punto la percentuale delle notizie che avrebbero potuto mettere in discussione le convinzioni dell'utente, rispetto a quelle che gli sarebbero arrivate in assenza dei filtri.

How to Change Minds: Blaise Pascal on the Art of Persuasion by Maria Popova “People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come into the mind of others.” If it weren’t for the “backfire effect” — the strange psychological phenomenon behind our propensity for self-righteousness — changing people’s minds wouldn’t be such an uncomfortable luxury. Nearly half a millennium before modern psychologists identified the three elements of persuasion — attunement, buoyancy, and clarity — French physicist, philosopher, inventor, and mathematician Blaise Pascal (June 19, 1623–August 19, 1662) intuited this mechanism as he arrived at a great truth about the secret of persuasion: Pascal came to see that the surest way of defeating the erroneous views of others is not by bombarding the bastion of their self-righteousness but by slipping in through the backdoor of their beliefs. Long before we invented psychology and learned to apply it in reverse, Pascal adds: Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr

The secret psychology of persuasive copy (Conversion Conference - Las… Nietzsche et le droit de cuissage au Cambodge Jus primae noctis, droit de cuissage ou de culage, droit de prélibation, de marquette a-t-il jamais existé ? Droit mythique ou oppression réelle ? Fantasme ou viol des femmes de statut inférieure ? Ne serait-ce pas plutôt la prospérité dans le temps d’une telle assertion qui pose problème plus que sa réalité surtout si l’on prétend que ce fut un droit ? Friedrich Nietzsche évoque le « droit de première noce » (jus primae noctis) comme une pratique courante au Cambodge à la fin du XIXè siècle. « Toutes les bonnes choses ont été jadis des choses mauvaises ; de tout péché originel est sortie une vertu originelle. Or la mention de cette pratique n’apparaît nulle part dans la littérature pourtant abondante des observateurs coloniaux français du XIXè siècle sinon pour s’étonner que cela ait pu exister dans les époques anciennes. Et plus loin : « L’entrée dans l’ombre » est une cérémonie rituelle ésotérique d’entrée dans la vie d’adulte qui n’est plus beaucoup conservée dans la société khmère.

Les 4 paradoxes de la communication Communiquer est toujours un acte fragile. C’est l’intérêt de cette discipline, et peu structurée dans les sciences. Qui se souvient de sa torpeur en avouant à une étrangère son amour ? Trouver les mots qui reflètent tout son corps, et qui sauront convaincre… Moiteur juvénile qui poursuit notre monde. Effectivement, la communication, c’est beaucoup de paradoxe. Dans un monde hyper communicationnel, il est intéressant de dégager les 4 niveaux de paradoxes de communication , formalisés par la communauté de sociologues et de scientifiques. Le paradoxe structurel du cerveau. La communication verbale, ou écrite, repose sur un échange structuré. La communication est donc d’abord rationnelle. Des idées, des mots, des argumentaires. Car depuis des siècles, un "bug" hante notre logique cartésienne et axiomatique de l’Antiquité : Le paradoxe le plus étrange est le paradoxe du Crétois, découvert il y a plusieurs siècles, le paradoxe d’Epiménide. [ Les boucles étranges de Bach, Godel, Turing ] Like this:

Micro Expressions - Research, Theory & Lying | Human Behaviour, Forensic Psychology | Blifaloo Interesting Info -> Lying Index & Body Language -> Micro Expressions Is the show "Lie to Me" for real? I am not a police interrogator, scientist, or other expert... I am however a mother & people watcher. Years ago, when I wrote articles on How to Detect Lies & Eye Movement and Lying -- I knew of the Micro expression theory, but had a difficult time researching the subject well enough to relay it into an article. Recently, I've come across tons of new research, websites, articles, videos, etc. about micro expressions and believe anyone who reads my old articles about lying & body language would benefit from micro expression research and theory. What are Micro Expressions? A micro expression is a momentary involuntary facial expression -- that people unconsciously display when they are hiding an emotion. The main points to remember are that micro expressions are: Brief - Micro-expressions can appear then disappear off the face in a fraction of a second. . and the Duchenne Smile. Dr. Dr. Dr.
