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CrunchBase, The Free Tech Company Database

BetaGroup - Web Entrepreneurship in Belgium , Internet Startups, Belgique , Belgie Anbefalte programmer til Android - Forum - Amobil Skrevet 16. juni 2009 - 07:45 Etter ca. en ukes bruk av HTC Magic mener jeg følgende programmer er essensielle (merk at jeg bare har brukt mobilen i en uke, så dette kan endre seg). Advanced Task Manager LiteOppgavebehandler for Android mobiler.Vurdering: Uvurderlig for å håndtere programmer og tjenester på Android.Pris: GratisURL: Cyrket: Advanced Task Manager Lite | AndroidStats: rankingBilde: Bilde | Barcode aFile LiteFilutforsker for Android som også kan kjøre en web-server som enkelt gjør den interne filstrukturen på telefonen tilgjengelig på lokalnettverket via en web-side.Vurdering: Kjempefin for å bla igjennom filsystemet på mobilen fra PC'en. AudioManager WidgetNivåkontroll av alle lyder.Vurdering: Perfekt widget for enkel tilgang til justering av alle lydnivåer.Pris: GratisURL: Cyrket: AudioManager Widget | AndroidStats: rankingBilde: Bilde 1 | Bilde 2 | Barcode aTrackDogFull kontroll over installerte programmer. NetCounter"Teller" for nettverkstrafikk.

Blog Juice Here's a toolbar bookmarklet that looks for a MyBlogLog identifier on the page you're on, and uses the MyBlogLog API to dig out information about its reader roll: You can try it here, or drag it to your bookmarks toolbar and run it anywhere else on the Web. (On IE, right-click, add to favorites, say Yes to continue past scary warning, and choose Links. Things to Do and Notice Each reader comes up in a toggle-able list item. Rolling Our Own API with Pipes Astute readers will immediately recognize that some of the services we're querying don't actually have APIs, and those that do have vastly differing endpoints. Each takes an S parameter, the user id, and an optional N parameter, the number of items you want back from each endpoint, which defaults to 3. If there's a thumbnail in the API, it shows up in the n object. Filtering URLs in Tweets To filter API output tx, we double down on our regular expressions. Caveats and Gotchas Directions for Future Development Thank You:

DataFox | Prospect Sales Leads with Account-Based Triggers Google Shortcuts: Calculator Want to add up a list of numbers, convert from miles to kilometers, or evaluate some other mathematical expression? Instead of using a piece of paper, your calculator, or a computer math software program, you can now solve mathematical problems with Google’s built-in calculator function. Simply enter the expression you’d like evaluated in Google’s web search box and click the ENTER key or click the Google Search button. The Google Guide Calculator Reference provides a nice summary of some of Google’s calculator features. Once you have a result, you can use your browser’s Copy feature (usually on its Edit menu) to copy the result. The calculator can evaluate mathematical expressions involving Basic Arithmetic, Advanced Math, Units of Measure and Conversions, and Physical Constants. 1. Compute expressions containing standard mathematical symbols. Note: To do multiplication, you must include the * symbol; [ 3 * 4 ] will be calculated, 3 4 won’t. 2. 3. Here are calculations that involve units.

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TechCrunch HOTORNOTGOSSIP.COM | THE AUTHORITY ON WHAT'S HOT OR NOT IN® - The Newsroom Home Page Social Network Analysis and its impact on your company’s bottom line. - Bay Area Business Executives Meetup Group (Los Altos, CA Your company is growing, expanding into different geographies; has lots of employees in many regions, distributed locations… – do you know if all these people communicate? What is the cost of them not communicating? You just hired a new employee. “Falling communications costs, globalization, and the increasing specialization of knowledge-based work have made collaboration within and among organizations more important than ever McKinsey Quarterly Here is just one of many examples that demonstrates business impact of Social Network Analysis: Halliburton: By sharing best practices among regions, especially some emerging insight from the Gulf of Mexico, the business unit increased revenues 22 percent while simultaneously lowering the “cost of poor quality” metric by 66 percent. There are numbers of tools available that help companies to visualize and analyze their social networks. As usual, gourmet dinner and wine are included. $20 in advance; $30 at the door.

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National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health

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