Planning and Building a Greenhouse
Adapted from Fact Sheet 645 - University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service, David S. Ross, Extension Agricultural Engineer, Department of Agricultural Engineering Careful planning is important before a home greenhouse project is started. Location The greenhouse should be located where it gets maximum sunlight. Deciduous trees, such as maple and oak, can effectively shade the greenhouse from the intense late afternoon summer sun; however, they should not shade the greenhouse in the morning. Good drainage is another requirement for the site. Types of Greenhouses A home greenhouse can be attached to a house or garage, or it can be a freestanding structure. Attached Greenhouses Lean-to. Even-span. Window-mounted. Freestanding Structures Freestanding greenhouses are separate structures; they can be set apart from other buildings to get more sun and can be made as large or small as desired (Figure 2C). Structural Materials Frames Quonset. Gothic. Rigid-frame. Post and rafter and A-frame.
3 Easy DIY Greenhouses for Under $300
© Angela Davis It’s seed-starting season and spring is just around the corner. If you’re looking to start seeds indoors and realize that you don’t have enough windows space to sprout seeds indoors, or don’t want to raise your electrical bill by installing grow lights, building a greenhouse from recycled and salvaged items might be the solution you need. 1. The Window Frame Greenhouse Probably the most popular examples of DIY greenhouses you’ll find on the Internet. The best time to salvage windows for this garden project is during construction and remodeling season where you live. © Michael Taeuber Here's another window frame greenhouse, this one by Michael Taeuber, who created an Instructable to demonstrate how to build a greenhouse from old windows for his plants. 2. © Alex Campbell Alex Campbell built this lean-to greenhouse, also using old windows, for his food growing operation. He graciously documented his project so others could follow along and do the same. 3. © Wolfie and the Sneak
Urban Greenhouse - Alex's Hobby Site
Please feel free to email any questions to I'll be more than happy to help you out. The House: Here is how I built my small (4X8) greenhouse out of old windows. Total cost was $300, but you could do it for much cheaper with some resourcefulness and an eagerness for scrounging materials! After many gardens, some successes and some failures, I moved for the first time to a city row home. First, I found some old windows around town. Great ways to find free (or very cheap) windows: Drive around on garbage night Email your friends and co-workers. Step 2: It is definitely easier to design the frame around the windows, rather than trying to find windows to fit the frame. I covered the back side with plywood because a) it faces south, b) there is a fence that I didn't feel like dealing with, and c. Notice the windows fit the 2X4 frame. The four corners of each window are held to the frame with screws put in diagonally. No I did not run out of windows. Hydroponic system
building a greenhouse out of old windows - Greenhouses & Garden Structures Forum
I'll be tackling my own window greenhouse soon so it was nice to review this thread. I'm unsure of what my roof will be at this point and I may purchase a clear plastic corrugated roofing material for that if I can't salvage enough glass. This description is long but hopefully detailed enough to give you a good idea or what I have in mind. If anyone has their own ideas, suggestions, constructive criticisms they are welcome to post. When it comes down to it though usually I have to try something for myself even if others say it won't work. I intend for this greenhouse to have year-round use in one form or another. The size will be roughly 18 ft wide by 20+ long with a gable post and rafter style and shape. This is largely an experiment for me based on many other posts and forums so I am excited to try. I understand the drawbacks of using old windows, especially windows that aren't double paned or tempered glass. I crazy?
How to Build a Greenhouse from Used Windows or Storm Doors
This greenhouse is made from reused aluminum storm doors.NEVIN HAWLMAN The south wall of the greenhouse is made of 2-by-6s and four storm doors.NEVIN HAWLMAN Early that autumn morning, I knew it was going to be a great day: I dropped my toast, and it landed honey-side up! Then in the morning newspaper, I saw an announcement for a public auction of “dozens of used aluminum storm doors.” I could hardly wait to hitch up my trailer. My bid was $4 when the auctioneer said, “Sold! “All of them,” I said. Building the Greenhouse I always wanted a home garden greenhouse to start my own vegetable plants (and a warm place to putter as the snow swirled outside). We made the greenhouse frame from 2-by-6s. Heating the Greenhouse The greenhouse is heated by hot water piped in via underground lines coming from a woodstove outside my shop. If you love gardening and potting plants, build a greenhouse! For information on using a greenhouse, read Expert Advice for Greenhouse Growing.