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CX100 Speakerphone - Products - Polycom Unleash the power of team collaboration—no matter how dispersed your team. Eliminate the challenge of distance and facilitate incredibly lifelike and productive collaboration for any size team across any industry. Collaborate anywhere, anytime, with anyone using Polycom video, voice, and content-sharing solutions. One-touch ease; audio and video with crystal-clear quality; enterprise-grade security, reliability and scalability. Every time. Polycom solutions give you the flexibility to meet and collaborate with colleagues, partners, and customers in any environment―immersive theater, conference room, work office, home office, or on-the-go. On an enterprise video network, Polycom solutions deliver the same high-quality collaboration experience as working together on-site in the same conference room.

Outils Froids Dans le cadre du dossier sur la curation que j’ai eu le plaisir de coordonner pour la revue Documentaliste et Sciences de l’information de mars 2012 ( ), j’ai eu l’occasion de réaliser un comparatif de 12 solutions dont je vous propose ci-dessous quelques éléments complémentaires. Vous pouvez aussi télécharger cet article au format PDF sur Slideshare Plutôt que de nous concentrer sur les services dont le positionnement marketing est explicitement celui de la curation, nous avons donc choisi de « brasser large » en choisissant des services qui, à minima et sauf exception répondent à la définition proposée par la Wikipedia : « La curation de contenu (…) est une pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditorialiser et partager les contenus les plus pertinents du Web pour une requête ou un sujet donné ». Les douze solutions sélectionnées • Images • Vidéos

7 étapes pour trier les flux RSS méthodiquement Je suis RSS phage. J’ai plus de 1000 flux RSS dans google reader. Évidemment je n’en lis pas le 100 ième. Toutes les semaines j’en rajoute et j’en élimine. Ces flux ne proviennent pas que des blogs, j’y mets tout ce qui est Rssisable et je trie. Pour une veille techno Il est important de se créer une base de flux RSS pour bloguer et trouver au fur et à mesure du temps, les meilleurs sources qui vous inspirent pour votre blog, que ce soit de la cuisine, de la politique, de l’environnement… Voilà donc comment je procède pour trier un peu tout ça. 1) Je trouve un article d’un site ou d’un blog qui m’intéresse, généralement via google alert, delicious ou blogsearch ou via un Blog. 2) Je m’abonne au flux du blog d’où provient l’article qui m’intéresse, je le mets dans la catégorie AAAnouveau 3) J’observe le flux quelques jours. il passe en catégorie AAA si je l’apprécie, il passe en catégorie BBB s’il est jeté (rarement éliminé quand même)

» The problem for Google Docs is still about data privacy and offline mode :Laurent Maumet 9 months ago I wrote a post to explain that the 2 big challenges for Google to deploy widely google apps in companies was about data privacy and offline mode. Where are we today ? For offline mode, the situation is worse than before as google has desactivated it…. For data privacy, the problem is still there and a news today shows that it’s real and that google absolutly need to find a solution : a google engineer has been fired for accessing user data. The reaction of Google was of course to fire the guy, which seems normal, but this obviously raise questions to all users, CIOs that will think twice before giving all their datas to Google. » Some very cool iphone Applications :Laurent Maumet I’m very impressed by the very cool applications that exist for iphone. To find new applications, I use appsfire , a very cool service, where you can browse throw most installed apps, or throw VIP prefered applications. If you have an iphone, you must try it ! Using appsfire, I’ve found for example : remote : This application is simply magic. you install it on the iphoneyou launch itunes on your pc (or mac), and enter the code provided on the iphone in itunes And then … the iphone become a remote that control itunes on the PC. shazam : You hear a music that you like, you just click on shazam, and click “tag”.

Seesmic 1 – Tweetdeck 0 : Why quality is always important Tweetdeck and Seesmic are struggling to be number 1 twitter application. Yesterday was important in this match. While seemic made a big buzz implementing twitter lists, in Web version, tweetdeck failed to released a new new version for Iphone : because of a bug that made the application crash for some users, they had to rollback, and now are waiting for apple to approve the new version. Few thought about this : 1 – Quality is FIRST. You can go fast but if quality is not there, you’ll not win 2 – When you’re fast with good quality, no need to tease a lot. 3 – The apple process with a quality check and an approval has big impact on startups release strategy : while on web or private applications you can release as soon as possible, on Iphone, you do not manage the schedule… Of course the match is not over, but today, seesmic scored some points…
