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Magical Properties of Herbs

Magical Properties of Herbs
Acacia (Acacia Nilotica) Also called gum arabic. Gender: Masculine, Planet: Sun, Element: Air, Deities: Osiris, Astarte, Diana, Ra Protection, Psychic Powers. Burn with sandalwood to open psychic centers. Aconite (Aconitum Napellus) Also called wolfsbane, monkshood, blue rocket *POISON* Don't ingest. Protection, Invisibility. African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha) Gender: Feminine, Planet: Venus, Element: Water Spirituality, Protection. Agaric (Amanita muscaria) aka magic mushroom, redcap, death angel, death cap Gender: Masculine, Planet: Mercury, Element: Air, Deity: Dionysus Fertility. Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) Also called Church steeples, cocklebur, stickwort, sticklewort Gender: Masculine, Planet: Jupiter, Element: Air Protection, Sleep. Alfalfa (Medicavo Sativa) Gender: Feminine, Planet: Venus, Element: Earth Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Money. Allspice (Pimenta officinalis or P. dioica) Masculine, Mars, Fire Money, Luck, Healing. Almond (Prunus dulcis) Masculine. Protection, Luck. Luck. Related:  simo88

Raita - musiikkia vanhoilta äänilevyiltä Linkki tälle sivulle: Raita sisältää tekijänoikeusvapaita kotimaisia äänitteitä. Kansalliskirjaston musiikkikirjasto on digitoinut yli 10 000 kappaletta, jotka kaikki ovat kuunneltavissa kirjaston tiloissa. Raita on osa Vuosisadan äänet –hanketta. Raita innehåller digitaliserade gamla inhemska ljudinspelningar, som kan offentliggöras iakttagande upphovsrätten. Raita är en del av projektet "Seklets toner". Raita is a collection of digitized early Finnish sound recordings.The Music Library of the National Library of Finland has digitized over 10,000 pieces of music that all may be listened to at the premises of the library. - Exhaustive information of Finnish recordings can be found in Viola, the Union Catalogue of Finnish Music;in catalogues of the Finnish Institute of Recorded Sound; andthe Music Library of the National Library of Finland

Plants and Their Magical Uses - Unexplained - IN SEARCH FOR TRUTH - RIN.RU ACACIA -Blessing, raising of vibration, protection via spiritual elevation. AGRIMONY (Cocklebur) -Helps to overcome fear, dispel negative emotions, overcome inner blockages. ALLSPICE -Adds strength to Will, gives determination and perseverance. Gives added vitality, energy. ALMOND -Attracts money. ALOE -Promotes patience, persistence, resolve. AMBER -Mental clarity and focus. AMBERGRIS -Strengthens the effect of anything it's added to or used with. ANISE -Psychic opening, clairvoyance, opens Third Eye. APHRODISIA -Passion, sexuality, romance. APPLE or APPLE BLOSSOM -Promotes peace of mind, contentment, happiness,success in all undertakings. APRICOT -Encourages sexuality and sensual passion. ASOFOETIDA -Protection, banishing negativity. AZALEA -Encourages light spirits, happiness, gaiety. BANANA -Helps to overcome serious blockages or obstacles. BASIL -Promotes sympathy, peace, understanding. BAYBERRY -Good fortune, blessing, money and prosperity. BENZOIN -Use for cleansing and purification.

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Bewitching Ways Magickal Uses of Herbs Herbs Some commonly used magickal herbs can be deadly if ingested. Please research your herbs carefully. Certain herbs are also dangerous, even deadly, for pregnant women to use, touch or inhale. If you are pregnant or trying to conceive, please refer to the list of dangerous herbs list. Always consult a doctor before ingesting herbs if you are taking any medications. It should also be noted that the term "herb" here refers to pretty much any vegetation -- plant, fruit, seed, bark, etc. -- that has a magickal connotation. Herbs should always be blessed before use. When using dried herbs, rub or crush them between your fingers before using to help release their fragrance and energies. Herb by Name Herbs by Use Herbs and Pregnancy Harmful Herbs Glossary For further reading Get a Rune or Tarot reading, dream interpretation or astrological report

Food Timeline: food history & vintage recipes Hermetica Scope[edit] The term particularly applies to the Corpus Hermeticum, Marsilio Ficino's Latin translation in fourteen tracts, of which eight early printed editions appeared before 1500 and a further twenty-two by 1641.[2] This collection, which includes the Pœmandres and some addresses of Hermes to disciples Tat, Ammon and Asclepius, was said to have originated in the school of Ammonius Saccas and to have passed through the keeping of Michael Psellus: it is preserved in fourteenth century manuscripts.[3] The last three tracts in modern editions were translated independently from another manuscript by Ficino's contemporary Lodovico Lazzarelli (1447–1500) and first printed in 1507. Extensive quotes of similar material are found in classical authors such as Joannes Stobaeus. Character and antiquity[edit] The extant Egyptian-Greek texts dwell upon the oneness and goodness of God, urge purification of the soul, and defend pagan religious practices, such as the veneration of images. I. (II.) V.

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