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Syria oil map: the journey of a barrel of Isis oil

Syria oil map: the journey of a barrel of Isis oil
Kurdistan Regional Government Isis controls most of Syria’s oil fields and crude is the militant group's biggest single source of revenue. Here we follow the progress of a barrel of oil from extraction to end user to see how the Isis production system works, who is making money from it, and why it is proving so challenging to disrupt. By Erika Solomon, Robin Kwong and Steven Bernard•October 14, 2015 Where the oil is extracted Isis’s main oil producing region is in Syria’s eastern Deir Ezzor province, where production is somewhere between 34,000 to 40,000 barrels a day, according to locals. It is difficult to determine a definitive oil production figure for Isis-controlled areas. The price of the oil depends on its quality. Selling crude oil The group sells most of its crude directly to independent traders at the oil fields. Oil refineries Traders have several options after they pick up their cargo: Most traders prefer to sell the oil on immediately and return to queue at the fields. Mosul Boat Related:  ISIS & altri

La progression régionale du Front national en 4 cartes électorales Le score obtenu par les listes FN lors du premier tour des élections régionales 2015 est historiquement élevé. Démonstration en quatre cartes, avec les résultats obtenus lors des scrutins de 1998, 2004 et 2010. Ces quatre cartes représentent la progression du FN au premier tour des élections régionales depuis 1998. Survolez ou cliquez sur chaque région pour obtenir des précisions sur les résultats. Elections régionales de 2015 : 27,73%, soit 6 018 672 voix Elections régionales de 2010 : 11,42% au premier tour, soit 2 223 800 voix Réalisant un score supérieur à celui que les instituts de sondage lui promettait, le FN dépasse la barre des 10 % permettant de se maintenir au second tour dans 12 régions, contre 17 en 2004. Elections régionales de 2004 : 14,70 % au premier tour, soit 3 564 059 voix Elections régionales de 1998 : 15,01%, soit 3 273 549 voix Source : Ministère de l'Intérieur >>>Retrouvez tous les résultats du premier tour des élections régionales 2015 sur notre carte interactive

Amerli: Iraqi town besieged by IS starving to death With each new dawn, the people of Amerli wake up to the same nightmare. Surrounded by towns and villages taken by the Sunni jihadist militants of Islamic State (IS), the residents of this small Shia Turkmen community about 180km (110 miles) north of Baghdad have been living under siege for two months. There is no electricity, little medicine and food supplies are dwindling. Unlike recent US intervention to help save members of the Yazidi religious minority trapped on Mount Sinjar in north-western Iraq, there is no dramatic plan to rescue people here. In the eyes of those in Amerli, the world has turned its back on them. "After the attack of Mosul, all the Shia Turkmen villages around Amerli were captured by Islamic State," explains Dr Ali Albayati, a local resident. The majority of the residents of Amerli are part of the Turkmen ethnic group, who make up roughly 4% of Iraq's population. "We have been trying to fight them off for 70 days," says Dr Albayati. 'Fighting off death'

Western liberalism is no match for the Islamic Game of Thrones As a graduate student in the Harvard Government Department in the late 1980s, I became slightly jaded about the number of visiting professors who warned about the imminent demise of the West. The thrust of their arguments was nearly always the same. The secular liberal values we cherish, such as freedom of speech and the separation of church and state, won’t survive in the face of growing, religious disenchantment with modernity unless they’re rooted in something more meaningful than rational individualism. They were talking about Islamic Fundamentalism, obviously, although sometimes they threw in Christian Fundamentalism as well in order not to seem ‘Orientalist’ or ‘ethnocentric’. These political scientists were, without exception, left-of-centre and their critique of garden-variety liberalism was usually accompanied by a call for some version of utopian socialism or – its diffusion brand – ‘communitarianism’. Can it be done? Another problem is that liberal values are too nice.

Al Qaeda group claims credit for attack on hotel in Mali’s capital Al Murabitoon, an al Qaeda group that operates in West Africa, has claimed responsibility for this morning’s suicide assault on a luxury hotel in Bamako, Mali. Al Murabitoon claimed it executed the hotel siege in conjunction with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, al Qaeda’s official branch in North Africa. The al Qaeda group claimed the Bamako attack in a statement that was sent to Al Jazeera. The operation was carried “in coordination with the Sahara Emirate of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb,” it claimed. Al Murabitoon said its fighters would release hostages held at the hotel for “the liberation of the mujahideen in Bamako’s prisons.” Additionally, it demanded that Malian and French forces stop “the oppression of the people of northern Mali.” Today’s attack began when jihadists, purportedly driving a vehicle with diplomatic plates, penetrated the Radisson Blu’s security perimeter and then shot their way into the hotel. Tags: Al Murabitoon, Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, Mali

Brain Pickings | An inventory of the meaningful life. Tunisia: Lo Stato Islamico (IS) rivendica responsabilità per attacco terroristico in Tunisia » Guerre nel Mondo Giovedì, Novembre 26, 2015 Tunisia: Lo Stato Islamico (IS) rivendica responsabilità per attacco terroristico in Tunisia Il corpo di un sospetto attentatore suicida è stato trovato nella scena dell’attacco alle guardie presidenziali della Tunisia e mercoledi il gruppo Stato Islamico ha rivendicato la responsabilità per l’attacco che ha causato la morte di 13 persone. L’attacco di martedi su un bus che trasportava le guardie presidenziali tunisine è stato causato da 10 chilogrammi (22 pounds) di esplosivo militare, ha detto il ministero dell’interno. L’esplosione ha scosso il paese dopo un anno particolarmente violento. La Notizia: … sia-attack/76364640/

Ieva Melgalve: Baltā kāpa Smiltis zem manas ādas izstaro pēdējo dienas karstumu. Ir jau nakts, bet es turpinu ceļu. Šajā tuksnesī nav ne robežu, ne pieturas punktu. Laiks ir eļļaina čūska, kas iznirst no smiltīm. Ilgošanās ir putns, kas nekad neapstājas. *** Viņi bija brīnišķīgi cilvēki, bet pilnīgi bez kauna. *** Sadzērusies aroniju sulu, viņa ielīda pie manis gultā. *** Viņi atstāja man zīmīti. Stāsts tapis šovasar interneta žurnāla "" autoru radošajā nometnē Starptautiskajā Rakstnieku un tulkotāju mājā Ventspilī. Citi autora raksti satori kolekcijā 2015. gada 3. jūnijā, plkst. 6:06 Ieva Melgalve: Supervaroņa komplekss (2) Racionālas vai ētiskas izvēles tiek atstātas vīriešu ziņā, kamēr sievietes seko vīriešu pavēlēm, savām dziņām, intuīcijai un grūti izprotamām shēmām. 2015. gada 2. jūnijā, plkst. 9:06 Ieva Melgalve: Prezidents ir cilvēks Mīlestība pret prezidentu vienmēr ir ar nosacījumiem, tā ir grūti iegūstama un viegli pazaudējama. Piedalies diskusijā Lai komentētu, lūdzu, autorizējieties!

ISIS wants to destroy the 'grey zone'. Here's how we defend it At the end of last year, as politicians and pundits cheered on coalition airstrikes in Syria, I wrote this: “The war on ISIS has already been lost. As regional instability escalates predictably as a direct consequence of the US-UK led non-strategy, ISIS will become stronger, and reactionary terrorist violence against western targets will proliferate – in turn fuelling reactionary and militant responses from western foreign policy establishments.” Less than a year later, 129 people have been confirmed dead, and 352 injured, from terrorist attacks in Paris. ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS) acolytes conducted a sophisticated operation involving three coordinated teams, striking multiple targets simultaneously, demonstrating a considerable degree of training and planning. Yet the airstrikes that began last year had been justified by our leaders precisely on the pretext that they would be necessary to prevent ISIS from striking the west. But the attacks in Paris must not be viewed in isolation.

Eight Books Every Spiritual Seeker Should Read “You want weapons? Go to a library. Books are the best weapons in the world.” ~ Doctor Who We all know about the big spiritual doctrines: The Bible, The Koran, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Tao Te Ching, but there are other books that have the spiritual substance to split your heart wide open and cut your previously held perceptions to shreds with their sacred ruthlessness and transcendent magnanimity. You should in no way be limited by this short selection. 1) Nature and the Human Soul by Bill Plotkin “The caterpillar is to the butterfly as an uninitiated ego is to an initiated one. This book is a spiritual blueprint for the healthy advancement of the human soul. These three stages round out the lower ego-centered stages of human development. Arguably the most critical stage is the fourth: The Wanderer in the Cocoon, where the ego is deconstructed (ego death), and we learn how to stretch comfort zones, break mental paradigms, and pass through existential thresholds. Image sources:

George W. Bush e l'11 settembre Advertising Il discorso alla Nazione Americana dopo l’attacco delle Torri Gemelle e del Pentagono. Alle 7 di sera il presidente George W. Bush, che aveva trascorso la giornata in continui spostamenti per motivi di sicurezza, tornò a Washington e due ore più tardi pronunciò un discorso televisivo dalla Casa Bianca, dichiarando che “Gli attacchi terroristici possono scuotere le fondamenta dei nostri edifici più grandi, ma non possono toccare le fondamenta dell’America. Le ultime e teorie che hanno sostenuto che l’attacco non sia stato portato da terroristi fondamentalisti e sia stato invece il risultato di una cospirazione orchestrata dai servizi segreti americani, di altri paesi occidentali e del Mossad, per giustificare i successivi interventi militari in Medio Oriente. La guerra in Afghanistan (2001-2013, anno del ritiro della maggioranza delle truppe) ha visto la morte di 16.000 uomini tra le forze di sicurezza afgane e 3.486 soldati della coalizione.

A Compendium of Useful Information for the Practical Man/Camping and Hiking The Camp Sheet[edit] From time to time in this department I have mentioned an oiled muslin sheet for the camp outfit. In the first place it should be made with the idea of accommodating itself to the usages of a two man camp, because more often two go together than one alone; or more than two in company, unless it is a regular party camp, which is usually fully equipped. For two men you should buy a piece of sheeting such as is used in making ordinary bed sheets. After you have let the oiled sheet dry until it no longer feels sticky or "tacky" take it down and restretch it where the sun strikes one side one day and the reverse side the next. If you are not using a tent you can spread it out on the ground and make a bed for two men on the end of it; then pull it up and cover the entire bed with the other end, and you will have enough left to make an awning over your head. Make one and use it the next time you go camping, and you will never go without one thereafter. [edit] Tent Pegs[edit]

On ISIS In early June 2014 the world was shocked by news of the fall of Mosul, the third largest city in Iraq, to jihadi militants loyal to something called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. The conquest was rapid—soldiers of the Iraqi army dropped their weapons and fled rather than resist the ISIS advance. It was alarming—the jihadis captured tanks, artillery and other heavy weaponry supplied to the Iraqis by the United States. And it was unmistakably consequential—it sounded a clarion call that the conquerors not only aspired to build the “state” under whose banner they fought but also were executing a plan for doing so. Weeks later a previously little-known preacher named Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed himself head of a caliphate, the Islamic State, and demanded the fealty of Muslims worldwide. ISIS had not come out of nowhere. Despite its prominence in the headlines, the ISIS phenomenon is still somewhat opaque. What is ISIS, and where does it come from?

Pirate Bay Founder: ‘I Have Given Up’ “The internet is shit today. It’s broken. It was probably always broken, but it’s worse than ever.” My conversation with Peter Sunde, one of the founders and spokespersons of The Pirate Bay, did not start out optimistically. Last month we saw Demonii disappear. While it might look like torrenters are are still fighting this battle, Sunde claims that the reality is more definitive: “We have already lost.” Back in 2003 Peter Sunde, together with Fredrik Neij and Gottfrid Svartholm, started The Pirate Bay, a website that would become the biggest and most famous file-sharing website in the world. "Stop treating internet like it's a different thing and start focusing on what you actually want your society to look like." Sunde was incarcerated in 2014 and released a year later. The following interview has been edited for clarity and length. Take the net neutrality law in Europe. Finland actually made internet access a human right a while back. So, how bad is the state of the open internet?
