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Elsevier Elsevier B.V. (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɛlzəvir]) is an academic publishing company which publishes medical and scientific literature. It is a part of the Reed Elsevier group. Elsevier publishes 250,000 articles a year in 2,000 journals.[1] Its archives contain seven million publications. In 2010, Elsevier reported a profit margin of 36% on revenues of US$3.2 billion.[3] Elsevier accounts for 28% of the revenues of the Reed Elsevier group (₤1.5b of 5.4 billions in 2006). In December 2013, Elsevier announced that it will set up with University College, London, the UCL Big Data Institute.[6] Elsevier's investment is "substantial" and thought to be more than £10 million. History[edit] Elsevier took its name from the Dutch publishing house Elzevir, which, however, had no connection with the present company. Company figures[edit] Elsevier employs more than 7,000 people in over 70 offices across 24 countries. Elsevier's operating divisions[edit] Science & Technology[edit] Health Sciences[edit]

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Wiley: Home Embase® Database Notice February 19, 2015 at 12:58 pm, by Joan Atkinson We’ve received the following message about Embase: Dear Ovid Customer: Elsevier has recently notified us that Embase® Customers will see a considerably large amount of records in their daily update on or around February 20, 2015. This is due to Elsevier’s correction of approximately 30,000 records that are older than 5 years. Please note, this is not a database reload. If you should have any questions during this time, please contact Ovid Customer Support at Leave a Reply Ибога. Лечение зависимостей ибогаином Что такое Ибога? Tabernanthe iboga. Семейство кутровые Apocynaceae Ибога – кустарник из семейства кутровых, родом из Африки, высота и ширина достигает до 1,5 метра. Ибога имеет сильный корень, в котором содержатся алкалоиды, около 5%. Культ Бвити Бвити – африканский культ, а точнее такая религия. ибога у них используется как для лечения всякого рода болезней, так и в обряде инициации. Зачем употреблять Ибогу Как уже писалось раннее, ибога выводит наружу все наши ошибки прошлого, решивший ее употребить — должен четко осознавать всю ответственность данного действия. Как употреблять Ибогу Ибога работает как «часы», так что и подготовится нужно соответственно четко и грамотно: Держим диету пару недель, это ограничение себя от приема разного рода веществ, так или иначе меняющих наше восприятие. Эффект После приема Ибоги начинается небольшое притупление чувств, слегка заметное, через полчаса все это переходит в легкую эйфорию. Вердикт

SAGE Journals Ei Compendex Ei Compendex is an engineering bibliographic database published by Elsevier. The name "Compendex" stands for COMPuterized ENgineering inDEX.[1] It covers scientific literature pertaining to engineering materials. It started in 1884 under the name Engineering Index (Ei) and its first electronic bulletin was issued in 1967.[2] Elsevier purchased the parent company Engineering Information in 1998.[2] Coverage[edit] Ei Compendex currently contains over 20 million records as of December 2020 [3] and references over 5,000 international sources including journals, conferences and trade publications. See also[edit] List of academic databases and search engines References[edit] External links[edit] Watch The Blacklist: Season 5 Online | Watch Full The Blacklist: Season 5 (2017) Online For Free If you spend a lot of time searching for a decent movie, searching tons of sites that are filled with advertising? We are pleased to inform you that you've come to the right place. The site GonnaWatch is one of the newest, free and best streaming online platform. GonnaWatch develops every day and without interruption becomes better and more convenient for you. A good movie is a perfect time pass as it not only entertains you but also gives you the best exposure on your favorite generic. Huge collection of videos (over 80,000 movies and TV Shows on one site). We don't have any ads on our site to make the website clean and faster and works well for you guys, happy enjoy watching any movies online. Share us with your friends and family and we wish you a pleasant time with GonnaWatch!
